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All in Arma (AiA) - TKOH/OA/A2/A1 merge with A3

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;2372670']First off this debate should be extracted by moderators to a separate thread. There is no point to have this mixed in here.

Next lets be clear that the actual issue some people have is the unclear situation in regards to a possible steamworkshop integration with A3 and the license Valve makes people agree there. So' date=' as people already do, these concerns should be brought up to BI and only BI. There is little point to drag the modding community or players into this.

Finally lets be realistic you cannot expect players to read about some modder's sudden change of heart to forbid the use of their work in future products - even less in some random thread. You cannot expect everyone to follow every word posted in this forum or elsewhere.

A later change of license is not possible nor meaningful; if you really want to enforce it, let every site take down your work and re-release it with your new terms of use.

But you should really ask yourself, if you want to go that far and punish the average user for your concerns about steamworkshop - you really need to sort this with BI itself.

If you really want to see no posts with screenshots/videos of your work within A3, you should ask moderators for a central thread to state that and guide users to it upon conflicting with your request.

Finally if someone uses your work unaltered, it is not modded/edited/ported and thus no break of such.

In legal terms what matters is the license you have attached to your release.

In practical terms I think I've said everything important in post #3.

Addon makers do have the right to specify how their addons are used. In the case that something is not mentioned in their EULA, the assumption must be the most restrictive interpretation possible until otherwise clarified. Addon makers surely couldn't anticipate an addon that basically allows their addons to be used in a game they weren't designed for, so it would be extremely rare to see license which specifically names ArmA 3. Some may specify no use in sequels.

At any rate, if any addon maker sees videos or images of his or her work being used in A3 and doesn't wish it, please report it and we will work something out with the image poster.

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Is it really that hard to move it to a separate thread?

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;2378722']Is it really that hard to move it to a separate thread?

This is about the proper use of your mod, and what forum members can do if they see things they don't like as a result of it, so therefore it belongs here. I was responding to your post directly to address some inaccuracies.

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@ asuseroako

1 & 2 are fixed in the next update. 3 is due to BI introducing new required parameter for scenarion and campaign definitions and therefore breaking backwards compatibility. Best make a ticket in the FT asking them to make the new parameter optional and not required.

Cannot reproduce your two older problems. Try AiA without other community addons for a start.

Unless someone else gets it too, and provide exact repro steps, there is nothing I can do.

@ Fabio_Chavez

The lighting classes define the angle and overcast value themselves at the top.

Look above in my earlier post to see the quote.

@ Predator.v2

As always the rpt file/more details are needed.

@ alpa72, VRCRaptor ("water line")

You guys need to provide more details like rpt, name of custom world, steps to reproduce/demo mission.

@ rehtus777

For now no addons with custom infantry models work.

Also report the CBA problem in the CBA thread.

@ Nikiforos

Your modline is wrong. Check the wiki or use the batch file or Play withSix.


@ DrFragg, alpa72 (PMC)


You have the PMC light active via OA anyway (as long as your modline is correct).

If you dont have the light versions for BAF/PMC, your modline is probably wrong.

You need to post the rpt file to give a better judgement.

@ LordMoon

Arma 2 Free works. You need to provide your rpt log file, if you want to get support.

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  asuseroako said:

New issues encountered:

1) I get this error message on the main menu


2) Click Editor then Stratis not shown on the maps list


3) Scenario titles not shown, photo not in the middle, and there's the 'Loading picture' notice


;2378817']@ asuseroako

1 & 2 are fixed in the next update.

Thank you' date=' Sir! :cool:

;2378817']@ asuseroako

3 is due to BI introducing new required parameter for scenarion and campaign definitions and therefore breaking backwards compatibility. Best make a ticket in the FT asking them to make the new parameter optional and not required.

Will try your suggestions. Thank you very much.

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remember to post the FT url here for rest to know

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;2378817']@ Fabio_Chavez

The lighting classes define the angle and overcast value themselves at the top.

Look above in my earlier post to see the quote.

;2374104']Look at the first four values and you get a good idea:

0 to 10 = different sunAngles at overcast 0.6

11 to 21 = different sunAngles at overcast 0.8

22 to 32 = different sunAngles at overcast 0

33 to 38 = a few different sunAngles underwater at overcast 0

with my question i was allready refering to this post, therefore, if i set fogcolor 0-10 as RED, 11-21 as GREEN and 22-32 as BLUE, the fog should be blue when overcast is set 0 (i did it in the editor because i didnt know the setfog command then)

so atleast at one point i should have seen blue fog if a am not misteking?)

now i think, the problem might be related to the problem that setcovercast seems not to be working atm, there is also a FT about it

Edited by Fabio_Chavez

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a) if you run the dev branch, its different as they added a lot more lighting classes and adjusted the existing

b) you need to take all four values into account / their combination - its only only about the overcast value

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height = -0.001;

overcast = 0;

sunAngle = 45;

sunOrMoon = 1;

thought due to fog and daytime i was adressing those lighting classes, not sure anymore, height means relation to sea level? sunangle is daytime, date or both? sunormoon is depending on date and daytime?

edit: i tried every month of the year at sunrise, midday and sunset at overcast 0... no blue fog!

Edited by Fabio_Chavez

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New version available: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/all-in-arma/files


  • Added: Make A3 playable with A2/OA infantry models.
  • Added: Configure mass of weapons, magazines, etc and maximumLoad capacity of backpacks.
  • Added: Configure transport capabilities for weapons, magazines, etc.
  • Added: Configure engineers and saboteurs with new A3 parameters and items.

  • Changed: Update lighting to latest A3 state.
  • Changed: Remove annoying taskhint is obsolete notification.

  • Fixed: Missing ability to change plane controls.
  • Fixed: Satchels act as motion sensor mines.
  • Fixed: A2/A2OA mortars flip when shot.
  • Fixed: No entry 'config.bin/CfgRecoils.recoil_pistol'.
  • Fixed: Sounds for insects and birds are missing.
  • Fixed: Missing word protocol config errors.
  • Fixed: Function viewer has several issues.
  • Fixed: Default class in RscTitles missing.
  • Fixed: Game complains about missing briefingName in dev branch for SP scenarios.
  • Fixed: Zeroing display UI issues in the interface.
  • Fixed: Missing strings related to radio communication and conversations.
  • Fixed: Error during evaluation of expression _position in MissileFire.

Full details: https://dev-heaven.net/versions/1469


Important notes:

  1. Every release is first and foremost targeted at the latest stable release.
    I might try to add some compatibility to dev branch updates when possible,
    but in general you get the best AiA compatibility with the stable branch.
  2. With this release you get A2/OA infantry models - YAY!
  3. However you cannot mix them with A3 infantry, or you get visual glitches and crashes (until BI fixes that).
    So for A3 infantry play disable AiA first.
  4. Also women are replaced by one civilian model (no working anims available in A3), glasses from A2/OA don't work and rpt spam.
  5. Please vote in the A3 Feedback Tracker (FT) for AiA related tickets. See links in the Known issues section.

Enjoy :bounce3:

Edited by .kju [PvPscene]

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that update sounds as great as the mod itself, but my Alpha is crashing on the island load with the new update & six

i start the editor and place a US special operator or any other a2 model , the preview and allways crash

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Fixed: Sounds for insects and birds are missing.

God bless you !!! :bounce3:

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a) make sure to delete the old version first

b) start the game without A3 intro - like: -nosplash -skipintro -world=empty

Will add a new intro without A3 infantry in the next release. Sorry about that. :o

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Very cool change log, but for me its crashing when trying to play. With takistan and A3 soldier, it works. But after I add A2/OA US soldier, it crashes every time while loading. I removed the old version before installing the new one.

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a) mh, did that and downloaded manually from dev heaven.

b) how to add the startparameters in Six Updater?

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First Big thx for all who took part making this great mod.I Tried everything you write in Wiki but with no luck, i have this Error if i launch with Six "Config.bin/CFGweapons/G36_C_SD_eotech/Burst/:cannot find base class "Burst" ,Nothing automated in six like you wrote i find this miss leading, i also try with Arma launcher but with no luck neither. Here the modline am trying "-mod=@AllInArma\ProductDummies;C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead;C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3;@AllInArma\Core;@AllInArma\PostA3"

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Awesome update, but is there any chance we might be seeing proper recoil values for a2/oa guns soon?

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this is simply amazing! i just had a quick look at it and not only can i finally play the old scenarios like marines vs. russians again but i also noticed something interesting.

STANCES DO WORK! silly me.

if you now can somehow manage to make this work alongside arma 3 infantry models, then we will have something truely amazing. a hybrid of all the recent BI games with all the strengths that each of them offers.

outstanding work kju!!

Edited by Bad Benson

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Take my whole respect and thanks for this work!!

Best regards


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  Bad Benson said:

this mod creates some kind of a hybrid between the arma 2 animation system and the new one. there are no advanced stances but movement is a lot smoother.

outstanding work kju!!

The advanced stances do work. I was able to do sideways prone, etc. with the older models.

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