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All in Arma (AiA) - TKOH/OA/A2/A1 merge with A3

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Does the newest version just launch as a loose .exe file, or does it belong in a folder somewhere? I had an old 1.3 version that wouldn't auto update, so I uninstalled it and grabbed the latest.

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Wrong thread bhaz? :)

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;2521059']Wrong thread bhaz? :)

Indeed it was. :(

While I'm here, I suppose the launch error about SaraLite is just my ArmA1 being out of date? I just installed the 404 DVD version to try it out.

Edited by bhaz

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Loving what you've down with this .kju!

A question if I may. I've got AiA installed, and with a new mission I get all the A3 unit movements. I have an old, complex mission that I want to adapt to A3 using new units and a mix of new/old vehicles. I've removed all the A2 units in the editor, and replaced them with A3 equivalents but don't get the A3 movements (stepped crouch, leans etc). Would this be because there USED to be A2 units in the editor, or because there are A2 enemy AI units being spawned through scripting (although none are spawned yet when I've tested this)?



EDIT: OK, sorry was being a bit stupid! Was trying to chance poses without a weapon equipped. Now I have a gun, I can do all the lovely A3 movements!

Edited by zach72

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.kju [PvPscene] is pound line suppose to be removed?I am still getting it on Aliabad.


Edited by Grillob3

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In further testing of BIS and user made campaigns, it seems there may have been some lighting modifications done? In some a lot of missions, there are no streetlights or ambient lights during at night. But in ARMA2/CO, it would work.

On example is playing Namalsk Campaign. I know it is supposed to be fairly dark, but it is so dark, I cannot see the light coming from the building next to the starting point or the moonlight lighting up the water. In A2/CO, it can be seen.

In the Silent Hill SP user made mission, the light markers with ASC_EU_LIGHTS.pbo works in A2/CO, but not in A3 AIA. I am not sure if I have to adjust the light settings or not.

Also, A2/CO vehicle headlights are missing. That is the headlight texture on the vehicles itself. The light beam projected from the vehicles actually work and looks fantastic compared to A2/CO, but there is no "light" turned on the vehicles itself.

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The USMC and US faction could be replaced with US Marine corps from Massi. It holds the Woodland and Desert camo so it would fit perfectly for both factions.


The Russian faction could be replaced with Russian GRU and Spetnatzs again from Massi. They might look different than the models from the Arma 2 but they look a lot better than the Iranian forces from A3.


I think that the weapons from his weapon pack are already included on those models.


The British could be replaced with models from STALKERGB.


My own suggestions regarding this,

- AV_IndUS Army units should be A2's US Army replacement, leaving the marines with 2 types of camo available like what ACE mod did.

- The Force Recon units can be replaced by the MARSOC's.

- US Army Delta's can be replaced with these 75th Rangers.

- CDF could perhaps be replaced with the AAF? In both their default "woodland" camo and this desert camo pack (same deal as with ACE Marines, 2 different camo's available for use).

- Russians should be replaced by these, and the above mentioned Spetsnaz units replacing A2's Spetsnaz.

- Default OPFOR Force replacing the Takistan Regime.

- Perhaps Italian SF replacing A2's German SF? Just thought since Italy is closer to the area of conflict in which A3 is based on, they would be operating in the conflict instead of far-away Germany.

- There are UN forces and PMC-style units in the African Conflict pack, and some more awesome PMC in Pomigit's pack.

Just about replaced every A2 faction. :)

Edited by Modder

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@ bhaz

Please upload the rpt.

@ Grillob3

The pond Aliabad uses should be replaced.

Please upload the rpt to able to verify your setup.

@ Valken

BI changed the way Reflectors/lights work.

I haven't adjusted buildings and misc objects yet as there is too limited docu available on that.

The model of vehicles probably need to be edited for headlight texture.

Yet same case for buildings - lack of info.

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Thx for this mod

I dont like the new vehicles, new weapons and all futuristic things :(:(:(

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Thx for this mod

I dont like the new vehicles, new weapons and all futuristic things :(:(:(

A lot of people agree with that, myself included. :D

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One question

I downloaded AiA with sixupdater

then, what i have to do?

I think that, but i'm not sure:

Need to copy & paste the following folder that are in arma 2 and arma2 CO:

@CBA copy from arma2 OA folder to Arma3 folder

@CBA_A2 copy to Arma3 folder

@CBA_OA copy to Arma3 folder

Ok, I have new 5 folders in Arma 3:

these 3 + @AllInArma + @CBA_A3

now I'm not sure

I need to create a .bat folder?


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Arma 3 synch will run it all with the click of a mouse...no BAT needed.


Yeah ,but then you have to run a exploit on your OS. Not just a exploit but THE exploit of Windows. JAVA runtime. Its not for noobies.

But A3Snyc is a great APP. I prefer BAT files.

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Yeah ,but then you have to run a exploit on your OS. Not just a exploit but THE exploit of Windows. JAVA runtime. Its not for noobies.

But A3Snyc is a great APP. I prefer BAT files.

I used playwithsix and it works perfectly :D

thx for the mod, its awesome

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hey kju,

not sure if you can do anything about it, but if you select the snowy version of Thirsk, the lighting is messed up, making the snow pinkish/sandy in color. If you can adjust it, that'd be great.

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hey kju,

not sure if you can do anything about it, but if you select the snowy version of Thirsk, the lighting is messed up, making the snow pinkish/sandy in color. If you can adjust it, that'd be great.

i came across pinkish ground textures here and there too (on the outskirts of afghan village for example), and my completely unqualified guess would be that it occurs due to some changes that have been made in A3 that affect the way certain materials are rendered, like some former wan textures, like runways and rusty metal objects appear to be put in a wax jacked now.

but just to make sure its not because of the skybox tweaks from the latest AiA patch, have you checked if reverting back to normal A3 lighting?

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Snowy Thirsk has been like that since the release of AiA so it's not a recent issue, and I think your guess about the way some textures are rendered is correct. What do you think Fabio, can this be fixed via config or is it the matter of redoing the textures for the island?

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I use the .bat to load AiA. I find it much easier to add mods to that then using playwith6. No other ways want to work for me lol

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Textures covered in wax? The AH-6 is an orgy of waxed metal.

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Play with SIX though gives you much easier auto-updating and is much less prone to typos. But the batch way definitely makes the game start faster :)

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Haven't read all 130+ pages of this thread (yet) but: Using latest play with Six. Have A2 and OA installed. Installed and running AiA via Six. Official islands (Cherno, etc.) show up in the editor but the user made islands do not. Might be a brilliant addition to the FAQ to have instructions of how/where to fix this?

Thanks in advance!

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