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About all3n

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  1. It can be 10 minutes after the mission starts or 3 hours into it, the squares on the map disappear, ai stop spawning, side chat disappears, and player markers on the map are gone, requires a soft restart, I will double check .rpt, anything I should be looking for specifically? And thanks
  2. so we are running an insurgency mission using RHS/CUP mods, halo drop flagpole, and a couple other small scripts, the issue we are having is that at random times during the mission, it seems as though it breaks. By that i mean out of nowhere all of the red squares on the map will disappear, all of the player markers, side chat becomes non functional, no text or anything, but the server dosent crash, it just seems as though the mission breaks, maybe someone joins with a mod that causes it? im not sure, looking for any pointers on things i might check or any help at all, Thanks!
  3. Seeing as we now have something similar to the ac-130 in APEX (Blackfish) is there any possibility you could maybe retrofit your autopilot script to work with that and release it seperately? that would be so splendid, so many people are asking for some sort of orbiting script for the new vehicle, amazing work on the mod btw love everything about it!
  4. awesome, but the question is how would i enable ths while i am the pilot?
  5. Were on the right track, but the current loiter WP dosent allow me to make adjustments to range
  6. I have, Although im looking for something i can use while i am in the pilot seat, and can make adjustments on loiter range
  7. Indeed, but all im looking for is a way i can remain in the pilot seat but still enable the loitering, my gunners are compentent enough to adjust leads with their shots, so im leaving all of that up to them, i just need a way to remain in a circle pattern around the AO for 30+ minutes without developing carpel tunnel in my wrist using my joystick lol
  8. Been mentioning this to a few people as im not knowledgeable enough to do it myself, im VERY interested in an Auto-Orbiting script for the Blackfish gunship for pilots. A little more in depth explanation would be i place a marker on my map, and my blackfish will automatically circle that marker at set ranges. Say 1000,1500,2000,2500,3000? hopefully a way similar to the Autopilot-landing works, so that i can use this as a pilot and take over controls when i need to. as of now ive been circling manually and while it works fine, we usually stay in a single AO for 30+ minutes so holding a perfect orbit gets tiring very quickly. Hopefully im not the only one thats thought of this :D
  9. Been mentioning this to a few people as im not knowledgeable enough to do it myself, im VERY interested in an Auto-Orbiting script for the Blackfish gunship for pilots. A little more in depth explanation would be i place a marker on my map, and my blackfish will automatically circle that marker at set ranges. Say 1000,1500,2000,2500,3000? hopefully a way similar to the Autopilot-landing works, so that i can use this as a pilot and take over controls when i need to. as of now ive been circling manually and while it works fine, we usually stay in a single AO for 30+ minutes so holding a perfect orbit gets tiring very quickly. Hopefully im not the only one thats thought of this :D
  10. Been mentioning this to a few people as im not knowledgeable enough to do it myself, im VERY interested in an Auto-Orbiting script for the Blackfish gunship for pilots. A little more in depth explanation would be i place a marker on my map, and my blackfish will automatically circle that marker at set ranges. Say 1000,1500,2000,2500,3000? hopefully a way similar to the Autopilot-landing works, so that i can use this as a pilot and take over controls when i need to. as of now ive been circling manually and while it works fine, we usually stay in a single AO for 30+ minutes so holding a perfect orbit gets tiring very quickly. Hopefully im not the only one thats thought of this :D
  11. hey man, sorry to hear what your going through, i would be glad to help out with the patreon, but me, like others im sure, would like to see some kind of "buisiness model" or structure on what your plans are for the mod, but im looking very forward to playing on this awesome map and hopefully mod! i played a mod recently that i think nails what your going for, its called "the day after", its a unique style apocalypse mod with refugee camps and whatnots
  12. anyone have any advice for my above statement?
  13. when i place down a huge marker on half the map called "blacklist" and set that marker as blacklist in the placement modules, they still spawn there?:confused: