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Very nice, had you considered creating these so they could be ZEUS'd in ? Or alternatively ALiVE compatible ?

Sorry don't know what that means. The compositions are just a bunch of objects which are spawned using a BIS function. Basicly it will be compatible to everything.


Here's one out of many compositions:


Of course I will include them in GLT Mod in one of the next release. But as they consist of Arma 3 and ported Arma 2 I can donate the final work to the CUP team as well.

Edited by [GLT] Legislator

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Will the pistols have recoil animation with muzzle flip like the Vanilla arma 3 ones? or the pistols from Robert Hammer ?

I am not quite sure what you mean. If you mean that exaggerated blowback were the pistol rotates upwards while your hands are perfectly level, no it doesn't do that.

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What I mean is that you could configure them so that a Zeus could use them in a mission ? i.e. on the fly ? They have other camps and bases they can deploy, but not as good as those :-)

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Alwarren, when you are using a high tanned wrist lock with thumbs forward that's pretty much what happens,due to the better pivot point

---------- Post added at 00:05 ---------- Previous post was at 00:01 ----------

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***a disturbance in the force has been detected***

very soon ... :o

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The force is strong with this one.... Can't wait....

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Yeah me too. I'm currently working GLT Mod 1.24 and GLT Mod Extended 1.00, but once those versions are out, the files are ready for donation. However I won't be porting CDF vehicles as I don't have the time and the ability to do that.

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Speaking of which, here is a preliminary (!) class list of the CUP weapons pack. Subject to change, so don't take any of it for granted :)

Very cool. The separation of weapons and attachments will make for more possible "variants" than were even in Arma 2. This project seems to be ticking all my boxes for properly ported A2 content.

How bad was it to separate all the attachments from the guns? Did you need to do a lot of reconstruction on the parts that might have been missing?

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Very cool. The separation of weapons and attachments will make for more possible "variants" than were even in Arma 2. This project seems to be ticking all my boxes for properly ported A2 content.

Hehe yeah, how about an AKM with a Kobra sight?

How bad was it to separate all the attachments from the guns? Did you need to do a lot of reconstruction on the parts that might have been missing?

Not that bad. Most of the missing parts were pretty easy to replace or remodel. The biggest issue (one that I am having again now with the straps on the backpacks) is to find a place on the texture were to put them.

For example, for the SMAW I wanted a removable scope, so I had to split up the thing and add a rail to it, but a rail was never part of the texture in the first place, so I had to improvise.

One big challenge still to be tackled is making new handanims for a big part of the guns; so far I only made new ones for the AK's. Then there is the issue with reload anims (most use the voodoo magic reload anim because none of them would fit anyway), the 3D scopes, and other small odds and ends... But the guns are fully usable, so there is no reason to not release what we have (which is going to be very soon)

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So this project is to port mods and contents from Arma 2 versions and bring it up to arma 3 quality without having the other arma 2 games installed like "all in arma"?

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So this project is to port mods and contents from Arma 2 versions and bring it up to arma 3 quality without having the other arma 2 games installed like "all in arma"?

Yes, and beyond that, we're making the assets available for everyone to use and build upon.

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So this project is to port mods and contents from Arma 2 versions and bring it up to arma 3 quality without having the other arma 2 games installed like "all in arma"?

Mainly officially released Arma 2 content. Mods might come later.

The definitive goal is to bring the Arma 2 models to Arma 3 standards, meaning, attachments, physx, hands on wheels/guns etc. And it will be a mod that does not require Arma 2 to be installed.

Also, as Alwarren said, we are putting all source files into a public repository so everyone can look at them, modify them, and contribute to the project. Basically, it's what in the programming world is called "Open Source".

To this end, here's a call for contributors:

Miller might want you to vote, but:

Sgt. Adams wants you to join the Community Upgrade Project!

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How many animations would need to be done for all the guns? I can imagine a lot of weapons could use the same animation.

I don't really know many people who know how to animate in arma, but it might be worth it to try and ask Toadie if he can lend some animations or just use some of the ones he has already done.

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How many animations would need to be done for all the guns? I can imagine a lot of weapons could use the same animation.

I don't really know many people who know how to animate in arma, but it might be worth it to try and ask Toadie if he can lend some animations or just use some of the ones he has already done.

Well there is a total of 72 PBO'S for weapon families. Most weapons inside a PBO would probably be very similar, like all AK's can probably share anims. Some of them, like the G36, have a bit of variety (G36 vs. MG36).

I would guess we'll need around 100 anims. The purely technical term for that is one shitload :)

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With RHS Escalation bringing so many of the Arma 2 units / vehicles to Arma 3 at a very high level of quality, will CUP integrate well with that mod? For example it would be great if the armour system in CUP would be consistent with the one introduced in Escalation.

I know the two projects are large and complex and probably won't be totally compatible/consistent, but it would be a shame if users are forced to choose one or the other when they could potentially complement each other very nicely.

Thanks for the continued hard work anyway.

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I think a mag/scope compatiblity patch would be cool...

Rhs uses ASDG (or at least will use it properly, once they fix their shit)

A CUP/RHS compat "patch" mod would be a good idea I think.

Maybe even RHS decals on CUP vehicles or something... but that is probably too difficult.

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Hey everyone,

I'd like to pitch in my work in here, it's mostly config for turrets weapons and HMDs. My work on the US helos is kinda stuck ATM cause of my lack of modeling knowledge. Because of that i think I've hit a wall and can't go through it (don't have too much time to spare, between all the other mods and RL stuff). So I'll start getting myself informed about this project and see if i can chip in.


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@ geraldbolso1899

Your offer is very much appreciated! :bounce3:

Varanon should contacted you next week.

To get some guidance and learn more, you should come by our Skype group chat. :)

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kju, you are free to port my mission :) And else one thing.... please, clear your PM Inbox :D

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Thanks a lot! :bounce3:

PM count back to 0 now - sorry for that :o

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Is CUP gonna have the backpacks from a2?

I remember using backpacks in a3 from all in arma and they seemed pretty functonal, at least they appeared on the guys back, so I figure its not horrible to do right?

Anyway I was thinking, if your doing backpacks, maybe you could ask permission from the author of whoever made all those ACR backpack retextures for ACE to use those in CUP.

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I can only speak for the ChDkz backpacks. I will donate 2 backpack models to CUP, but at the end of the day they were never meant to be used separately from the character model in the first place. This means you might be able to use the A3 backpacks on A2 units and A2 backpacks on A3 units but they will look ugly on them. However if you stick to the original plan of BIS and use the A2 backpacks on A2 units only they look quite fine. So I'm not really sure it's worth the trouble to port them all over.

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