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About Kuskov

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  1. Kuskov

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    NordKindchen I'm really surprised that your idea hasn't generated more interest and support from the Arma community, it's an excellent idea that deserves far more attention.
  2. Kuskov

    MBG Killhouses (Arma3)

    It looks bloody awesome when blowing holes in the walls, it would great if we could do this on buildings too because it looks far more convincing then the current damage models. It would be so cool pounding buildings with tank shells and blowing holes through wall segments rather than the entire building collapsing.
  3. The patterning effect is fixed now but in my opinion there isn't enough contrast, I feel that the infantry don't blend in enough with the environment - You can really notice the difference here with Bad Benson's Sharp1 version, in my opinion the high contrast makes the terrain appear more natural and helps to camouflage infantry -
  4. Kuskov

    MBG Killhouses (Arma3)

    HELL YEAH!!! Thanks so much Mondkalb. Breachable doors and wall segments! No sleep for me tonight.
  5. Thanks gammadust I got it working now. When viewed through a scope at mid range the textures look very nice, but I have to agree with the comment DNK made earlier about patterning occurring over the landscape when viewed from a distance, you can clearly see it in this video - Please don't be discouraged mate, I'm confident that if you keep experimenting you will get great results.
  6. This is the error message I get on startup - Cannot load texture gam\gam_stratis_midrangedetail\data\mid_range_mco.paa.
  7. I look forward to it, I think it's an area that's really worthwhile experimenting with because it can have a dramatic effect on gameplay. BTW I tried to test your download example but got an error message soon as the game loaded. Your 'alternate sighted' screenshots are definitely a step in the right direction. I think for long and medium ranges it's almost impossible to surpass the ULTRA texture mod - but when the textures are viewed through optics (zoomed in) your 'alternate sighted' examples are the best I've seen so far. Please keep experimenting when you get some free time, your efforts are appreciated mate.
  8. I wish I found this thread earlier, downloading the example now, the screenshots look brilliant.
  9. When you can produce a texture mod equal in quality to this then I'll take you seriously - Until then your comments are nothing more than thoughtless blabber...
  10. Kuskov


    Great work someguywho. I especially like the Woodland camo, it blends in very well with the Stratis environment.
  11. Kuskov

    Arma3 Videos

    Ghillie suit.
  12. I'll take your word for it. I haven't done any benchmark testing but my computer is old and shitty and the texture replacement mod has shown no noticeable impact on performance so that's good enough evidence for me.
  13. Kuskov

    The Giant Alpha Media Thread

    Ghillie suits found in g00d69‎'s ghillie suit mod.
  14. Thankyou g00d69. I made a quick video to demonstrate how incredibly hard it is to spot units wearing ghillie suits in Arma 3, I had to shoot a friendly unit otherwise I would have been killed before I had time to zoom in.