representtx 3 Posted July 20, 2016 Just wanted to chime in, i created a separate thread not knowing that this thread describes the issues i am having. As a newer player i thought this was just an issue on my end but maybe it's this bug instead. I will try to figure out how trace it for the developer. thanks 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ineptaphid 6413 Posted July 21, 2016 Yes, as the above post said-it may be the server. As you said you are a new player-there are dozens of threads about performance in Arma3, I suggest having a read of some. But for now a god way to test actual performance is to go into the editor and spawn in a single unit. Then start walking around in different parts of the island testing different graphics settings. Arma3 is a very CPU intensive game-but i see you have a very good system. The main thing in graphics settings that will destroy framerate is view distance and object view distance settings.A lot of people try to keep them at somewhere around 3000mtrs, and a bit less for object view distance-say about 2000-this will give you a wonderful view distance and optimal performance in most scenarios. Often if you are getting poor performance it is due to a bad server-it may be overpopulated or running a huge amount of performance heavy scripts etc. From what you describe it sounds like the server is the issue. My girlfriend actually has the exact same PC setup as you and she easily runs any singleplayer scenario at 60fps on Ultra settings-so your rig is more than capable :) Do have a look at some of the optimisation threads and guides-there is plenty of tweaking that can be done, or contact me by private message. We really don't need another new thread on this issue :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lex__1 422 Posted July 21, 2016 What FPS when came on the server, after 10-15 minutes? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
asdfasdfasdfsadfasdf 0 Posted July 21, 2016 I had the same problem only with weaker rig. I heard that people have similar problems but I didn't found any answers on the internet, so since I have Windows 10 I used option to reinstall them and after that everything was fine. I don't know if that is the problem for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kridian 33 Posted July 21, 2016 The server is (Official) Invade and Annex TOA: Apex Edition (60 player max) Average FPS 20. Every match after about 30 minutes it drops to 2 fps. @representttx, was that server named: [Official] Invade & Annex #01 (NA-US) Tanoa by chance? Because the same thing happened to me last evening on that server. It bogged down to 2 fps after about 20-30 minutes of play. I am running the Profiling version of ArmA3 now to see if I can help out the devs pinpoint this problem. This thread--> Arma 3 STABLE server 1.62 "performance binary" feedback 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gary66 11 Posted July 21, 2016 Yeah i get frame rates drops too, and after about 20 minutes of game play the landscape or screen begins to spasm and jerk the guy i click on to jerks and spasms makes it impossible to aim at all, this is ridiculous, i wont be buying the er new expansion because it seem with every update the game gets worse? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
focher 15 Posted July 21, 2016 Yeah i get frame rates drops too, and after about 20 minutes of game play the landscape or screen begins to spasm and jerk the guy i click on to jerks and spasms makes it impossible to aim at all, this is ridiculous, i wont be buying the er new expansion because it seem with every update the game gets worse? An alternative approach would be to follow Dwarden's steps in the earlier post to 1) install the Profiling version of the executable and 2) submit FRAME captures to BIS so they can track down the cause of the problem and then fix it. They will fix it, but only when they're able to figure out the cause. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted July 21, 2016 as seen by this good soul: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
representtx 3 Posted July 21, 2016 @representttx, was that server named: [Official] Invade & Annex #01 (NA-US) Tanoa by chance? Because the same thing happened to me last evening on that server. It bogged down to 2 fps after about 20-30 minutes of play. I am running the Profiling version of ArmA3 now to see if I can help out the devs pinpoint this problem. This thread--> Arma 3 STABLE server 1.62 "performance binary" feedback Yes that is EXACTLY the server! I love the missions and community in that server but the 20-30 minutes drop to 2fps is killing the entire experience. Thank you for profiling the issue for the devs, i will do the same this weekend when i have a little spare time. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
olli_ 13 Posted July 22, 2016 Just got my 1080 and thought itd be nice to try out Apex on ultra graphics. Well turns out I get about 20-30 fps on ultra 1440p, Then I tried turning down the settings to all low, fps went up by like 5-10 so it hovers around 35 now, still nowhere near playable. so what gives? i5-2500K 3.30GHz 16 GB RAM GTX 1080 Also I get about 50-60 fps in editor with everything ultra, which is still lower than ive seen benchmark results. edit: ive also tried these low fps fixes, neither of which did anything Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BL4DE 91 Posted July 22, 2016 Is FRAME captures during multiplayer session valid? Or should it be captured in the editor? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
domokun 515 Posted July 22, 2016 Just got my 1080 and thought itd be nice to try out Apex on ultra graphics. Well turns out I get about 20-30 fps on ultra 1440p, Then I tried turning down the settings to all low, fps went up by like 5-10 so it hovers around 35 now, still nowhere near playable. so what gives? Good performance in Arma requires (in order of importance): 1) Fast CPU (3.5 min, 4.0 better & 4.5 ideally) 2) Preferably Intel 3) Fast RAM 4) SSD A powerful GPU helps but hardly compared to the above. Your setup meets requirement #2 but not #1, nor #3 (you made no mention of #4). Detail Here are benchmarks that reinforce these claims: Conclusion 1. Overclock your 2500k (4.0 easy, 4.2 prolly, 4.4 maybe) 2. Overclock your RAM (+10% maybe +20%?) So you should gain +20-40%. If you want really good framerates @ 1440p, you'll need upgrade to an i5-6600K/i7-6700k & overclock her slightly to 4.5 GHz: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingN 251 Posted July 22, 2016 After 1.62 patch I also have problems with lod problems (trees, buildings disappearing and reappearing in distance in a flickering manner) after moments into mission, accompanied by lowered FPS, sometimes down to a crawling slideshow. This also leads to jerky infantry unit animations. Before the latest stable patch the mission was fine. Below are the profiling logs, the affected one with objects flickering and lower FPS, and the normal one running fine. Both from the same mission. log log_normal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingN 251 Posted July 22, 2016 To my upper post, linked is a lot worse case, game came to a crawl and lods and animations went haywire. log_worse Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rokeugon 13 Posted July 23, 2016 After 1.62 patch I also have problems with lod problems (trees, buildings disappearing and reappearing in distance in a flickering manner) after moments into mission, accompanied by lowered FPS, sometimes down to a crawling slideshow. This also leads to jerky infantry unit animations. Before the latest stable patch the mission was fine. Below are the profiling logs, the affected one with objects flickering and lower FPS, and the normal one running fine. Both from the same mission. log log_normal yeah i can semi-agree with this! obviously you get the best FPS while playing SP. but SP or MP it makes no difference you still see the FPS issues either way! since APEX introduced a new LOD system thats supposed to be smooth and render in better i find it actually makes FPS worse! an Altislife Server that ive played on for many months now. after the APEX update ive notice the game has significantly worse FPS. when i alt tab i see the game is barely using any ram! i have given the game in parameters 2048MB's of ram so it can better utlize my ram but instead of the 1.5-2GB that i still have at disposal! instead it still decides to chug along with 500-700MB's of ram! the before and after APEX is very clear that APEX (PERSONALLY) screwed with my FPS entirely! im encountering massive FPS drops and Lockups / freezes and on a wasteland server that ive played on for months i can only play for maybe 30-40 minutes straight before encountering major dips in FPS and it simply becomes unplayable and im unable to defend myself let alone my team. however thats not me saying that i dont get the odd dips in FPS while still playing within those 30 minutes or so! The game simply wont utilize my ram what so ever! and its quite frankly Pissing me off! the noticeable difference in FPS before and after APEX is a huge margin at least for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JuggernautOfWar 1 Posted July 23, 2016 I'm getting back into ArmA 3 after a while and my performance in single player is so bad I can't really play. If I pause the game by tapping escape (game scene still visible in background) I get over 60 FPS no matter where I am at ultra settings and below (using graphics presets). I have Vsync disabled and rendering at 100% of 1080p. Once I resume the game I often get 15-20 FPS, or sometimes even lower on occasion. Obviously this is not acceptable nor playable, as aiming and driving become a real headache. I've done some digging on these forums and it appears there are some options I could try typing in to the launcher parameter fields, but I'm at a loss as to what I should do there, or if that would even change anything. Specs are as follows: Windows 10 Home x64 Core i7-4710MQ @ 2.5 GHz (currently running at 3.5 GHz according to Speccy, no idea how that works) 8 GB DDR3 GTX 970M 1 TB Samsung 850 Pro SSD Before anyone rags on me for having a laptop, I'll just say I need one. A desktop does not work for my situation unfortunately. I have an old outdated gaming desktop built when the GTX 570 was brand new and it gets even worse performance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vasily.B 529 Posted July 23, 2016 I'm getting back into ArmA 3 after a while and my performance in single player is so bad I can't really play. If I pause the game by tapping escape (game scene still visible in background) I get over 60 FPS no matter where I am at ultra settings and below (using graphics presets). I have Vsync disabled and rendering at 100% of 1080p. Once I resume the game I often get 15-20 FPS, or sometimes even lower on occasion. Obviously this is not acceptable nor playable, as aiming and driving become a real headache. I've done some digging on these forums and it appears there are some options I could try typing in to the launcher parameter fields, but I'm at a loss as to what I should do there, or if that would even change anything. Specs are as follows: Windows 10 Home x64 Core i7-4710MQ @ 2.5 GHz (currently running at 3.5 GHz according to Speccy, no idea how that works) 8 GB DDR3 GTX 970M 1 TB Samsung 850 Pro SSD Before anyone rags on me for having a laptop, I'll just say I need one. A desktop does not work for my situation unfortunately. I have an old outdated gaming desktop built when the GTX 570 was brand new and it gets even worse performance. Your CPU, if is at 2.5Ghz, its too slow to handle arma. Arma runs perfectly on 4.0Ghz or 4.5, till higher Ghz, till better, no matter how cores you have 4,6 or more, most important is Ghz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KEBAB ELIMINATOR 0 Posted July 23, 2016 I have problems with FPS drop. I have done everything associated with fps increasing (clean-up junk files, set commands for Arma 3, overclock my CPU, put even the lowest graphics, set priority to high) but my FPS on wasteland haven't changed and I still keep getting 30-50 FPS. Once I had 60-80 FPS on a different wasteland server. I have: CPU: Intel i7 4470 (overclocked to 3.9 GHz) GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 RAM: 8GB OS: 8.1 x64 If anyone can help I highly appreciate it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
B.Randall 10 Posted July 23, 2016 I have problems with FPS drop. I have done everything associated with fps increasing (clean-up junk files, set commands for Arma 3, overclock my CPU, put even the lowest graphics, set priority to high) but my FPS on wasteland haven't changed and I still keep getting 30-50 FPS. Once I had 60-80 FPS on a different wasteland server. I have: CPU: Intel i7 4470 (overclocked to 3.9 GHz) GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 RAM: 8GB OS: 8.1 x64 If anyone can help I highly appreciate it! as mentioned earlier, low FPS in high population multiplayer missions is a mixture of things both server and clientside. Unfortunately, on the client side, ARMA primarily runs on one core, so your FPS will not increase unless you overclock your CPU even more (which I would not recommend as you already have and any higher may cause temp issues.) As a player, theres not much you can do for the server FPS being low. You've already done as much as you could have already. If you take note, the high FPS wasteland server you were on either restarted recently, had less players and/or less ai assets, and less scripts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yoi174 0 Posted July 23, 2016 Can someone help me out? I recently built a new pc running with a [email protected], gtx 1070, and 16 GB RAM. As of right now, I can easily max any game out right now, with playable fps. Even arma, I've been playing multiplayer with 60-70 fps maxed. However today I went to try and get on a server, and usually whenever I first log in, my fps is super low for a few seconds, then it shoots up to what it is normally. However today, it stayed at like 5 fps, then I get kicked from the server. This happened on exile servers, and even on multiplayer campaign missions. So idk if its my internet or something weird going on? Please help!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wobbly69 0 Posted July 24, 2016 Hi, I just bought a 1080GTX (Asus Strix) and have low FPS with low GPU and CPU usage. Any ideas? SCREENSHOT. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nikiforos 450 Posted July 24, 2016 Hi, I just bought a 1080GTX (Asus Strix) and have low FPS with low GPU and CPU usage. Any ideas? SCREENSHOT. Because GPU is of low importance to Arma 3. Arma depends mainly on your CPU power and since the game is badly optimized you should expect the results you have right now. And BTW hopefully you didn't buy your GPU for Arma only. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lex__1 422 Posted July 24, 2016 game is badly optimized you should expect the results you have right now. Occupy waiting list according to the list))) We wait three years for decisions. Who can approach in office of BIS, take waiting list?))) To whom laziness to go, read this subject Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chevy90 0 Posted July 26, 2016 Hi guys, the past days i have a lot of Problems playing arma ! My machine is running well, i have average of 50 fps all the time. But since a week or 2 there is a problem i have look at the Screenshot After this issue appears, the game is not playble, A restart is requried or the fps will stay at 2-5 Things ive done ! All drivers and things are up to date - no overheating as i have watercooling My specs intel i7 4970k 4,5ghz Samsung evo 1tb ssd Samsung m2 512gb gtx 980ti 16gb of ram msi mainboard gaming 7 i hope u guys have a solution Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted July 26, 2016 new profiling build out please follow the steps in next post if you want help us ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites