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MCC Sandbox 3 - Dynamic mission creating tool for ArmA 3

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Awesome, finally the weather/time sync problem should be gone! :) I hope it's soon on the SIX networks. Can't wait! Thank's shay!

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one very big problem - opened MCC console - looked out a buddies helmet cam and lost control of my guy - basically its like my keyboard is disconnected. Can't even use escape to get out of the game (had to ctl-alt-del). This is on a dedicated server with the latest version running. Another teammate picked up an MCC console, opened and closed it and had the same problem.

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Thanks for the update, but there is still message pop up saying some .paa file missed when press "menu 3"

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- looked out a buddies helmet cam and lost control of my guy -

Apparently his mind was stronger than yours. :D

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" basically its like my keyboard is disconnected. Can't even use escape to get out of the game (had to ctl-alt-del). This is on a dedicated server with the latest version running."

Hy shay

i've got the same prolem , any idea ?:j:

life is better with MCC

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Here's another thing:

It seems like MCC (addon version) now always changes daytime to a default setting when you start a mission which effectively overwrites the originial settings of that mission. (that only happens to clients on a server, not on the server itself)

We often use MCC to make on the fly changes to preexisting missions, so this is slightly annoying. Please make sure MCC does not make ANY changes to a mission before we tell it otherwise. :)

Edited by Tajin

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Will the Tactical Commander Console let me control opfor as a blufor member? This would actually be amazing.

I have a request for the next version shay:

Would it be possible to tweak the garrison command a bit? I have two ideas:

1. Take out all special soldiers from the factions and only have garrison use: rifleman, automatic rifleman, grenadier(with the majority being just riflemen).

2. Some way we can set which unit types are spawned via the garrison command.

Reason for this: Many of us LOVE the garrison command but it's extremely random. The big issue is when it puts an AT rifleman or AA rifleman in a building in a tightly controlled mission and the whole mission goes to hell right at the beginning from an unexpected AT/AA missile.

The smaller issue is that the garrison command puts things like pilots and officers inside buildings. The pilots are weird, but the officers can mess up an HVT mission if the mission is "find the officer".

Again, thanks for the update. MCC is f'n amazing!

Edited by MacScottie

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Tell you something, I made the AI blind as f@# since ArmA 3 AI were the badass hybrid unborn son of Chuck Norris and Queen Latifah if the AI are more reasonable now just give me the settings that you think should be default and i'll see what I can do about it.

Personally I use:

Skill - .9,

Accuracy - .2,

Spotting - .7, (unsure on this one. Maybe .6?)

Commanding - .9

For smart AI with good commanding skills and decent spotting, but with good, immersive accuracy(I actually use .22 accuracy)

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Those changes sound pretty nice. Can't wait to give them a try.

Just one thing.

Please remove that stupid static effect that you added last version, before the interace appears. Its fine for the MCC-console, but the main interface shouldn't have it.

It adds an unnecessary delay that can get really annoying when you quickly have to make changes in the middle of a battle.

Thank you for the incredible work. :)

Thank you for your helmet script.

I'll see what I can do about the static - I thought it was cool but you got a point.

one very big problem - opened MCC console - looked out a buddies helmet cam and lost control of my guy - basically its like my keyboard is disconnected. Can't even use escape to get out of the game (had to ctl-alt-del). This is on a dedicated server with the latest version running. Another teammate picked up an MCC console, opened and closed it and had the same problem.

Can you reproduce it? I'll check it out might have been something with keyeventhandlers.

Thanks for the update, but there is still message pop up saying some .paa file missed when press "menu 3"


99 little bugs in the code,

99 bugs in the code,

Fix one bug, compile it again,

100 little bugs in the code.

It's just now that one of the markers config (BIS config) direct to unavailabe picture... I'll hunt it down and exclude it.

Here's another thing:

It seems like MCC (addon version) now always changes daytime to a default setting when you start a mission which effectively overwrites the originial settings of that mission. (that only happens to clients on a server, not on the server itself)

We often use MCC to make on the fly changes to preexisting missions, so this is slightly annoying. Please make sure MCC does not make ANY changes to a mission before we tell it otherwise. :)

It does?! I added switch time and weather only if MCC_time or MCC_weather is not nil and it should be nil if you didn't change the weather before. I'll check it out.


Will the Tactical Commander Console let me control opfor as a blufor member? This would actually be amazing.

I have a request for the next version shay:

Would it be possible to tweak the garrison command a bit? I have two ideas:

1. Take out all special soldiers from the factions and only have garrison use: rifleman, automatic rifleman, grenadier(with the majority being just riflemen).

2. Some way we can set which unit types are spawned via the garrison command.

Reason for this: Many of us LOVE the garrison command but it's extremely random. The big issue is when it puts an AT rifleman or AA rifleman in a building in a tightly controlled mission and the whole mission goes to hell right at the beginning from an unexpected AT/AA missile.

The smaller issue is that the garrison command puts things like pilots and officers inside buildings. The pilots are weird, but the officers can mess up an HVT mission if the mission is "find the officer".

Again, thanks for the update. MCC is f'n amazing!

Yes the tactical commander let you control any group from your side that spawned from MCC with BIS behavior or placed in the 2D editor and had the group added a public variable which I can't remeber right now but i'll post it later.

You think AA in garrison is a problem, I laughed so hard when the AA guy took out your ccoper and kill himself in the last video it would be sad to remove it. :bounce3:

The problem I find with garrison is that if I want it to support custom addons I can't predifine all of addons out there, so instead MCC read the config and choose infantry only. I'll see if I can think on another smart way of doing it like: all, infanrty only, infantry + AA, infatry + AT.

BTW you can always place units in buildings using the fortify behavior.

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Thanks for a great addon for the community, it's really helpfull for a on the run mission.

First - Is there any way around having what you make, saved over in a .sqm file so you can work with it in the editor? For me it's useless as I am a mission-maker for my clan, but the tool have alot more potential if you could merge the MCC files into a .sqm file.

Second -There is one thing that annoyed the crap out of me and that is that you can not see which direction an object is facing, i.e a FOB. I admit i'm a perfectionist but having some clue on which way the FOB is turning would be very nice, the Arrow is not corresponding well with the actual layout once you press space. You can do it with smaller objects, like cars and such..why not with larger objects suchs as FOBs?

(example - I want the FOBs entrance to be faced towards a road, I placed the pointy arrow at the line of the road and the FOB spawns having the road going through the FOB )

Keep up the great work!



Edited by Pro

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1. Take out all special soldiers from the factions and only have garrison use: rifleman, automatic rifleman, grenadier(with the majority being just riflemen).

I tend to use rifleman squads instead and use fortify... that works just fine.

Btw. the "hostage" setting when spawning a unit in the 3d-editor should also include a "removeAllWeapons this". Kinda silly when you forget to do that manually and your pilot-hostage ends up standing around with a submachinegun. ^^

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I cant get it to work! I have placed the folder "@mcc_sandbox" in the Arma 3 program folder and the have this "-mod=:@mcc_sandbox" in the startup-alias. Is that correct so far? When reading the pdf-manual it seems as if his is the way to do it and after that it seems as the MCC-stuff should be available in the menus when starting any own edited scenario without place anything more on the map or the mission folder but obviously I have something wrong. I suppose one source of fail could be the files downloaded in it self; what files and where to place them. For example the pbo-file "mcc_sandbox.altis"; where should that one be placed really? Inside a mission folder it seems but it so far it does not work...

Any ideas?

Edited by Moonbus

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Thank you for your helmet script.

Can you reproduce it? I'll check it out might have been something with keyeventhandlers.

Seems that when we use the commanders tablet for any reason we start having all sorts of issues - from lock ups to our respawn script (BTC) not working (we respawn laying on our backs pointing into the air and cannot turn over again). These problems all see related to the Commanders tablet and only happen when someone takes a tablet and uses it.

We're running a bunch of mods; @UOCBA_A3;@CBA_A3;@JayArmA3Lib;@ACRE_A3;@sthud_a3;@tmr;@outlw_magRepack;@Afr_A3;@SF_Weap_A3;@zeu_briefing;@7_75_Repo;@mcc_sandbox;@Zeus the repo being the shaktak HUD, some modified uniforms, fhq acessories, kio balaclava, rhard mk18's and taw viewdistance. None of which has caused issues in the past with MCC.

Not everyone on the server is running MCC - could that be the problem? Maybe they require the mod running to take advantage of the commanders tablet - which is odd because they can see the way point markers and I can see through their helmet cams - even with them not having MCC...

I'll get my guys to install the mod ASAP and will try and retest.

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Thanks for a great addon for the community, it's really helpfull for a on the run mission.

First - Is there any way around having what you make, saved over in a .sqm file so you can work with it in the editor? For me it's useless as I am a mission-maker for my clan, but the tool have alot more potential if you could merge the MCC files into a .sqm file.

Second -There is one thing that annoyed the crap out of me and that is that you can not see which direction an object is facing, i.e a FOB. I admit i'm a perfectionist but having some clue on which way the FOB is turning would be very nice, the Arrow is not corresponding well with the actual layout once you press space. You can do it with smaller objects, like cars and such..why not with larger objects suchs as FOBs?

(example - I want the FOBs entrance to be faced towards a road, I placed the pointy arrow at the line of the road and the FOB spawns having the road going through the FOB )

Keep up the great work!




I'll just gonna copy this reply and paste to any one who asks my about sqm as I wrote something like that before:

Making a save function to sqm is alot of work and at the end it will be useless. As it will only save object locations since all the brain behind MCC will be missing. You'll get a few Kb file with the location of each object on the map - you can just use BIS 3D editor for that.

MCC never took over the 2D editor it just empower it with new function exc.

So instead of placing a helicopter and finding a script for EVAC and than merging the scripts and description file with your mission and let all the other player download your 2.3MB mission. You can just make the mission, place an invisible helipad and call MCC function as [[vehicleClass, getpos this],"MCC_fnc_evacSpawn",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; and you have the evac heli with pilot co-pilot and all the turrets manned without any code merging. Same way you can do anything MCC does from the 2D editor.

All the info about MCC function are under Debug section in MCC --> functions.

So at the end MCC is a wrapper, it's a mod you use no matter if you are playing a premade mission, making one on the fly or using it as a panic button for admins. Your missions will always be light as you will call functions from MCC that already there without merging and your missions will always prevail because if you missed something or haven't thought all the way over a situation and you ended up with the need to buff some enemies or give the players an extra AT you can do that with a few clicks.

Allot of time I've been asked to dumb down MCC and release separated parts as scripts or addons or to do the sqm thing.

I refuse as for me MCC is more of a new way of gaming rather than a tool.

It is like buying a multifunction printer and asking to remove the fax and scanner because you don't really use it.

Believe me, once you get the power and the comfort of real time editors such as VTS or MCC you can't really go back... trust me or trust the others in this thread.


The arrow is more or less accurate but hey if you could do it better (I posted it in the change log) send over your templates (sqm or MCC TXT save) and i'll make them as standard MCC DOC just keep in mind they have to face north - 0 inorder to be aligned with the arrow.

I tend to use rifleman squads instead and use fortify... that works just fine.

Btw. the "hostage" setting when spawning a unit in the 3d-editor should also include a "removeAllWeapons this". Kinda silly when you forget to do that manually and your pilot-hostage ends up standing around with a submachinegun. ^^

It have removeAllWeapons i'll check it out.... again :butbut:

I cant get it to work! I have placed the folder "@mcc_sandbox" in the Arma 3 program folder and the have this "-mod=:@mcc_sandbox" in the startup-alias. Is that correct so far? When reading the pdf-manual it seems as if his is the way to do it and after that it seems as the MCC-stuff should be available in the menus when starting any own edited scenario without place anything more on the map or the mission folder but obviously I have something wrong. I suppose one source of fail could be the files downloaded in it self; what files and where to place them. For example the pbo-file "mcc_sandbox.altis"; where should that one be placed really? Inside "@mcc_sandbox"? Inside a mission folder?

Any ideas?

Yes Install CBA

Edited by shay_gman

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Ok thanks but unfortunately it still doesn't work after removed that. More ideas?

Yes Install CBA.

BTW fixed the things you were talking about:

1. Key stuck while using console.

2. Weather thing.

3. Hostage thing.

Download Link - MP Mission version - Stratis:


Download Link - MP Mission version - Altis:


Download Link - MP/SP Mod version:


Edited by shay_gman

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This is really one of the best mods for ARMA. Thanks for the last update.

We always use MCC to adjust missions on the fly.

Yesteday we had something strange.

Every unit we spawned with MCC (they were set to agressive) did not shoot. Also a SOD waypoint didn't change that.

We were playing as independent - the environment settings in the editor were set that just NATO in friendly to us.

Does someone have an idea what we were doing wrong?

All OPFOR-Units that were placed in editor before behave just as they should.

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This thing is a masterpiece mate. I'm very impressed!

One quick question: is there away to run a script to place everything from MCC at mission start up, without using the console at the start? It would make things just a little easier to use with standard editor placed stuff.

Thanks for all your hard work!

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Thank you for your helmet script.

BTW you can always place units in buildings using the fortify behavior.

Don't they run out as soon as combat starts?

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Superb mod, really really great stuff, is the goal here to make Mcc like the MCC version for arma 2 ??

i was reading the manual and it seems like there's more stuff in the arma 2 version of mcc.

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This is really one of the best mods for ARMA. Thanks for the last update.

We always use MCC to adjust missions on the fly.

Yesteday we had something strange.

Every unit we spawned with MCC (they were set to agressive) did not shoot. Also a SOD waypoint didn't change that.

We were playing as independent - the environment settings in the editor were set that just NATO in friendly to us.

Does someone have an idea what we were doing wrong?

All OPFOR-Units that were placed in editor before behave just as they should.

Thank you,

Let me get it rigth: you were playing as independent and non of the opfor units placed with MCC shoot at you? Did the mission maker changed from MCC's mission settings indpendent releations to other sides. By default independent should be hostile to all but that can be change with MCC mission settings.

This thing is a masterpiece mate. I'm very impressed!

One quick question: is there away to run a script to place everything from MCC at mission start up, without using the console at the start? It would make things just a little easier to use with standard editor placed stuff.

Thanks for all your hard work!


Well you can.

You can use specific MCC functions and integret them with your premade mission (in menu 2 --> debug --> functions --> mission --> MCC).

If you want to load the mission from the 2d then:

1. Make a mission with MCC go to the save/load menu.

2. Copy the generated text to clipboard.

3. Make an sqf file in you mission folder let name it MCCCompile.sqf.

4. In the mission init or in a trigger put this in

 if (isServer) then {[] spawn compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "MCCCompile.sqf"}; 

Let me know how it worked for you.

Don't they run out as soon as combat starts?

Only if they are part of a group and the group got into combat.

If you spawn them as units they won't run out.

Superb mod, really really great stuff, is the goal here to make Mcc like the MCC version for arma 2 ??

i was reading the manual and it seems like there's more stuff in the arma 2 version of mcc.

The general answer is yes. But since ArmA2 had more content than ArmA3 there are some things I can't add atm like: support drops - no large parachute.

Simulate parachuting/HALO - no cargo planes, Construction module - no COIN in arma 3 exc.

But as you can see MCC is a growing project and I tend to get my ideas from the community so time will tell.

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Hey shay,

top-notch mod! i could use the sandbox in editors preview mode and self-hosted games very well but i tried to load a testmission with included sandbox to my dedicated server tonight and it seems like it is not working there. the mod is still usable until i try to login to the sandbox-panel and i cannot use the functions because of an acces denied error.

of course i checked all the obvious things so far:

- mod is installed correctly

- script is initialized

- logged in as admin

- tried the module version with names and with synch to the unit in editor

but still it is not working in MP on server for me right now :(

Is there any hint you can give to me guys?

best regards,


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Really nice work with MCC sandbox, im a big fan.

I have a question, im looking to restrict access to players on the mission version using player names and player slots (role), im not a really good scripter but i have been looking in the module access init, found a variable _names but when i added random name, i still got access to it. Can you tell me more about how it works?

Thank you!

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