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All in Arma (AiA) - TKOH/OA/A2/A1 merge with A3

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Just a short heads-up:

I am currently working on full and standalone A1 compatibility (A2+A1 already works kinda for the terrains).

Unfortunately it turned out to be more complex and hence have to spend more time on getting it done.

Regardless it should be done in the next few days.

Alongside I will try to fix the errors reported so far. With that said as most reports are rather vague and unspecific,

those will have less chance to get sorted with the next update as it takes me a lot of time to figure out the details all by myself..


Will respond to the latest patch of posts/questions in this thread later today.

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thx....how can i disable automatic updates from "play with six"? everytime i want ti start its trying to update to the latest version
In the settings I think you can untick auto updates. then after you do that the old character pbo on top of new one and replace it... Worked like a charm ;)

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Is it possible to run other user made mods with AiA? I personally would absolutely LOVE to be able to run around CLAfghan again in ArmA3, but I have no idea how to go about getting them all to work and play nice together.

If anyone could run me through it, assuming it's possible, i'd very much appreciate it! (Everything installed Via SIX if that's going to change anything!)

Thanks! :D

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I'd love to experience the atmosphere of Namalsk with the lighting, I could imagine the main city being quite eerie.

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Are you sure this is an AIA bug? I've seen lots of inventory-related bugs without AIA

Hello there,

Good point. I rarely use A3 without AIA now. When I had used vanilla I did not have these errors even with custom weapons. But the engine has updated a few times, I'll see if I can reproduce it without AiA.



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Can you provide more details please. Is it about A2/OA units, or also the weapon they use?

Does it happen for every or some specific? Would a simple video help?

@ Denco

Maybe the old terrains need some satelite or HQ texture tweak for better HDR?

@ Eymerich

Sounds like your HDD has problems loading the data quickly enough.

Get a SSD or ram drive. If you cant, defragging your HDD might help too.

@ JamesonD

Absolute/full path is only needed for mods outside your Arma 3 folder.

For those inside the usual relative path, like @MyMod, works.

One can also use junctions/symlinks (virtual folders) to trick windows

to make it believe outside folders are also inside the arma folder.

More here: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/heaven/wiki/Virtual_folders_and_files

@ alpa72, petruo , maluslaus, Kaelies , SaOk

Please report crashes, also, in the A3 feedback tracker:


For AiA/you need to post the rpt log file and provide some details on the context when the CTD happened.

I will check the SVD case before the next update - worst case replace it for now.

@ (ST6)Predator

Will be in the next update in the #optional folder.

@ Lappihuan , orlok

You need to provide specific repro steps.

So far it sounds like more of a generic A3 inventory bug, like galzohar notes.

@ Pika, RAINF

Sure it is. Just try it :)

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@ Lappihuan ' date=' orlok

You need to provide specific repro steps.

So far it sounds like more of a generic A3 inventory bug, like galzohar notes.


Well, i have testet everything, and i found out that im only getting this bug when i load in @dayz_namalsk.

But im getting it on every map if Namalsk is loadet.

Should i try just loading the map, without the dayz code?

To repro:

Place a unit as Player and a Ammobox in front of it.

Preview and try to pick up a Rifle. It will disapear.

Edit: I have tryed it with namalsk only and the bug was gone. :)

Edit2: I was wrong with my first edit. It depends on witch Unit you are. If you are USMC Rifleman, everything is ok. But if you are ACR Squadleader you cannot pick anything up. I was just unlucky to try it with that Unit.

Edited by Lappihuan

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There seems to be a crash whenever killing a unit using an SVD, most likely related to the weapon being bugged when dropped in a physX-enabled weaponholder, which is most likely related to the weapon model not having a collision layer. This hasn't happened with any other weapon, at least so far as I've tested.

very good catch. indeed having SVD in unit's inventory - not necessarily currently selected weapon - causes a crash when unit is killed

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Here are the crash tickets:




Second one was when I shot SVD-soldier. Two other had unknown cause (the first one was maybe SVD-soldier too - shot by AI. In the third there was no SVD-soldiers in the mission :S).

Edited by SaOk

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kju is it possible to have all A2 infantry replaced with A3 models still? I know that A2 models work now but you can't have them at the same time with A3 ones and it will be good to have an option to have it the old way with superior A3 models having A2 loadouts when you drop groups of them in the editor etc.

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kju is it possible to have all A2 infantry replaced with A3 models still? I know that A2 models work now but you can't have them at the same time with A3 ones and it will be good to have an option to have it the old way with superior A3 models having A2 loadouts when you drop groups of them in the editor etc.

Here's your solution. Go download the last version that had them replaced, the one dated 10 April I believe. Replace the new AiA_Characters.pbo with the old AiA_Characters.pbo. That should be all you need to do. That's what I did.

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;2384821']@ SQB-SMA

Can you provide more details please. Is it about A2/OA units' date=' or also the weapon they use?

Does it happen for every or some specific? Would a simple video help?

@ Eymerich

Sounds like your HDD has problems loading the data quickly enough.

Get a SSD or ram drive. If you cant, defragging your HDD might help too.


Thanks kyu

I'll have a defrag.

In any case that don't happen with stratis house or trees.

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It seems that SACLOS-type guided missiles like the TOW, konkurs, and metis don't like to work when either on vehicles or static. Not sure if there's anything they do work with, but the BMP-2, Stryker TOW, and static metis don't work for certain.

When any of them are fired, they seem to go in a somewhat straight line towards the position about 2/3s of the way down the screen, and don't change direction if they turret is moved up/down or left/right. No other form of lock-on is possible with them, which seems to make them useless for AT use. No change occurs whether I'm aiming at an enemy tank or just around randomly.

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I hope i'm not bringing up something already talked about, but I finally got this working but all the arma3 stuff is gone. It's still in my missions but not any selecting options in editor

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I hope i'm not bringing up something already talked about, but I finally got this working but all the arma3 stuff is gone. It's still in my missions but not any selecting options in editor

Sorry to say that it has been. It's an intentional feature that may be disabled by removing the file "AiA_DisableA3Content.pbo", in @AllInArma/Core/AiA_DisableA3Content.pbo . You can probably find more info in the previous pages if necessary.

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For anyone interested, here is a full, working mission in AiA:

Question/issue: Medics in AiA don't have medkits and soldiers can't heal without a first aid kit. Is there any way to globally apply 2x IFAKs to all units and 1x Medkit to all Medics?

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Thanks for the reply. I guess I should have re read the first page since the first time I saw it. my fault. But there should still be a readme.

Although now i'm confused. Why is the arma3 units disabled when the OA units crash? what are we supposed to use?

Edited by victim913

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He told you that to enable arma 3 content you have to delete the @AllInArma/Core/AiA_DisableA3Content.pbo file. He disabled it because if you mix the units the game crashes.

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Thanks kyu

I'll have a defrag.

In any case that don't happen with stratis house or trees.

Kyu I did what you suggest (defrag).

It doesn't worked.

Instead I have replaced the last version of AiA with the second version (V5) and all work like a charm.

Edit: The only problem are the map too bright...

Those are the step to reproduce the bug: (V7)


Takistan Map

Put a single unit: Us -- Air -- Ah64

Arma Crash.

That's didn't happen with V5.

Edited by Eymerich

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I downloaded the AiA with PlayWith Six. I have ArmA2, Arrowhead and DLC's on steam. Currently I only have ArmA:Arrowhead installed on PC. I try to launch the AiA via PlayWith Six and I get following error:

config.bin/CfgWeapons/G36_C_SDeotech/Burst/:Cannot find base class 'Burst'

As farest I understand, some certain files are missing in Arrowhead game folder ?

I will be thankfull for help!

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Start Launch Arma 1?????


rem Adjust the path with your local path


set ARMA3_PATH=F:\Program Files\ARMA 3

set ARMA2_PATH=D:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

set ARMA2OA_PATH=D:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

set ??????????=D:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA [no Start HELP!!!]

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rem Adjust the path with your local path


set ARMA3_PATH=F:\Program Files\ARMA 3

set ARMA2_PATH=D:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

set ARMA2OA_PATH=D:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

rem Define your additional modfolders


rem Adjust your parameters

set DEFAULT_PARAMETERS=-nosplash -skipintro -world=empty -noFilePatching -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7


set PROFILE_PARAMETERS="-profiles=%ARMA3_PATH%" "-name=UserName"




cd /D "%ARMA3_PATH%"




CAA1 crash ARMA 3

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