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ALiVE - Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment

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Thanks Gunny!!!! I knewwwww there had to be something. Going to take a look now. thank you thank you thank you. :) :cheers:

Just looked into it. I tried to find groups in this definition ALIVE_spawnProfileGroup. You probably know this did not work. lol What I think will help out in my quest. If I can find the variable that stores all the cached groups. It may look something like this for my refresh script:

_ALL_Groups_at_Start = _this select 0;
_check_groups = true;
_CAPGroups = [];
while {_check_groups} do 
{ //sleep 7;/// replace sleep with timeRespawndelay + timeRespawndelay
if (count _CAPGroups >= 1) then {_CAPGroups = _CAPGroups - _CAPGroups;};
{private "_group"; _group = group _x; if !(_group in _CAPGroups) then {_CAPGroups set [count _CAPGroups,_group];};} forEach allUnits;
if(!isNil "ALIVE_profileSystemInit") then {_CAPGroups = _CAPGroups - ALIVE_CACHED_GROUPS};
_all_Groups_at_present = count _CAPGroups;
sleep 7;
//hint format ["present %1 / at start %2",_all_Groups_at_present,_ALL_Groups_at_Start];
if (_ALL_Groups_at_Start != _all_Groups_at_present) then {_check_groups = false;call CA_Order;};

I most likely will have to add a code to remove the cached groups from AISS2 so they will refresh upon a respawn from being cached.

Edited by Mikey74

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Mikey - you want to look for ALiVE Profile Count (which I think is on the snippets page of the wiki - can't check at work). ALiVE profiles groups rather than caching them (traditional unit caching retains the group leader whereas ALiVE profiling creates a purely virtual entity).

Edit: think I can see what you're trying to do. Might be easier to join our Skype channel and talk it over there.

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Can I get a quick rundown on how to use the Admin Actions module. No idea how to even bring this thing up and there's nothing in the wiki.

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Can I get a quick rundown on how to use the Admin Actions module. No idea how to even bring this thing up and there's nothing in the wiki.

press your applications key besides the right windows key

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Not fully sure I understand what you want to achieve. Or I am but you seem to be over complicating it. I think? Anyway, OPCOM already captures objectives and assigns forces to guard them. The enemy of course may attempt to recapture them if the objectives are in their TAOR.

If you want to create an enemy Occupation force that doesn't counter attack once they've been pushed out, you could try placing a Mil Placement module with a TAOR covering that area (and/or CQB) but don't give them an OPCOM. Then put down a second Mil Placement for your BLUFOR troops with an OPCOM on Invasion mode. You can experiment with different uses of MP/MCP either creating objectives only or spawning units, synced to OPCOM in different modes to get a range of effects (or not synced at all). It's all very flexible!

What I'm trying to do is create dynamic objectives for a Blu vs Opf mission. After an objective has been captured (say, by Blufor), it will then be added to the Blufor TAOR and spawn Blufor equipment/gear/AI. If Opfor fights their way in and reclaims it, then it would switch back to Opfor and spawn Opfor equip/gear/AI, etc. Sort of a King of the Hill type scenario, I suppose. I'll do some more brainstorming and see if there's a better way I can accomplish this, but it looks like at the moment the best way is to create 2 TAORs on the same location, and have them spawn/despawn onto the map via triggers. That SHOULD accomplish the desired affect, assuming the Mil/Civ Placement Modules recheck for new objectives. If not, I might have to set it up so that both a new Mil/Civ Placement AND TAOR spawn on a trigger, and despawn the old ones.

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Hey guys, one small thing

It's taking much longer to load a mission with alive in a dedicated server compared to how long it takes on my own machine. Can this be remedied somehow? Otherwise everything's working great

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk

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What I'm trying to do is create dynamic objectives for a Blu vs Opf mission.

As above - ALiVE basically already does this. OPCOM flags an objective as captured (or not) by the dominant faction. You could simply trigger a script to fire on that variable (e.g. Objective Captured by Faction[xx] = true) that spawns objects/vehicles/statics of the same faction. I'm not sure exactly what the variable is but Highhead could help you there.

GDent - have you checked the rpt file from your dedi box for errors and/or compared it against your local machine? Without knowing the details of your dedi setup there's no way we can really help diagnose the problem.

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I've noticed something: If you sync two MP-modules with one OPCOM-module, you can't add the HQ-objective option to both. I was trying to create a mission with several larger 'HQs' at strategic important locations, but with the HQ-option enabled, one of the MP-modules couldn't find any locations within it's TAOR (although there've been plenty). That's something that could be looked into.

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I've noticed something: If you sync two MP-modules with one OPCOM-module, you can't add the HQ-objective option to both. I was trying to create a mission with several larger 'HQs' at strategic important locations, but with the HQ-option enabled, one of the MP-modules couldn't find any locations within it's TAOR (although there've been plenty). That's something that could be looked into.

Hey Pergor!

ATM OPCOM only defines one HQ, but I agree that having several would come in handy! Would you mind putting it as a feature request / bug (doesnt matter) on our tracker? We can't promise any timeline, but we will look into!

Thanks comrade!

PS: Voted your ticket ;)

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press your applications key besides the right windows key

What about people don't have right windows key and application key?? I even bind them in useraction key 20 by 'Right ctrl' and 'P' but didn't work in ALIVE sample mission =_=;

Ofcouser i restart the game :(

Edited by kgino1045

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User Interaction keys do not appear to work very well with modifiers (CTRL, SHIFT or ALT). Try binding Custom 20 to a single key only, restart the game and see if you have better luck.

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User Interaction keys do not appear to work very well with modifiers (CTRL, SHIFT or ALT). Try binding Custom 20 to a single key only, restart the game and see if you have better luck.

Yes that custom key 20 i bind it only p right now but didn't work

i play Alive Insurgency. and Ofcouser i did register at ALiVE :(

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Yes that custom key 20 i bind it only p right now but didn't work

i play Alive Insurgency. and Ofcouser i did register at ALiVE :(

Disregard, havent seen your post before!

So you restarted it and it didnt work, interesting! I have just tried it to be sure and it worked fine, so could it be some addon interferring, maybe some addon that also binds user key 20 statically and not dynamic as we do?

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Hey Mate!

Did you restart A3 completely after binding the custom key? Please do so, incase you havent!

Thanks mate!

I did all things that ALiVE wiki said! Ofcourse i restart my game and even my computer but nothing happen. i even reinstall it but no it didn't work. ALiVE addon is applied properly and i can even see the ALiVE module in Editor and even i can place them.

I assume this things happen because the standard English Keyboard and Asian keyboard setting is different. but don't know what should i do whit this

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Try running ALiVE on its own with no other mods, and try a different key as well to see if that works?

As HH said above, it may be a conflict with another mod you're running - we can't reproduce your problem on our side.

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Try running ALiVE on its own with no other mods, and try a different key as well to see if that works?

As HH said above, it may be a conflict with another mod you're running - we can't reproduce your problem on our side.

I'll let you know if this happened because of certain Addons.

But it's strange because the member, one of my ppl can access but only he can do.

and we all have same addons file since i made the pack

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You might try the free application AppLocale (Microsoft app, get it here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13209) which will allow you to force start Arma 3 with US localization, or conversely force start it with your correct localization (it may default to US locale, since it's a Steam thing). This may cause it to interpret your keyboard correctly. Alternatively you could try messing around with the Windows keyboard localization settings to see if you can change your keyboard to emulate US keyboards. Not really sure on this.

@Friznit: The objectives changing sides are more for player benefit and scoring than for ALiVE's sake; I understand what the mod will do, I'm asking how to get it to physically reassign a TAOR from one faction to another mid-game, OR to disable/despawn an existing TAOR and spawn a new one at the same location that's associated with the opposite faction. Can this be done?

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anyone else getting real low server FPS while having the CQB module on 30% - low and max 50 profiles? its like the moment they spawn the fps shoots down.

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Hey Pergor!

ATM OPCOM only defines one HQ, but I agree that having several would come in handy! Would you mind putting it as a feature request / bug (doesnt matter) on our tracker? We can't promise any timeline, but we will look into!

Thanks comrade!

PS: Voted your ticket ;)

The feedback-tracker seems to have some sort of OCSP-certificate issue and can't be reached (at least not with my firefox) - if you'd pitch in and state my plea, that'd be quicker, I suppose...

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Can this be done?

No it's not possible and wouldn't have any effect on ALiVE anyway - MP/MCP objective locations and AI Spawn points are all defined and fixed pre-mission start (using the markers to white list/black list areas). Once the game is running, OPCOM starts working its way through the list of available objectives given to it by the synced MP module. MP/MCP does not spawn any more units nor add any more objectives, so moving or changing TAOR markers will have no effect. The only thing changing is OPCOM flagging that Objective as captured or not captured.

If you want two factions to fight backwards and forwards over an objective King of the Hill style, a simple way is to put a single shared TAOR marker down, an MP module at either end and both OPCOMs on Invasion mode. Alternatively, you could create more traditional spawn zones (MP+OPCOM in TAOR BLUE and same for RED) then a third marker covering just the objective(s) you want them to fight over (MP on Objectives Only, sync to both OPCOMs, or even call a custom objective during runtime using a location gamelogic). You can add a Mil Logistics module so OPCOMs gets fresh units to keep the fight going.

---------- Post added at 16:18 ---------- Previous post was at 16:12 ----------

anyone else getting real low server FPS while having the CQB module on 30% - low and max 50 profiles? its like the moment they spawn the fps shoots down.

CQB can be a bit of a resource hog on dense towns with lots of spawn points (e.g. Kavala). 30% of possible spawn points is pretty high for CQB, depending on which town you're in and what the spawn range is set to, especially if you have 50 MP profiles on top of that that are spawning nearby too. A dense town on Altis could be spawning a huge amount of AI within 700m of the player. Try running with debug on to see what's happening and tweak it to suit your server (or run up a Headless Client too!)

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don't need to sync CQB or profile system. If you have the CQB module properly setup (maybe try turning on debug to check for X's indicating units spawned in the building) it should spawn enemies in the buildings that are identified as CQB compatible. I have ALIVE missions for pretty much every supported map (I turned into a mission making ALIVE junkie) and the CQB module definitely works on Takistan (not so much on chernarus because there aren't a lot of enterable buildings)

They just won't spawn in buildings and I don't know why. Could you give me a mission which works on Takistan. Maybe I can learn something!? ;P

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They just won't spawn in buildings and I don't know why. Could you give me a mission which works on Takistan. Maybe I can learn something!? ;P

In my experience with mission making on Takistan - certain areas I cannot get ALiVE to populate with enemy and no CQB functionality. The areas are just south of Rasman and Bastam regions.....that being said, I do have ALiVE working well in most if not all other areas on Takistan.

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CQB can be a bit of a resource hog on dense towns with lots of spawn points (e.g. Kavala). 30% of possible spawn points is pretty high for CQB, depending on which town you're in and what the spawn range is set to, especially if you have 50 MP profiles on top of that that are spawning nearby too. A dense town on Altis could be spawning a huge amount of AI within 700m of the player. Try running with debug on to see what's happening and tweak it to suit your server (or run up a Headless Client too!)

-even with 10% and low, it still causes quite some lagg and halfs the server fps.

-do you mean that the max amount of active profiles defined doesn't include CQB spawned units?

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^ correct max active profiles is for groups spawned by MP/CP placements and does not include CQB guys

It should not have that drastic of an effect.. I've used 50% on high on Fallujah and while it certainly puts a strain it should not cut FPS in half. Are you spawning CQB guys on clients, server or HC?

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Ive gone into arma and added this to my expansions (only one) and when I re-launch I get an error saying it can't locate script_marco.

Edit - My mad I know what I need

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