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War has broken out on Caribou frontier!

Civilians fled the island as two major military powers, USA and Russia clashed in a search of oil. Isla Caribou is known to have access to the world's largest oil resources. As the planets crude oil reserves dwindle the situation between the nations has intesified and finally escalated to a armed conflict.
Several international organizations are trying to stabilize the situation and prevent the use of nuclear weapons. It seems, however, improbable that a wide scale conflict can be avoided.

Isla Caribu's environment is cold and rugged. It is said that the lone infantryman is the most lethal killingmachine on the Caribou Frontier's battlefield.

Total size: 64 sqkm
Habitants: Abadonded due to military activity
Vegetation: Rugged, mountaineous
Location: Fictional Location on USA's and Russia's borderline
Conflict type: Oil crisis
Release: 18 Aug 2013


.rar CaribouFrontier.rar 119 MiB
.zip CaribouFrontier.zip 135 MiB
.7z CaribouFrontier.7z 109 MiB

Open your CaribouFrontier package and extract it into a mod folder of your choice.

CaribouFrontier package includes RHNET.bikey


Special thanks:
LDD Kyllikki (support)
WhiteDevil (nuke model)
Gurumasa (visual commentary)
Inffi (testing)
Lufti (3rd party missions)
Berry (testing)
VanhA (3rd party missions)
Kassu (3rd party missions)
Night (russian translations)
Kegetys (visual commentary)
Spinoza (releasing help)

Custom Missions:
Raunhofer's missions 1.0 .7z
Lufti's missions 1.01 .7z
VanhA's missions 1.05 .7z

Note: Missions are not tested to have A.C.E. support

Can you find all three (3) hidden geocaches? Edited by Raunhofer
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yess yess excellent rubs hands menacingly.

Good work will DL asap

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Downloading this now..

Thanks for releasing this, I have been looking forward to it, along with many others.:)


Had a quick drive around, its really a great terrain. Love the dirty, rough almost abandoned feel to it. Will make for some atmospheric missions.

Thanks again, going back now to have a good look off road.;)

Edited by ChrisB

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Congratulations on the release. A long journey but worth the waiting.

Also it was a pleasure to participate with some missions.

Thank you for the opportunity!

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Thanks Raunhofer . . . for all your hard work and effort you have put into this jewel.

Just had a quick glance. Congrats to the release.


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Really great map. Already played it with the group I hang around with doing a mini-Op. Very good combat areas and terrain. Brilliant release!

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Well done, many thanks for your hardwork

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Congrats and well done, these can be a bugger to finally get out the door!

Aholic informed.

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I made some fixes for my missions this morning due to a "debriefing bug" caused by obsolete scripting version in each mission.

Delivered to Raunhofer but please wait til he updates the link.

(Inside a txt.file showing mission versions 1.01)

Please notify if some other bugs exist since I had no opportunity to properly have a test playthrough.

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Nice map - has a good feel to it. Like that most all the buildings are of the kind you can enter/climb/ladder up. Also kike the fact that some flat areas exist for additional buildings in missions. Must be set at a high latitude north - I was surprised to see the midnight sun! :)

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A new Raunhofer terrain...!?!

AND VanhA missions!!!!!?!!

A Mighty Combination!.... that's my weekends entertainment secured! - Thanks guys!!

And - nice to see you both back producing your usual serious quality content!


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I made some fixes for my missions this morning due to a "debriefing bug" caused by obsolete scripting version in each mission.


Your missions in CWR2 coop pack also have the bug.

Could you fix them?

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Your missions in CWR2 coop pack also have the bug.

Could you fix them?

Yeah, I just did that.

Check on the user missions section.

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Congratulations on the release. A long journey but worth the waiting.

Also it was a pleasure to participate with some missions.

Thank you for the opportunity!

A new Raunhofer terrain...!?!

AND VanhA missions!!!!!?!!

A Mighty Combination!.... that's my weekends entertainment secured! - Thanks guys!!

And - nice to see you both back producing your usual serious quality content!


Bushlulker stole my words! I'm so happy to see TWO of my favorite content makers get back to business... Thank you guys!

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Raunhofer, I've made available the center & southern part available for mission generation at PlannedAssault. Aside from the occasional vehicle getting stuck or tipped over (Arma2 physics bugs), the map is superb.

_a2_ka-50_engaging_marines.jpg _a2_russian_infantry_west_of_oil_bay.jpg



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Raunhofer, I've made available the center & southern part available for mission generation at PlannedAssault. Aside from the occasional vehicle getting stuck or tipped over (Arma2 physics bugs), the map is superb.

Thanks William! And yeah, I was pretty frustrated with a2 physics as well, during the process. Another thing was AI's "ability" to drive roads :)

Thank you all, for your supporting comments!

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Awesome release!

And those screenshots look spectacular man!

How do you get such nice effects?

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Awesome release!

And those screenshots look spectacular man!

How do you get such nice effects?

Ingame effects. I've only adjusted contrast and saturation, for better fit to small image size.

In Caribou, its often a good idea to use Environment: Colors -module with your missions.

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This looks EPIC! Enjoyed the video preview. Too bad i'm 2000km away from my A2 DVDs =(

Hopefully someone makes Warfare mission for this absolutely GORGEOUS island!

Keep the outstanding work going! :cool:

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