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Too much Skyrim recently :P. Chest, vehicle, crate, container, you name it :P.

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Can anyone confirm that the openCuratorInterface command crashes the game?


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It seems to happen whenever I use the command (both as an assigned zeus player and not as one), I have an rpt from the other night which contains an error code at the bottom. Will mess around some more with it this evening.

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There's either something wrong with both commands or the arguments are mislabeled as Global rather than local.

There are intermittent issues where a group created on the server will be able to join a group local to a specific client. Other times, the group will quickly be assigned to the client's group, then switch back to not being a part of the client's group. The third case is that they just don't join the client's group.

I'd much prefer if the command was fixed rather then simply re-labeled as not being global as I need to it work.

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Changed: setVariable 'public' argument enabled for namespaces with uiNamespace being an exception

I don't even...Really? You want to give everyone access to other user's profilenamespace as well as server one? What possible "sane" rationale did you use to come up with this decision?

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Yes this is way too ripe for abuse imo

Edited by Das Attorney

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Changed: profileNamespace and uiNameSpace disabled for allVariables in MP

Can someone explain about this aswell ?

Am i missing something where this info needs to be hidden while playing MP ?


This is a nice function that you could call on suspected hackers to see what is saved in their namespace, and have the info dumped into a log serverside to review.

Pretty sure this was the reason for the function in the first place.

With this change all the hack scripts could just hide anything they want in profileNamespace or uiNameSpace.

No anti-hack would be able to check or dump the variable names from those namespaces.

The only reason i can think of this, is for missions that store data clientside and hackscripts that mess with the data.

But you can still use a script to override known values + then in a loop iterator with a sleep + nil out all other variable names via bruteforce.

Really the issue is the missions are storing the info clientside instead of serverside.

Please don't cripple functions because of this, especially when it doesn't fix anything


Looks like change was due to http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24254

Edited by Torndeco

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Added: Script command animate allows a third, optional, bool type parameter for instant phase change: true - animated instantly and without its sound, false (default) - behaves as it used to

Animating without sound is a step in the right direction for quietly incrementally opening a door, but, the "animated instantly" part makes it unusable for that purpose. Why not make the third parameter an integer with the following values: 0==Animate normally with sound, 1==Animate normally without sound, 2==Animate instantly without sound.

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haha wow. didn't think i would witness this happening in my lifetime ;)

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Its a shame it only works in MP. Harder to test.

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Its a shame it only works in MP. Harder to test.

Build your mission using the mp editor.

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Its a shame it only works in MP. Harder to test.

Command still WIP though. Try Monday changes maybe.

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Added: New scripting command getObjectViewDistance

I suggest you re-design the 'Simulation Manager' module to accept this command as radius (add additional pulldown menu maybe?).

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Yes, but trying to type getObjectViewDistance select 0 into the Simulation Manager's radius 'box' produces an error saying something like "different type of parameter required", so would be neato if it accepted that, or used it by default :shrug:

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Command still WIP though. Try Monday changes maybe.

Changed: Script command roleDescription - support for showing role description even in SP (for testing purposes)

You were right. Thanks BIS

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setLightnings is not working?

Trying to get a full overcast weather without the forced rain and stuff; even if I set 0 setLightnings 0 (and the command lightnings returns 0) I still get lightnings..


Scratch that, started working suddenly.

Weird fluke..

Edited by h -

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I saw that firemodes are no longer reset after getting out of vehicles, amazing!

Now, can we get a command to set the player's gun to a specific fire mode? Or does this already exist and I'm just blind?

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I think you can do that with the "selectweapon" action. :shrug:

But since we have a command that returns the firemode already can't see why we shouldn't have set counterpart for it..

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Now, can we get a command to set the player's gun to a specific fire mode? Or does this already exist and I'm just blind?

I think this works:

player action ["SwitchMagazine", player, player, 1];

edit. or selectweapon like h - said.

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