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Advanced Combat Sound Environment (A3) WiP Thread

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Yeah because the situation described in my latest update didn't change with the exception that now I have a few days of break. ACSE is not dead, but I see no reason posting "i'm still working on it" or "it's coming" regularly just to keep people from asking about it.

My only concern at the moment is that my sounds sound weak when you have "Volume Leveller" enabled in Dolby Home Theater. (Not that I'm using it, but I'd like make sure that everyone could achieve more or less the same experience/feeling with ACSE.)

I wouldn't waste time on that. There's not much you can likely do and I don't know many people (especially those who'd use such a mod as yours) ever use that sort of feature anyway. It's essentially doing what it's supposed to be doing, so trying to counteract that is kind of pointless. If someone has that enabled, I'd say they probably want it enabled.

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hey steph thanks. Yeah, I've been trying to make time. :)

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Please tell me this isn't dead??

Probably is. Have you seen video of JSRS:DragonFyre? Honestly, that is probably better than this at the moment.

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Probably is. Have you seen video of JSRS:DragonFyre? Honestly, that is probably better than this at the moment.
the gunsounds in the video of the first page are the best I heard so far....only one opinion more..:)

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What happened to this? @tPm please tell me you haven't quit with this, i have been this year with so much hype for this!

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Would love to know if the author is still working on this. If not, any plans to release source material for others to continue the work?

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Please, do not abandon this project. This is the most realistic audio MOD in ARMA 3. :(

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Seriously let the guy be and don't bump old threads that haven't updated for ages.

And how exactly is this the most realistic audio mod for Arma ? Sometimes I wonder about people and their thinking.

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ΙΜΟ mod threads that have been inactive for months should close down and if the creator wants to update and only then the thread should be re-opened.

Simple as that to keep away people bumping old threads without any actual meaning.

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I just know that if i were modder and i was doing such an awesome mod with so much people following it, i would say something, if by any reason, i hold/stop the development. But for tastes colours, it's just a matter of education...

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Please, do not abandon this project. This is the most realistic audio MOD in ARMA 3. :(


For those who think: But it isn´t released:eek: I have to give a hint: da vvvvvvideo in the fffffirst posting...yes, its ingame sound.....not only "a video"...:j:

Very sad this mod seems to be dead...

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ΙΜΟ mod threads that have been inactive for months should close down and if the creator wants to update and only then the thread should be re-opened.

Simple as that to keep away people bumping old threads without any actual meaning.

Sometimes it can be productive to bump an old thread - that's why I asked if the author could release source material for others to continue the work (maybe he's too busy with work/education/family life, and forgot about the mod?). The response from others might also inspire/encourage the author to continue his work.

I'd understand if someone was asking for an update every 5 minutes or every few days (that's when bumping a thread becomes a nuisance), but this is not the case.

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I think he might have been hired to develop audio for Marksmen DLC. Anyone else?

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I think he might have been hired to develop audio for Marksmen DLC. Anyone else?

Nah, i doubt it. Else wise, we would have better Impact Sounds on Dev Branch already. He'll return when it's time. This is the Audio age in Arma's history, and EVERYTHING, is about to change. So it's best to wait, and i reckon that's exactly what he's doing, catching up on life while the Audio finishes going through it's overhaul.

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Isn't ACE making their own sound mod? ACE 2 had it's own sound overhaul mod too, if I remember right. The default sounds are still terrible (more so the lack of realistic sound features, such as sound reverb and reflections), especially the explosions which sound like imploding lasers. But, I think if ACE 3 does include a sound overhaul, that it should be optional and probably one of the last major things to focus on.
As it stands now - no. I'm still working on ACSE, but don't think we can pull off a joint release. What I could (hopefully) do is to include impacts, explosions and other projectile related stuff as "ACE SM 2.5" if there is need for it... :o

From the ACE3 thread

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From the ACE3 thread

Thanks for letting us know. :)

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