-Coulum- 35 Posted February 16, 2013 (edited) Title says it all. Just curious as to what people think of the Arma 3 cross-hairs compared to the Arma 2 cross-hairs. Vote up and discuss why or why not you are for/against the arma 3 cross-hairs based on the footage we have seen or experience you have had with them (I envy those lucky bastards). PS - Oh and this is all assuming everyone else you play with is using the same option as you. Ie. I know even I use crosshairs in arma 2 when everyone else is running around and using them simply so I am not at a disadvantage. But I still consider myself someone who doesn't use them in A2 because when I set up a server I always turn them off for everyone. Edited February 16, 2013 by -Coulum- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shatter3D_S0uL 1 Posted February 16, 2013 Well,I have nothing against the Arma 3 crosshairs,but I will not use them.I want a more realistic approach for this game,as much as it can possibly be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicholas 5 Posted February 16, 2013 I'm not for or against crosshairs or people using them. As long as we can turn it on and off as we wish I'm ok. I never used the crosshair in ArmA 2 so I have no intentions of using it in ArmA 3. Maybe I'll play around with it for a while because it is a new design, but I certainly won't play with it all the time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laqueesha 474 Posted February 16, 2013 (edited) I don't use the default crosshairs that come with the game. However, I do use crosshair mods, such as the "Minimal Crosshair" mod, that lets you shoot in a "general" direction, without being too pin-point accurate. This simulates the "feel" that a point-shooter would have with a firearm, and traditional ironsights/optics are still required to be used at long distances. Remember that completely removing the crosshair altogether is not fully realistic and puts the player at a disadvantage to the A.I., and other players with crosshairs. Edited February 16, 2013 by Laqueesha Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chortles 263 Posted February 16, 2013 I don't use the default crosshairs that come with the game. However, I do use crosshair mods, such as the "Minimal Crosshair" mod, that lets you shoot in a "general" direction, without being too pin-point accurate. This simulates the "feel" that a point-shooter would have with a firearm, and traditional ironsights/optics are still required to be used at long distances. Remember that completely removing the crosshair altogether is not fully realistic and puts the player at a disadvantage to the A.I., and other players with crosshairs.That seems to some extent to be the concept behind the new Arma 3 crosshairs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laqueesha 474 Posted February 16, 2013 That seems to some extent to be the concept behind the new Arma 3 crosshairs. It is? That's good to hear. I haven't seen the new ArmA 3 crosshairs, so I honestly can't speak for them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted February 16, 2013 At times, more likely than not, in a public scenario, you'll be using crosshairs. So I guess it depends on which server I would join. Ofcourse, private games are a different matter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Coulum- 35 Posted February 16, 2013 I don't use the default crosshairs that come with the game. However, I do use crosshair mods, such as the "Minimal Crosshair" mod, that lets you shoot in a "general" direction, without being too pin-point accurate. This simulates the "feel" that a point-shooter would have with a firearm, and traditional ironsights/optics are still required to be used at long distances. Remember that completely removing the crosshair altogether is not fully realistic and puts the player at a disadvantage to the A.I., and other players with crosshairs. I have an opinion along the same lines. You should have something to give you general orientation and the ability to quickly shoot at close range, but not so much that you can shoot accurately over 50 or so metres without the sights. I think arma 3's crosshairs will do exactly that (hopefully). When people say that zero cross-hairs is more realistic I disagree with them. Yes it technically is realistic but it doesn't generate realistic gameplay - in reality you do have a feel for where your weapon is pointed. Cross-hairs are a way to abstract this feeling. I am all for abstractions if they lead to realistic gameplay. At times, more likely than not, in a public scenario, you'll be using crosshairs. So I guess it depends on which server I would join. Of course, private games are a different matter. Yes the poll is assuming that you had control of the whole server not just your own personal settings. Anyone who plays without crosshairs with a server that allows it is crazy IMO. So basically assume you are only playing on private servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rye1 22 Posted February 17, 2013 (edited) You know in ARMA 2, the M16A2 can be used to point-fire from. His thumb is in-line with the barrel and it's great for just point shooting. But other than that, I think there is no other way of feeling for the weapon, where it is situated. I think crosshairs may allow you to KNOW where your weapon is pointing and where it's probably going to hit which is the real negative - that's opposite to getting a feel for the rifle - and that's why I don't use crosshairs, ever. Now on the other hand, constantly going to "ADS" - aim down sights - to engage is irritating especially when your close to an enemy. I try to engage without ADS then transition to it, and I try to get those initial shots to be accurate but it's not always the case, especially up and downhill engagements or 5% type shots at enemy behind cover or other people. It's not too bad without aiming down sights, if you've ever tried a quick deathmatch... you soon get used to your weapon and just putting quarter of a magazine at someone close range and moving again. I find crosshairs to be great for target transitions, if you've ever had multiple enemy in a line or even tried some "range drills". Mouse settings and sensitives (both internal and external) really help with this. I bought a new mouse after a failed range run, I got around 16/20 at a very slow rate (about 1-2 seconds per target). With the new mouse and after a few practices with adjusted settings I was getting 20/20 in a good time. Like it has been mentioned with the 'negative acceleration' in-game to stop you doing 360 no-scopes and the likes, you seem to either over-aim or under. You either go past the target or no where near in that type of dynamic situation. It's very hard to just situate your upper-body, arms and stance towards the threat. Instead you end up with feet fixed, planted to the ground and upper-body facing half-left for an example, too far over, and trying to drag the weapon back on target. Tweaking deadzone tends to be a must in these cases. Edited February 17, 2013 by Rye Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted February 17, 2013 Personally I just don't like crosshairs at all -in any shooter. Takes away from the feeling of aiming and being in touch with your metal. Shooting a scoped weapon (dont like them either due to overpowered feel) at quick moving enemies in close vicinity is pretty tough especially with the full deadzone on -but it's just what I prefer. I never knew about the cqb sights on the G36 until just recently and hopefully we'll see more of that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trauma.au 10 Posted February 17, 2013 In A2 I don't really care if cross hairs are enabled or not but having the new adaptive cross hairs in A3 will give them enough value that I will want to use them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
On_Sabbatical 11 Posted February 17, 2013 Just want to say that 90 % of this community cries for extremly detailed scopes and some RTT solutions that will have performance impact ... Well,if done properly why not removing crosshairs at all difficulty levels ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4084 Posted February 17, 2013 No crosshairs for me, ever since day 1 of RO (Red Orchestra - RO1) I got used to Iron sites, and feel my tactical shooting skills have increased, not having them on forces you to apply yourself differently in a tactical combat situation, as you have to compensate for the lack of speed and timing in engaging enemies thus also making you reevaluate a scenario before you move and engage. I'm not for or against crosshairs or people using them. As long as we can turn it on and off as we wish I'm ok. I agree, as long as we have the option to turn it off. Past games in the series allowed you to turn the crosshairs off so I see no issue with this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hillsbills 1 Posted February 17, 2013 Just want to say that 90 % of this community cries for extremly detailed scopes and some RTT solutions that will have performance impact ... Well,if done properly why not removing crosshairs at all difficulty levels ! Check out all the "realism" vids on Youtube. 90% have crosshairs enabled. I think people are just big talk. No crosshairs for me ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lightspeed_aust 681 Posted February 17, 2013 No crosshair is not realistic, the same as full crosshair is not. The minimal crosshair is a good middle ground to provide some feel of where the gun is aimed which you would have irl. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kuskov 1 Posted February 17, 2013 In my opinion using the crosshairs constitutes as effeminate behavior, but if womanish players prefer to use them that's fine by me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4084 Posted February 17, 2013 Nothing womanish about crosshairs, its just a gameplay preference for some users, it would be no different then a preference in a sound mod over another, it makes one neither man or woman as its just a function relative how one wishes or prefers to play. I'd just prefer to have the option to turn it on or off, I dont want to see some stupid radical change were all of a sudden some features cant be changed, and were forced to use it, but i dont think BIS would deviate from what they have always done, we can expect Arma3 to be good with such options. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smurf 12 Posted February 17, 2013 ^ FPDR I don't use it, don't like it, find it a little cheaty combined with 0 float-zone. If the option to turn it on\off is there, fine! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[frl]myke 15 Posted February 17, 2013 In my opinion using the crosshairs constitutes as effeminate behavior, but if womanish players prefer to use them that's fine by me. Who are you to judge over other players preferences? §1) No Flaming/Flame-baiting/bigotry Abusive, racist, sexist, homophobic comments (or any other type of bigotry), personal attacks and name calling are not allowed either on the forum or through PM's. If you receive a PM that is abusive or you find offensive please forward it to a moderator who will investigate. Flame-baiting is also not tolerated; flame-baiting is making a post to someone that is obviously intended to elicit an angry response. Mocking/teasing/ridiculing someone or the point someone wants to make is also flamebaiting. This also applies to other areas of the forums such as leaving visitor messages on people's profiles, messages posted in social groups, as well as quoting someone against their wishes in your signature to belittle/tease/mock them. If someone asks you to remove something they posted on the forum from your signature you must remove it. Common sense tells you that posting someone's PMs without permission is also flamebaiting and will be punished. §5) No Spam We deem spam as making a thread or posting a reply that has no real worth, is irrelevant, useless and offers nothing to a discussion. Messages of banned members are also considered as spam. If your post/thread is not able to illicit or sustain an in depth conversation then it's spam. This also applies to other areas of the forums such as leaving visitor messages on people's profiles. Spam may be dealt with by post count reduction, PR and/or WL. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
max power 21 Posted February 17, 2013 In my opinion using the crosshairs constitutes as effeminate behavior, but if womanish players prefer to use them that's fine by me. In my opinion, bigotry is weak minded behaviour, but if bigoted users prefer to use it, that's fine by me (we have an infraction for that). +1 infraction for flamebaiting. Further insulting or sexist remarks from you will accrue the full 'abusive/insulting' infraction. Bad start on this board. Please review the forum rules you agreed while joining. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
saltatormortis 12 Posted February 17, 2013 i like the new one.. but ill like to see an 3rd option in the settings: - passive closequater crosshair explaned simple: the crosshair will be acticated if you aim/hit within 2 meters at an object Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted February 17, 2013 I remember the first time I started OFP in 2001. I had read a review and I had the notion that you could disable the crosshair so you had to use the ironsights. I instantly went into options looking around and to my enjoyment there it was! Un-hooked it and have never played with it since. I find it very disturbing to have something magically floating around infront of my view. No crosshair is, for me, the very essence of this game series. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
paragraphic l 2 Posted February 17, 2013 Did I miss something? Where can I find footage of this new crosshair? Thanks in advance. *Never used crosshairs since early Armed Assault days, actually got a nice 'feeling' of where to aim since then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maio 293 Posted February 17, 2013 Well since I play MP 90% of the time and the server I play on has ch. disabled and I am sure nothing will change for A3 then I guess I won't :) However I have nothing against ch. and I will give them a thorough run through before disabling them for SP as well :) If I ever land on a server that has them enabled, then no biggie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fragmachine 12 Posted February 17, 2013 I voted that i won't use it because it's immersion killer when it comes to ArmA series IMO. But I shall give it a try in SP campaign. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites