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Will Arma 3 replace Arma 2?

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Bye arma2, you've been replaced!

A2 is a distant memory already for me, I thought along similar lines like A2 has so much content etc, but even that doesn't pull me back as A3 is just a better over all experience, even in Alpha state with nearly zero content. Also I wonder if user made content will double/triple the amount of Arma2 as there is a great influx of new modders and scripters already making content.

Good times ahead.

Edited by Katipo66

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A2 contains enough assets of high quality to not look like complete garbage in the A3 engine. It would be nice if a A2 "lite" was included with A3 along with automatic full quality models/tex/etc if you own CO, etc.


Edited by zorrobyte

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NO. especially with quality ARMA2 mods like UNSUNG, Inv44 and CWR2. Also, not until they release non futuristic factions. I couldn't care less about the setting BIS decided to put ARMA 3 in :rolleyes: I think ARMA3 is just the current "shiny new toy" at the moment.

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NO. especially with quality ARMA2 mods like UNSUNG, Inv44 and CWR2. Also, not until they release non futuristic factions. I couldn't care less about the setting BIS decided to put ARMA 3 in :rolleyes: I think ARMA3 is just the current "shiny new toy" at the moment.
Apparently Inv44 is WIP while CWR2 isn't happening, W0lle posted about this on Armaholic I believe.

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Bye arma2, you've been replaced!

How, Arma3 isnt released yet !!! :p You must of had a pretty low end experience of 2 to replace it already with a alpha test package :)

Theres life for both as mentioned before, from this thread alone its a mixed bag of responses. I think the question is not really instantly "replaced" but more running the same time to flip too would be more common. Its pretty obvious that once the strong mods from 2 all come to 3 and are more stable then its logical to move more into 3 but for that period it certainly wont insta-replace it.

I think also this has allot to do with are we talking about Vinalla V Vanilla ... Or modded content vs modded content ... so far most talk about modded versions, then theres what you wanted from it, Im mainly SP at this point so for me 2 will last a long time, but if your a MP fan then that's another set of expectations and questions.

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How, Arma3 isnt released yet !!! :p You must of had a pretty low end experience of 2 to replace it already with a alpha test package :)

It wasn't that bad :)

I guess it's not that it's replaced, more like Ive only fired her up no more than 4 times since getting the alpha, probably just put aside is a better way of saying it, and MP is a big part of that reason.

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How, Arma3 isnt released yet !!! :p You must of had a pretty low end experience of 2 to replace it already with a alpha test package :)
I think also this has allot to do with are we talking about Vinalla V Vanilla ... Or modded content vs modded content ... so far most talk about modded versions, then theres what you wanted from it, Im mainly SP at this point so for me 2 will last a long time, but if your a MP fan then that's another set of expectations and questions.
Would you have stuck around this long for Arma 2 if all you had was the vanilla content from BI? No? Well maybe that's how Katipo66 feels too. :p

And yes, "had a pretty low end experience of 2 to replace it already with a test package" is how I had. It's definitely been feeling though like Arma 3 is a far better, "cleaner" (okay I wouldn't be surprised if the UI has to do with this*) foundation/base upon which to build, whereas Arma 2 gives me the sense that all of the great user-generated content for it is in spite of Arma 2, not because of it.

* For anyone who feels that it's too clean and somehow not "immersive" enough, I just can't agree with that; the "clean/futuristic" look seems to be an intentional design decision, thankfully.

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Different times and settings of Armaverse - of course one can argue about personal preferences + favourites + feelings.... ;)

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I sincerely hope A2 does not die out. Personally, I hate Arma 3. It feels too 'gamey', whilst for me A2 is a very immersive environment, where I actually FEEL the player, rather than just play as him. Also I hate the future setting, but that will be fixed shortly with mods I hope! The excuses to justify a non immersive environment such as "It's only the Alpha remember!" have just worn out, they have had two updates since the Alpha release and for me this is still an issue. Also the sounds... very nice to start with but after not so long you realize that they are actually not that great. Good reverb though.

I realize i'm probably alone on this topic however I doubt I will go over to A3 fully, whether my GU does or not.

For anyone who feels that it's too clean and somehow not "immersive" enough, I just can't agree with that; the "clean/futuristic" look seems to be an intentional design decision, thankfully.

Just why I hate it so much :(

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It depends, because right now we have things like the CWR devs (i.e. W0lle) publicly stating that there will not be a Cold War Rearmed 3, CWR2 is as far as it goes, as well as stuff like Xeno saying that he won't get Arma 3 and thus he presumably won't contribute to a possible ACE 3, and some modders saying that if Steam Workshop is implemented they'll reduce or even halt their modding work, so you may well have "stay behinds" for their respective mods if those are definitely not going to get Arma 3 versions.

Right now though, it's been found that Arma 2 content PBOs do import in the Arma 3 alpha as if they were addons/"mods", using the same modfolder method from Arma 2. :D The only catch being that you have to delete certain PBOs and their respective BISIGN files if you simply copied the whole Addons folder from your Arma 2 directory, in order to prevent the Arma 3 alpha from black-screening when you run it, and of course the added PBOs increase the alpha's load time.

Sadly i have to confirm there aren't just wolle and xeno in the community (all of my respect to 'em), but there are others very skilled modders, can do new great mods game modalities, and so on, so this makes no differences, after all changing is the secret to have success in life (without changing we never had cars and planes)

EDIT: i don't care if A2 will reain after A3, simply if i want to play A2 i play A2 if i want to play A3 i'll play A3, can't see any problems in this, even if i have to admit after a system formatting, i've reinstalled A2 CO just for TKOH and play it in TKOH rearmed, wich should be an official A2 expansion and bye bye Day-Z only servers

EDIT bis:sometimes i still play A 1, and there are still online servers for A1

Edited by Simon1279

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And of course, AiA... though a screenshot of the F/A-18E in Stratis got John_Spartan to remove the download links from because he felt that kju was disrespecting his intent that the F/A-18E not be ported over with a "porting is inevitable no matter how much you don't like it" attitude.

How many of them "left" over Arma 3 and how many of them are just fed up with modding? At least the Armaholic explanation re: CWR2 was more sensible than a "Steam-only Arma 3 = no CWR3"... that is, "too small and inconsistent a mod team, too complex/greater effort required to 'properly' mod in Arma 3, and mods taking too long relative to a game's life = no CWR3".

I sincerely hope A2 does not die out. Personally, I hate Arma 3. It feels too 'gamey',
Whereas I'm all aboard the Arma 3 train because it feels "gamey" -- or rather, it feels like it was actually designed as a game from the ground up.

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IMHO, its not necessarily the mods that are needed but a level of realistic gameplay that veteran players will be looking for. Consequently, as long as a certain realism standard is reached, Arma 3 could easily become as popular as it predecessors. Our group isn't downloading and implementing new mods every week or even every month. We found the foundation of mods to deliver the realistic and standard of gameplay we're looking for. This would include making the AI smarter, ACE making the game more realistic and mods like the shack hud for SA.

Konyo's MH47 is a great example. Our gameplay and missions worked just fine with the standard chinook and while we think Konyo's amazing mod adds to the atmosphere of our missions, the lack of it wouldn't detract from what we're looking for in our games.

My main fear of A3 was it being set in the future. Well, with all the apparent current day weapons mods being excellently put together as we speak, I see no reason why our group won't be switching over to A3 when the game is completed.

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@ Chortles

he felt that kju was disrespecting his intent that the F/A-18E not be ported over with a "porting is inevitable no matter how much you don't like it" attitude

would you please stop so accusations. thank you

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I have some problems with slightly delayed turning when moving the mouse and if that happens, I always go back to A2 :)

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;2376174']would you please stop so accusations. thank you
I'm not accusing you of them, it was paraphrasing John_Spartan's complaint in the OP of the F/A-18E thread in place of where the download links used to be.

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no need to paraphrase anything. simple as that

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I hate Arma 3. It feels too 'gamey', whilst for me A2 is a very immersive environment

To me A3 feels like A2 with PhysX and just some slight changes. Basically UI has not changed. I don't see any problems preventing it from becoming better than Arma2, when all the good Mods will be available which may take some time. But again, as Arma 3 has not dramatically changed IMO, it probably won't be overly hard to port old stuff.

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It will be replaced, but like mentioned before, the content is not there yet. im pretty sure i dont touch arma 2 very often if the full game is out.

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I hope that it doesn't replace A2 completely, at least not for a while. I really have no intention of getting A3 because I'm not big on the futuristic setting. Unless all modding stops for A2, alot of (vanilla) A2 content is ported to A3, or until more modern day A3 mods are made, i stick with A2/OA

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I've been playing opF since, hmm 2001 I believe, bought ArmA as soon as it was availble in my country, same with ArmA2.

Was quite excited when I found out ArmA3 alpha was out, rushed to purchase from the BI store, only to find out its steam-only. What a brainfart by the devs. BIS really dropped the ball on this one.

So no, ArmA3 will not replace ArmA2 for me. Hell, it won't even replace opF.

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Was quite excited when I found out ArmA3 alpha was out, rushed to purchase from the BI store, only to find out its steam-only. What a brainfart by the devs. BIS really dropped the ball on this one.

So no, ArmA3 will not replace ArmA2 for me. Hell, it won't even replace opF.

I'd say avoiding distribution system like Steam es equal to "searching for a new hobby other than gaming". Sooner or later. Gardening can be fun, too.

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I'd say avoiding distribution system like Steam es equal to "searching for a new hobby other than gaming". Sooner or later. Gardening can be fun, too.

Thats the sad truth.

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