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MCC Sandbox 3 - Dynamic mission creating tool for ArmA 3

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Finally, loading it as I speak:)

I know that MCC and Alive had/have issues with each other, but that is kinda old intel. I think I am not really up to date on that. Does anyone know whether running alive and mcc together still isn't possible/recommended? Because I am slowly getting into editing and scripting, and alive just eases things...

Another question: I figured, that only the mission maker gets those MCC markers with the zones and all that stuff. Normal players should only see the AO and very few objective markers, right? Is there a way to turn the MCC zones/exact objective positions etc. off on the normal map for the mission maker? (because it really takes away the fun if I am playing with only one other guy and I am seeing all the exact locations when looking at the map).

Thanks in advance!

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Updated release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

** Can you confirm this is version r3? I fail at finding a proper versioning number except for the one on the changelog (but we were on 20+ before).

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Finally, loading it as I speak:)

I know that MCC and Alive had/have issues with each other, but that is kinda old intel. I think I am not really up to date on that. Does anyone know whether running alive and mcc together still isn't possible/recommended? Because I am slowly getting into editing and scripting, and alive just eases things...

Thanks in advance!

MCC caching and ALiVE profiling won't play nicely together so you should only use one or the other. Any ALiVE MP/MCP spawns/profiles should be 'grabbable' by GAIA if that's what you want to do. I suspect OPCOM and GAIA will conflict as they're both controlling AI waypoints. Some ALiVE support modules such as Combat Support should work fine, although MCC has similar functionality built in already so it'd be a bit redundant to use both.

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I believe that some components of the Cargo Generator are broken. The menu scrolls all the way down and locks and I cant add items. Any fix?

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Here you guys hold the first video about GAIA in MCC. In total it will be a series of 3. Please forgive my horrible video editing, it is my first video ever. It should help you guys get the best out of GAIA as i think lots of functionality is unknown. In this video we go cover:

- The basics (behavior and movement of gaia groups)

- GAIA response to threat

- GIAA CAS and Air patrol system.

Video 2 This video is about Artillery and Mortar, the transportation system and the use of support groups (fuel, repair etc).

Video 3 AA units, advance usage and yet to be determined :)

Edited by spirit6
video 2 content change

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I've noticed two bugs regarding Zeus when playing by myself in a template mission:

1. I can't edit my player on Zeus - therefore I can't can't change his rank or group him to squads

2. When I die and respawn as the mission maker, pressing Y doesn't do anything and relogging as the mission editor gives me access to Zeus again.

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Spirit, thanks for the GAIA explanations .... WOW .. you guys are geniuses ! One thing that intrigued me about the video was when three groups were flanking intially, would it have made more sense for the north group to go throug th the buildings and the south groups to enter from the south? Instead they seemed to cartwheel around flanking. Don't get me wrong, what they do is fine, but it looked a little strange.

Keep up the good work.

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Spirit, thanks for the GAIA explanations .... WOW .. you guys are geniuses ! One thing that intrigued me about the video was when three groups were flanking intially, would it have made more sense for the north group to go throug th the buildings and the south groups to enter from the south? Instead they seemed to cartwheel around flanking. Don't get me wrong, what they do is fine, but it looked a little strange.

Keep up the good work.

Probably. Sense is a hard thing to teach a computer. But if you let go of the lines and numbers running in the window and just experience the game. I guarantee you, the days for duckshooting session are over. They coming to get ya Kremator :)

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I have a question, if I choose to not install the iniDB, what are the side effects?

Another ideia: Did you guys ever think about adding an low level AI mod like ASR_AI3 or bCombat or something?

I am asking this because from what I understand, GAIA assigns waypoints on a high level, but we don't have a system that will make the AIs be supressed for example, or morale system.

Again, thanks for your amazing work... who never tried using MCC, you don't know what you are losing.

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I have a question, if I choose to not install the iniDB, what are the side effects?

Another ideia: Did you guys ever think about adding an low level AI mod like ASR_AI3 or bCombat or something?

I am asking this because from what I understand, GAIA assigns waypoints on a high level, but we don't have a system that will make the AIs be supressed for example, or morale system.

Again, thanks for your amazing work... who never tried using MCC, you don't know what you are losing.

Shay will update you on the iniDB as thats not my territory. GAIA does a lot more then assigning waypoints but she is indeed a higher level lead. The AI does use smoke and flares but that is what i call ambient behavior. The whole idea is that people are then free to spice up the ai with any lower level AI (strange word here). There are no plans in GAIA to move to the lowest level. There is so much more to do on the higher end that a wider focus is not needed.

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Shay will update you on the iniDB as thats not my territory. GAIA does a lot more then assigning waypoints but she is indeed a higher level lead. The AI does use smoke and flares but that is what i call ambient behavior. The whole idea is that people are then free to spice up the ai with any lower level AI (strange word here). There are no plans in GAIA to move to the lowest level. There is so much more to do on the higher end that a wider focus is not needed.

Thanks mate, indeed I noticed all these behavior, and is really exciting to assault a city in the night and see the enemies "throwing" flares, never seen this before. Do you guys know what would be an AI mod that wouldn't create problems with MCC?

I mean, taking ASR_AI3 as example, they got a morale system that makes some enemies flees from the combat, and at the same time, we get GAIA saying that this unit should stay there.

Just looking for a mod fully compatible with MCC, do you guys have plans to create a list of "mods fully compatible with MCC?"

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Thanks mate, indeed I noticed all these behavior, and is really exciting to assault a city in the night and see the enemies "throwing" flares, never seen this before. Do you guys know what would be an AI mod that wouldn't create problems with MCC?

I mean, taking ASR_AI3 as example, they got a morale system that makes some enemies flees from the combat, and at the same time, we get GAIA saying that this unit should stay there.

Just looking for a mod fully compatible with MCC, do you guys have plans to create a list of "mods fully compatible with MCC?"

Not really. Any group that has had orders and flees will have their orders cancelled. They will even not be caclulated into the battle so more reinformencent groups might even be send to the conflict area. As soon as the group returns back to normal then GAIA will hand over orders again.

What mods work and do not work. I really dont know, that is for you and others to decide and try and for other addon makers to decide.

---------- Post added at 10:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 PM ----------

New update v0.4 rc3 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


Tx old buddy!

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Not really. Any group that has had orders and flees will have their orders cancelled. They will even not be caclulated into the battle so more reinformencent groups might even be send to the conflict area. As soon as the group returns back to normal then GAIA will hand over orders again.

What mods work and do not work. I really dont know, that is for you and others to decide and try and for other addon makers to decide.

---------- Post added at 10:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 PM ----------

Tx old buddy!

Thanks mate!

Again, congratulations on your job, is not easy at all and we should thank you guys every day for creating such tool... for free.

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Thank you Sir Shay and Sir Spirit ............ :icon_dj:

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HI love mcc but one question I don't seem to respawn when I have a role and die ? I made the star location for west. Anyone know how to fix this ?

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Just a small update.

Re download the files please some small fixes:

1. Players will add to Zeus on respawn.

2. Mission maker won't have to relog to MCC after respawn to get Zeus but he still need to open MCC.

3. The mod template mission had some errors with the A3 Wounding system, so I add the A3 wounding system to the template missions in the link below.

Download Link - MP Mission version - Altis:


Download Link - MP/SP Mod version:


Download Link - Template mission:


HI love mcc but one question I don't seem to respawn when I have a role and die ? I made the star location for west. Anyone know how to fix this ?

What do you mean you don't seem to respawn are you just dead and mission over? did you enabled respawn in the description file of your mission? did you enable it to base respawn?

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Oh no still rather noob when it comes to a lot of stuff :(

---------- Post added at 22:44 ---------- Previous post was at 22:28 ----------

Can you write what I must put in the descrition file plz ? not this right ?

respawn = "Base";

respawndelay = "3";

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hi shay_gman i just downloaded your latest MCC4 r3 and when i try to loging it says [bIS_fnc_MPexecc] Function 'mcc_fnc_loging' does not exist , how to solve this please

Edited by cpt.ghost

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The terrain detail bug is still present. Stuff starts floating as soon as I open MCC. :(

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The terrain detail bug is still present. Stuff starts floating as soon as I open MCC. :(

Never happened with me, what mods are you using?

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Spirit/Shay... The new updates look fantastic.

Quick question, please let me know if I'm approaching this correctly:

I'd like to use the editor to place units, but ensure that are both under GAIA's control and cached when the mission starts. In the group leader's initialization, I've placed the following:

thisGroup = group this;

thisGroup setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",[1,1], false];

thisGroup setVariable ['mcc_gaia_cache', !(thisGroup getVariable ['mcc_gaia_cache',false]),true];

It seems to work with all the groups I've added so far, but please let me know if this is the wrong approach (or the wrong syntax).

Thanks again

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I just had to come here and thank you a million times for the ZUES addon for 3d editing! Thank you sir.

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I know it sounds a little anacronic, but I really miss the integrated VAS and MCC´s Box generator, I know some servers had issues with them, but It worked as a charm for me and as some weapons and attchments are only accesible with them, I´d like to ask for an optional version of the latest MCC with these features back =)

Is it me, or the Zeus lightining strikes doesn´t kill the AI? I have struck a FIA soldier with 7 bolts and that bot kept walking and shooting back!

Outstanding job integrating Zeus and MCC and all other advancements (but I still miss that old features)


Edit -> damn, I haven´t seen the video and just now I realised that the new "cargo" function is like the mcc box generator =P... but I still miss the integrated VAS! ;)

Edited by Corporal_Lib[BR]

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