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Arma 3 STABLE Server 2.18 "profiling / performance binary" feedback

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1.62.137545 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v2, server and client, windows/linux

* fixes for the #monitords (no more logging to both rpt and console log, just console)

1.62.137563 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v3, server and client, windows/linux

* fixes for disconnectTimeout logging (thus in sync with v1 logging for the maxping/maxpacketloss/maxdesync)



available via STEAMklient/STEAMcmd as branch too, read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server

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To use these, we simply change the .exe name to arma3.exe, right?


Also, will Headless Clients be getting updates too?

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To use these, we simply change the .exe name to arma3.exe, right?


Also, will Headless Clients be getting updates too?


Rename original exe just as backup, and rename the pref one to arma3server.exe


The Pref has headless client localization fixes, please pm Dwarden if you see any issues with latest pref. and hc issues

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Using 162perf3 with these lines in server.cfg

maxPing = 350;
maxPacketLoss = 60;
maxDesync = 5000;

and getting alot of player kicked off...

20:01:32 Kicking player name='[Sgt]. Icon' [...]. Desync too high (100000/ 5000 )
20:01:32 Kicking player name='[UNK] Hass' [...]. Desync too high (51243/ 5000 )
20:01:32 Kicking player name='DeMarco' [...]. Desync too high (8432/ 5000 )
20:01:32 Kicking player name='Frank Skittles' [...]. Desync too high (7676/ 5000 )
20:01:32 Kicking player name='Allahu Akbarbie' [...]. Desync too high (9081/ 5000 )
20:01:32 Kicking player name='Kirby' [...]. Desync too high (7892/ 5000 )
...much more than just that actually

It is happening cuz my settings are too low? Or it is not working great yet?

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Using 162perf3 with these lines in server.cfg

maxPing = 350;
maxPacketLoss = 60;
maxDesync = 5000;

Where is the documentation for the new server.cfg stuff's. Wiki's hasnt been updated.. seems like there is a whole host of new stuff with No documentation on how to use it.?!?! Herlp

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@lordprimate documentation is here


@biabock I suggest you use higher value for maxdesync or not use it at all (it's experimental after all)

also use kickClientsOnSlowNetwork=0; // this way it's logging entry only ...

I will try get changed of it into array of booleans e.g. kickClientsOnSlowNetwork[]={maxping,maxpacketloss,maxdesync,disconnecttimeout}; //this is idea, not reality, yet

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Still experiencing the same 5 FPS issue..

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Still experiencing the same 5 FPS issue..

Well about the choppers. I had very strange issue on v2 (or v3 i think, they downloaded very fast) I was flying MI-24 from RHS and PFs started to be like yours. Know what helped? Rotating camer ~5 degree. Only when i was looking on default camera position from third person view my FPS was terrible, little change of camera angle and wuala! It never happen before.

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... ok, i've some 'steps' for you to help us trace it, when you get those low fps, then do :

either use profiling exe from my download urls or

Switch to Arma 3 "profiling branch" ( https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches )

Go into "Arma 3" directory in steam and rename "arma3profiling.exe" to "arma3.exe" (launcher and battleye are expecting that).

Launch game and start playing.

Press together LSHIFT + "NUM MINUS" and release them. (help can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Cheats )

Then just type "frame".

If successful dialog should appear.

Select "COPY ALL" (third button at the bottom row).

Data should be copied to clip board so paste them (CTRL+V) anywhere you want.

... either put it into pastebin/pastie and send me url or upload as txt to dropbox and send me url

(ofc the trace must be from moment it has the low fps ideally accompanied with another one while fps was normal)

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The "frame" team doesn't create dialogue. Occurs nothing. Writing of the "frame" team - happens to performance of actions in game, to destination keys.

Other commands from /ArmA:_Cheats - are executed

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I have almost the same issue, but on tanoa it's simply impossible to play the game: after only 2-3 minutes of gameplay, fps drop to 3-4 and I experience LOD problems, as the others. I tried the latest prof .exe, but I'm sorry to say that on my pc I don't see improvements. Hope you fix this soon, guys. It started with 1.56 and since 1.58 and 1.60 it's even worse.

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I have feeling that Seam profiling branch .exe is different from profiling 162_137563_v3 included in dropbox.

I had the same LOD and 2-5 fps problem with binary downloaded via steam (betas tab - perfromance profiling build). I also did not have aforementioned "frame" ability from cheat menu (Shift +(NUM -).

Now i installed exe manually by downloading from dropbox and renaming it to arma3.exe. Had 1.5 hr session without lags and freezes, "frame" option worked well.

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how often are these updates?

once per 4-6 weeks (stable), Development branch - daily.

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I have almost the same issue, but on tanoa it's simply impossible to play the game: after only 2-3 minutes of gameplay, fps drop to 3-4 and I experience LOD problems, as the others. I tried the latest prof .exe, but I'm sorry to say that on my pc I don't see improvements. Hope you fix this soon, guys. It started with 1.56 and since 1.58 and 1.60 it's even worse.


Have you tried turning off scripts.txt battleye filter on the server? I've seen this with arma 2 a few times since April, when removing most of the contents of the scripts filter in battleye fixes it usually, but not a good idea. I talked with Bastian last time it happened and it was fixed with an update towards the end of April, but came back again in June. You'll usually see a bunch of memory errors in the client rpt if it's the same problem, and the arma client will be leaking memory. Could be something completely different though.

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1.62.137674 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v5, server and client, windows/linux

+ new Format of kickPlayersOnSlowNetwork for dedicated-server server.cfg: kickClientsOnSlowNetwork[] = { <MaxPing>, <MaxPacketLoss>, <MaxDesync>, <DisconnectTimeout> }; //default 1 for each
+ crash Fix (with ObjectList)
+ added Logging to track : some CTDs , network inconsistencies , other issues
+ added diag_ActiveScripts script-command returning an array of running scripts
+ optimized AI visibility check (AI agent will not do raycast test to other friendly AI agent)
+ Script context properly freed all the time
+ Physx code cleanup of unused code
+ resolved Issues with missions in SQM format being unplayable
+ resolved Clunky parachute landing (removed 2s delay)
+ resolved Ragdoll issues vs when unit gets into transport
+ resolved Init.sqf is no longer executed on JIP clients when server / game is already in debriefing or game abort state
+ resolved When an MP collection mission fails, the game will no longer advance to a next mission
+ resolved AI in vehicle, loaded in empty vehicle will not process unload command
+ resolved AI receiving damage from opening parachute
+ resolved Get in command - only one unit will get in
+ resolved Tactical pace is now slowed down in shallow water
+ resolved Fix countermeasures for Car vehicles
+ resolved Countermeasures reenabled for Ship class
+ resolved Vehicles with disabled simulation do not provide actions
+ resolved Log spam when subgroup NetworkId was already created during init


available via STEAMklient/STEAMcmd as branch too, read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server

also remember there is semi-official Discord server for feedback/discussions:

Arma 3 chat https://discord.gg/0aWSevYPq5TDcIVl

p.s. the maxDesync is better just for logging so avoid kicking unless you 100% sure it's ok on your server

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Thx for the new binary.


I don't know if custom missions (AhoyWorld Invade & Annex) count as feedback, but with new performance binary I don't have the action menu at the NPC that has arsenal, view distance etc., and on a Ammobox that has the same options I don't get the menu either.


Or could this be caused by the fact that the server isn't running the server binary and so it's somehow incompatible if the client uses it and the server don't?

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Hello, V5 was cause Altis Life 4,4 r3 all NPCs and objects both not working on "addactions".

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Played again tonight with the new updated Profile version.


I don't know if this Trace command worked, like others have said, there were no options after pressing: LeftShift + NumPad Minus + "frame".  So I pasted what was in the clipboard regardless.


WordPad file link

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@kridian is that when fps go under 5?

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Thx for the new binary.


I don't know if custom missions (AhoyWorld Invade & Annex) count as feedback, but with new performance binary I don't have the action menu at the NPC that has arsenal, view distance etc., and on a Ammobox that has the same options I don't get the menu either.


Or could this be caused by the fact that the server isn't running the server binary and so it's somehow incompatible if the client uses it and the server don't?

I would test it on server where both server and client has the latest performance just to be sure,

but from first glimpse there should be nothing what could break addactions

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I would test it on server where both server and client has the latest performance just to be sure,

but from first glimpse there should be nothing what could break addactions

I have the same issue all player actions work but addaction on objects do not show up could be related to

+ resolved Vehicles with disabled simulation do not provide actions

Dose that change log entry mean that objects with sim disabled wont show actions or objects with sim disabled will show as the latter has always been the case for me

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yep, that's it, such objects needs to be re-enabled to get theirs interactivity active

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yep, that's it, such objects needs to be re-enabled to get theirs interactivity active

Any chance of having a option to turn on/off this behavior for backwards compatibility as all my systems are optimized with sim disabled but before i could still get actions to show

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atm. I fear not,

the decision was made as it turned out that actions into / with disabled simulation on entities/objects/vehicles/holders was causing unforeseen consequences

especially in relation to cargo, crew and such ...

anyway we will revert to try find better solution, so v6 soon

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