old_painless 183 Posted October 30, 2016 There'll probably be a lengthy development phase with early adopting, like a 2 year beta programme. Plenty of time to adapt to the new scripting language. Btw, that video was really informative, nice to hear about the new engine under construction Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted October 31, 2016 Just to make it clear, there are currently no plans to have EnScript in Arma 3 and there is still a plenty of things ahead of us in our game. Speculations about possible Arma 4 are well ahead of time as we are not developing that game yet. Yeah, possibly in the future, there may be some Arma 4, there is no reason to deny that, but keep your crystal balls predictions for a different topic :icon_twisted: 14 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted October 31, 2016 Off topic posts removed, can we try to stay on topic. I would prefer not to issue forum infractions :16_6_8: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 31, 2016 Ok, feedback here : http://imgur.com/a/ExuIj (Dev Branch) Please go full-screen by clicking on the Imgur watermark, in order to see the lines on walls and ground I'm replaying the Endgame showcase, and I've got this visual issue in Ouméré. It moves want I move my head (the lines rotates on the first picture, and the ground flash on the second one). Does anyone else have similar issues? //EDIT : seems to be related to a specific kind of building, such as between 128 171 and 128 172 on Tanoa. --Also, being forced to do 360° to stop scrolling in the windows on my second screen is somehow annoying. Is there a way to prevent it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 31, 2016 A lot of buildings have low-quality textures, badly animated parts and blank interior on Tanoa. Is it a known issue, or do I need to report them here? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R3vo 2654 Posted October 31, 2016 A lot of buildings have low-quality textures, badly animated parts and blank interior on Tanoa. Is it a known issue, or do I need to report them here? I guess that's part of the improvements coming to Tanoa. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 31, 2016 In the arsenal, the Strider has a NATO variant (skin colour), but in 3Den it can't be changed in by editing vehicles appearance. Is it intended? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaptainAzimuth 714 Posted October 31, 2016 Jets feel much better with less Camera joggling the view around the cockpit. Thanks. So, now comes other improvements? In the video i linked, you can see at the start, it's a little weird that as soon as i pressed the acceleration button the plane started moving before the engine even spooled up, or the Canopy closed. Kinda weird honestly, not immersive. Also, while taking off, not really that much of a problem, Taxing feels nice (In the buzzard, didn't try the other planes yet). Lift was lacking but that's because my flaps weren't down, and the flight model is also well, as we known, not that great. Hopefully you guys can improve the flight model. Control of the aircraft also needs updating. You can compare my flight videos of various games. In Arma, it's not terrible, but it's not good either. Using WASD to control a jet is a pain at the same time as handling free look and weapons. It's not convenient or intuitive. But, it can be vastly improved with the mouse. You can see some parts in the video where i'm doing a rotation, and you can see a sort of jerking of the Joystick. This is me constantly tapping "S" in order to keep the plane level, and also in the rotational spiral without over correcting. This has to be changed. Doing it with the mouse isn't currently fun ether, as it is the same. Move the mouse some, but not too much. But it can be improved. In terms of controls, it should be, move the mouse to a certain position, and the plane continues to fly in that position. So if my put my mouse a little down and add some rudder, my plane's real controls are moved to a position, so now i can then do a rotational orbit without having to constantly correct the aircraft with the mouse or the WASD keys. Less jerking, looks and feels great, immersive, and all around better. This can also help in the development of a better flight model, because of being able to control the plane more accurately. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vasily.B 529 Posted November 1, 2016 I guess that's part of the improvements coming to Tanoa. Well i got stripped sky :D Lot of those low quality glitches propably will be fixed with next update (ASDHQ or something....). This laso my be shadows from moon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ineptaphid 6413 Posted November 1, 2016 So I like the new audio for footsteps etc, but we seem to have lost the sound of tiles/rubble when moving in destroyed buildings. Was that intentional or is it coming back? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AveryTheKitty 2626 Posted November 1, 2016 Pics of the new Zamak texture? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted November 1, 2016 Geez BIS why do you focus on making everything shaky? The RMB is unusable in the arsenal, the camera is just shaking all around when I want to rotate around a vehicle :-/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted November 2, 2016 OFP and CUP Malden is better, no more futurealistic in A3 please. HUD look fantastic i would live to see it in A3, Optionally off course :) In singleplayer its very usefull. You do realise alot of vehicles and weapons portrayed in A3 are actually used now. So not really future is it ;) Anyway lets get back on topic, this section is for Arma3 Discussion, Project Argo is over here : https://forums.bistudio.com/forum/207-project-argo/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vasily.B 529 Posted November 2, 2016 I'm wondering - hud presented in agro is made on same engine as a3, so its possible to port it, right? I'm allways all for minimalisation in A3 hud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R4G_Anton 4 Posted November 2, 2016 I'm wondering - hud presented in agro is made on same engine as a3, so its possible to port it, right? I'm allways all for minimalisation in A3 hud. Project Agro xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted November 2, 2016 I'm wondering - hud presented in agro is made on same engine as a3, so its possible to port it, right? I'm allways all for minimalisation in A3 hud. Project Agro xD As previous asked can we stay on topic, i can appreciate Project Agro Argo uses the Arma3 engine, but for all purposes its is a separate game and has is own section of the forums. :icon_ohmygod: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted November 2, 2016 As previous asked can we stay on topic, i can appreciate Project Agro Argo uses the Arma3 engine, but for all purposes its is a separate game and has is own section of the forums. :icon_ohmygod: Just to be precise, I have moved the discussion about Malden to a separate thread, feel free to continue discussing there. As for Project Argo, it has its own section of the forums and improvements to Arma 3 from its development are being documented on the wiki :icon_twisted: 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lex__1 422 Posted November 2, 2016 Hi, everybody. Someone can prompt, where to look for an exit from a problem. Discussion was here. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/189687-wrought-iron-bushes/ Ticket https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120680 I have no experience in setup of the server. The reason seems somewhere in settings. Irritates players damages of cars from bushes and small fences. The problem appears only on the dedicated server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vasily.B 529 Posted November 3, 2016 Today i want ask for something that could be revolution for AI infantry.Its dynamic cover system (i dont know exac name) - used in GTA IV, GTA V, now in Mafia 3, Max Payne 3, and many other games.Is it possible to adapt it into new (or current) engine?Right now, current system isnt bad, but AI dont handle it too good. Very often me, and my 1 Ai friend are walking through the village - shootfire - autocombat start - and he think hes hidden. But he is on the barn's wall, and he choose wrong wall to cover, beacuse he is standing in direction where ai was shooting from. This happen very often.Now with new dynamic cover, Ai could have new line in code, which would seek where fire was from then seek for cover against this fire. I know You at Bohemia have motion capture studio, dynamic covers would lok much better on AI's, and its possible IMHO. I would love to see it on dev branch soon :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted November 3, 2016 Today i want ask for something that could be revolution for AI infantry. Its dynamic cover system (i dont know exac name) - used in GTA IV, GTA V, now in Mafia 3, Max Payne 3, and many other games. Is it possible to adapt it into new (or current) engine? Right now, current system isnt bad, but AI dont handle it too good. Very often me, and my 1 Ai friend are walking through the village - shootfire - autocombat start - and he think hes hidden. But he is on the barn's wall, and he choose wrong wall to cover, beacuse he is standing in direction where ai was shooting from. This happen very often. Now with new dynamic cover, Ai could have new line in code, which would seek where fire was from then seek for cover against this fire. I know You at Bohemia have motion capture studio, dynamic covers would lok much better on AI's, and its possible IMHO. I would love to see it on dev branch soon :) Why not post that in the AI Dev thread, that would have been a better place.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
acesential 3 Posted November 3, 2016 Today i want ask for something that could be revolution for AI infantry. Its dynamic cover system (i dont know exac name) - used in GTA IV, GTA V, now in Mafia 3, Max Payne 3, and many other games. Is it possible to adapt it into new (or current) engine? Right now, current system isnt bad, but AI dont handle it too good. Very often me, and my 1 Ai friend are walking through the village - shootfire - autocombat start - and he think hes hidden. But he is on the barn's wall, and he choose wrong wall to cover, beacuse he is standing in direction where ai was shooting from. This happen very often. Now with new dynamic cover, Ai could have new line in code, which would seek where fire was from then seek for cover against this fire. I know You at Bohemia have motion capture studio, dynamic covers would lok much better on AI's, and its possible IMHO. I would love to see it on dev branch soon :) I think the biggest problem with this, other than it likely being unfeasible in the RV engine, is that it would mean that AI controlled soldiers would be able to perform things that players can't. One of the (hallmarks? Benefits) of ARMA is that the AI can't do things that the player can't do. You won't see them doing anything like dive to the side with a special animation because the player opened fire on them, for example. There is something to be said about the differences between playing against players and playing against AI (Something that I heard they addressed with Civilization VI with the AI leader agendas), but I don't think more convincing AI cover animations would solve the underlying issues regarding taking cover. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R3vo 2654 Posted November 3, 2016 Added: A new P3D parameter that will disable model for cover search by the AI ("aicovers=0") That's neat! I believe this was requested some month ago to prevent AI from taking cover behind chain-link fences. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R3vo 2654 Posted November 3, 2016 After today's update I am unable to place objects in Eden without entering some sort of a variable name. Edit: And this just happened. No way to reliably reproduce it. System: Game: Arma 3Version: 1.65Build: 139115Branch: DevelopmentMods enabled: trueOperating System: WindowsResolution:Width: 1920Height: 1080UI Scale: 0.7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lex__1 422 Posted November 4, 2016 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120533 This problem is present at DEV of the version. Restriction "144" units regress in "0" units. In missions the system of emergence of free slots of groups breaks.It leads to a problem of dynamic groups.- All players, enter on the server, get into one group- There is no opportunity to operate the UAV (all UAVs out of group of fraction)- Emergence of units of protection according to the scenario breaks (units don't appear) https://youtu.be/v1iWzxIuONs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites