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Pomi Git

PG Services - Private Military Company

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@pomigit - Are the vests your units use all BIS stuff or is there any that's your work? I'm asking because much as I love having a non-tan/OD plate carrier to use, the presence of that enormous codpiece always seems over the top to me...

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Because he put work into it and might appreciate getting some credit for that.
Its definitely nice to be given credit but I'm actually not that precious about people re-using my work. On the contrary when I originally started the mod I intended to release it as open source including the texture templates for people to re-use, but since I ended up having to use modified models I was unable to do that. I have to look at it as a package. Its too much of a headache to try say, ok to use this bit but not that bit. And to be honest from my conversations with DnA, BIS would not be happy for me to release it that way.

Including hex edited models in a mod is a delicate issue some people here don't appreciate. I'm hoping down the line I can remove them and at which point I may be able to change the release conditions.

@pomigit - Are the vests your units use all BIS stuff or is there any that's your work? I'm asking because much as I love having a non-tan/OD plate carrier to use, the presence of that enormous codpiece always seems over the top to me...

Yeah all the models in this mod are currently bis models. I re-did some of the normal and specular maps to give some of the textures a different look, particularly the pants on the rangemaster model. I'm not a big fan of the cod piece either to be honest but i preferred that over the version without because of the leg holster.

I'm in the process of learning how to do 3d modelling. Currently working on some tactical goggles (as per my avatar), I plan to do more items including vests as I gain more experience.

@R.Flagg LOL dont knock the plaid shirts, theyre my favourite ;)

Edited by pomigit
Added response to Adanteh

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@R.Flagg LOL dont knock the plaid shirts, theyre my favourite ;)

I actually made a crate with PG gear,but I've especially avoided adding those shirts.:sly:

If one of my dudes spawn with one of those bullseye shirts I just send him double time to the crate.

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This is one of the best faction addons to me, I really like the metallic black MX series. I hope you also release the MX SW/MXM in that style.

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@Krycek ha ha fair enough. I might reduce the pattern size and de-saturate them bit in a future update if I can be bothered. But I did find a few different reference photo's of PMC wearing plaid shirts. Theyre semi authentic :d

@bonham cheers bud, I have no plans to do any more black versions of the MX. It was never intended to be a full blown mx texture replacement pack, just to give the PMC's a different looking weapon. Going forward I'll probably replace it with an altogether custom made weapon.

On that note I've updated the front post with a few extra details around my vision for this mod. I'm also aiming to get the patch out this week. It wont be anything spectacular, just fixing a few of the config related issues raised and adding faction icon.

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@Krycek ha ha fair enough. I might reduce the pattern size and de-saturate them bit in a future update if I can be bothered. But I did find a few different reference photo's of PMC wearing plaid shirts. Theyre semi authentic :d

The plaid shirts are a cool touch. I say leave them as is.

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@bonham cheers bud, I have no plans to do any more black versions of the MX. It was never intended to be a full blown mx texture replacement pack, just to give the PMC's a different looking weapon. Going forward I'll probably replace it with an altogether custom made weapon.

I personnally realy like the idea to keep vanilla weapons and give them a pmc style.

Especially because this avoid unbalanced guns integration. And to keep the style and the spirit of the original game. But in any case, I'm really can't wait to see new updates ^^

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Or... you could use the plaid shirts in the game now.. :D

What plaid shirts? Or are you talking some sort of CIV shirts that have been there for a while?

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What plaid shirts? Or are you talking some sort of CIV shirts that have been there for a while?

The FIA Uniform that has the plaid shirt, so I guess so?

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This is one of my favourite addons, looking forward to using it in a mission (when i learn the editor!)

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We playing with this mod every week end.

Made it like a real campaign were we getting paid for each task, so we can buy better weapons/vehicles etc. and upgrade our HQ.

Without this mod this would be half the fun.

So thank you so much for that.

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Thanks for the feedback guys. Im neglecting this mod a little at the moment but I will be releasing a patch soon.

@Owesome that campaign sounds cool. Id love to see it. Do you have a link?

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I like the black edition MX you retextured, but it seemed you have forgotten to add icon paa files for them.

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I like this pack. The only thing it's missing for me are real SUVs.

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Oh my! That looks awesome! Well done!

I wish I could say I made that model but I didn't, I got it as a free download from turbosquid. It's too high poly at the moment and the interior needs some work. Then needs to be uv'd, normals, etc. Might take me a while as I'm still learning

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This is a fantastic mod, pomigit. My friends and I have already spent too many hours playing with it--I had actually spent hours learning the editor and etc to make custom characters for us, PMC-style, only to find this mod the next day!

Looking forward to SUVs and any further additions. Thanks!

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