dreadpirate 173 Posted August 23, 2016 You can check the WIP version (mission only) here: https://github.com/shaygman/mcc_sandbox.Altis/tree/GAIA Is this GAIA updated from the Mission Template Stand Alone GAIA version? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaVerda 0 Posted August 24, 2016 i cant find the link to DL can someone please show me i think i might be blind Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rekkless 240 Posted August 24, 2016 Here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cbpinx8knu5fw42/%40mcc_sandbox.rar Shay you really need to upload at least that WIP version to the workshop, PWS and ArmAHolic it is a vastly superior version to the version that is currently on those sites. Even if you are still working updates. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shay_gman 272 Posted August 24, 2016 Here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cbpinx8knu5fw42/%40mcc_sandbox.rar Shay you really need to upload at least that WIP version to the workshop, PWS and ArmAHolic it is a vastly superior version to the version that is currently on those sites. Even if you are still working updates. I will I just need to find the time to make a proper introduction video ... if only I knew someone that could make some YouTubes for it...... -_- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rekkless 240 Posted August 24, 2016 I will I just need to find the time to make a proper introduction video ... if only I knew someone that could make some YouTubes for it...... -_- B) Message sent. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ski2060 167 Posted August 24, 2016 You two get crackin! I've been waiting for the new MCC for months now! From what you posted earlier @Shaygman it looks awesome!I can't wait to see the bug fixes and new ideas you've implemented. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DailyGrind 2 Posted August 25, 2016 Shay_gman, is it possible to use the MCC to make auto generated random Mission/SideMission? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vertical radius 10 Posted August 25, 2016 Been using this mod for almost 3 years now mostly for the random mission generation. It's pretty important to our group, so thanks for making it. Just curious but are you planning on updating MCC in the near future? I've had a few questions recently: • I found that certain objectives bug out with certain factions. For example on Zargabad using Syndikat I tried to generate a mission twice using demo weapon cache as an objective alongside kill HVT and intel. My mission generator would just hang endlessly loading the mission, unable to generate the last objective and the loading bar still on my screen. Yet when I changed out that objective it had no problem. This seems to vary on maps (including vanilla ones) and locations. Is there any way to kill the mission generator and stop it where it is? • The Disable IED objective minigame does not complete the objective upon completion. If you succeed in disabling it and then try to disable it again, it will re-arm and explode if you fail. Meaning that you never actually disable the IED, ever. So there's no point in even doing the objective since nothing changes. • Is there a way to disable effects such as blizzards and sandstorms once they're on the map? • Is there a way to change the default keys for interaction so that players don't have to disable them in configuring? I don't like having to walk each new player through this process of rebinding those keys. In the cases that it interferes with default ACE keys. • Is there a way to delete a zone or disable units from spawning in it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FireWalker 329 Posted August 25, 2016 I believe the blizzards, etc. can be killed with a brush, but I haven't tried it in awhile. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
los18z 19 Posted August 25, 2016 WRT the interaction keys I though the ace interaction key integrates the MCC interactions as well automagically? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vertical radius 10 Posted August 25, 2016 I believe the blizzards, etc. can be killed with a brush, but I haven't tried it in awhile. That's the thing I thought was meant for this action but it doesn't end up doing anything for me. WRT the interaction keys I though the ace interaction key integrates the MCC interactions as well automagically? It doesn't overwrite - in fact MCC can stop ACE from opening. There's a way to disable MCC interaction through modules in the editor, but it doesn't always work for some strange reason. I run a custom mod pack with MCC in it so I would be able to change files if I could find it here. I took a quick peek but I couldn't find anything obvious to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hugodm9 30 Posted August 26, 2016 So shay, in the next update the medical system will be fully compatible with the AI? They can revive others? Most of the time i play with a small group, so we use AI to fill the squad. Ace don't have support for medical AI, so MCC would be my way to go! :) Oh, and is there a way to use RHS units instead of vanilla ones in the campaign? I'm building soldiers from the "sleeping area" but they are vanilla ones. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
richardg 10 Posted August 27, 2016 I play singleplayer. I add AI team members to myself as squad leader, but they wont follow me. How do I properly add AI teamates that follow orders? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vivalavlad 0 Posted August 28, 2016 Hey how do i get the mcc brach in zeus ive had it twice now and i need the options and now i dont have it ive restarted the game and poof its gone i have done anything with setting or mods soo i dont see why i dont get it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
los18z 19 Posted August 28, 2016 I love using mcc for helo training. Lately in the past week, I'm running into problems when I want to unload troops from a helo in mcc. I open mcc, select, troops unload and everyone in the infantry squad gets out except the squad leader. I have to reselect the dismounted squad, Give it another way point then order another troops unload again. The SL then gets out but if I don't take off right away he tries to get in! Btw the SL seems to always be sitting in the gunner seat when this happens. Sidebar for us helo pilots would be nice if we could just have a hot key for the human pilot to just unload AI groups from the helo when he lands (or a mouse action) especially on hot LZs. Los 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
teddymosart1 40 Posted August 29, 2016 I love using mcc for helo training. Lately in the past week, I'm running into problems when I want to unload troops from a helo in mcc. I open mcc, select, troops unload and everyone in the infantry squad gets out except the squad leader. I have to reselect the dismounted squad, Give it another way point then order another troops unload again. The SL then gets out but if I don't take off right away he tries to get in! Btw the SL seems to always be sitting in the gunner seat when this happens. Sidebar for us helo pilots would be nice if we could just have a hot key for the human pilot to just unload AI groups from the helo when he lands (or a mouse action) especially on hot LZs. Los Or you can use Ares mod/Achilles version,´Control+G`to eject any team.A hot-key would be of great help,tho. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcatore 20 Posted September 3, 2016 Probably I've found a bug...or at least an incompatibility with the last ACRE release. The problem is that, tested with the radios 343 and 148, when you open the map and you try to talk in radio, the radio doesn't work. Now, I don't know if it's a problem caused by MCC or caused by ACRE. I'll notice this also in the ACRE forum... In any case, I know that is this mods combination because I've tested in this way: - ACRE+CBA = Ok - ACRE+CBA+ACE = Ok - ACRE+CBA+ACE+MCC = problem Anyone here can confirm this problem? Thanks in advance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcatore 20 Posted September 4, 2016 Sorry to have reported a false positive bug...it seems that using "space" key to speak in radio with map opened is not good for Arma...using another key seems fine... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tortuosit 486 Posted September 5, 2016 Houston, we have a problem.I had crashing problems ("ArmA3.exe has caused an error") with Devbranch for a while (report starting here). Now today I took some time to investigate... checked system (RAM), rpt and mods.Result: It's MCC causing the crash. RPT says in the end "17:05:13 No alive in 10000" - and ArmA crashes. Endless loop of death something...?- Load: ArmA DEV Vanilla + MCC + CBA_A3 (cba updated via SIX)- Load Tanoa map to editor- Double click and add default unit- Preview -> CrashWithout MCC, I can play devbranch with a magnitude of mods. Anyone else? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rekkless 240 Posted September 5, 2016 Houston, we have a problem. I had crashing problems ("ArmA3.exe has caused an error") with Devbranch for a while (report starting here). Now today I took some time to investigate... checked system (RAM), rpt and mods. Result: It's MCC causing the crash. RPT says in the end "17:05:13 No alive in 10000" - and ArmA crashes. Endless loop of death something...? - Load: ArmA DEV Vanilla + MCC + CBA_A3 (cba updated via SIX) - Load Tanoa map to editor - Double click and add default unit - Preview -> Crash Without MCC, I can play devbranch with a magnitude of mods. Anyone else? MCC never has nor never will be designed to work with any kind of dev build. Wait until the Dev build goes stable and see if your problem persists. All I can say is the latest version (currently only found on the dropbox link on the front page) work perfectly fine on the current build with a whole host of mods and maps including but not limiting: RHS, CUP Units, vehicles etc. Project Opfor, Ryan Zombies, FAP Units, RDS Civ Pack, CUP Terrains, all Ice breakers maps (panthera etc.) Esseker, Kunduz, Bozcaada on ArmA 2 Maps such as Fallujah, Caribou Frontier, Namalsk and Podagorsk. I personally haven't found a map or unit mod that doesn't work with the current version of MCC and ArmA 3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moon_chilD 200 Posted September 5, 2016 I think he more or less mentioned it so that Shay or any other dev knows about it and may take a look at it. Since there wasn't an updated for a longer time he (and also I) might be worried that MCC will not work after the Update, which might be released soon since they already RC test it, anymore! ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ineptaphid 6413 Posted September 5, 2016 I play singleplayer. I add AI team members to myself as squad leader, but they wont follow me. How do I properly add AI teamates that follow orders? Spawn the ai.Then select yourself ans set yourself a "Join squad as leader" waypoint. put it very near to the ai-they should move to it, then when you get there they will join you.I use it all the time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tortuosit 486 Posted September 5, 2016 MCC never has nor never will be designed to work with any kind of dev build. Wait until the Dev build goes stable Nope; wrong approach. Reports of bugs which may happen in upcoming ArmA releases are important and btw, MCC always ran pretty well for me in prior dev builds (except for some sqf code errors). A crash like now is something more serious which ideally gets recognized by a mod dev. Do we really need to discuss this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
O.Languedoc 67 Posted September 8, 2016 Hello All, Is MCC Still stable with the last arma release? Any bug that I should know of before bringing MCC into my modset? I heard people were sometime having a hard time joining the games while MCC is active. Something to do with Arma Vanilla Repsawn Position interface... Any hint would be appreciated. Cheers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rekkless 240 Posted September 8, 2016 Hello All, Is MCC Still stable with the last arma release? Any bug that I should know of before bringing MCC into my modset? I heard people were sometime having a hard time joining the games while MCC is active. Something to do with Arma Vanilla Repsawn Position interface... Any hint would be appreciated. Cheers. Very much so. Make sure you use the dropbox version found of the front page. But it works 98% perfectly fine and you will very much benefit from having it in your modset. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites