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Doomsday Is Today: How To Make A Fortune

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Today should end the world, today is the 21. december 2012 and the Maya calender ends. Earths collision with the planet Niberiu was called off. The world has seen many predicted Armageddons in the past and the 2012 doomsday phenomen is just one of them.

The business with the end of the world wont be the last prediction. The so called experts will probably call it a misscalculation or postpone it to a later future date.

Already since a number of years the business with the 2012 phenomen is booming, at least since Roland Emmerich with its Armageddon movie "2012" in 2009.

Various esoteric literature did flood the market, expensive lectures and seminars were hold from experts. You can aquire protective Amulets or rings for just $99 with magical powers. But also the tourism industry did benefit from this boom. The mexican President Felipe Calderon did announce several hundred Maya events, inclusive workshops, dance and music festivals aswell projects about new Hotels and Maya museums. In Tapachula a giant watch was counting to countdown the final Maya calender.

The end of the world is a cash cow for the game industry as this is, perhaps, the most salable topic among gamers in recent years. The number of documentaries filmed about this is beyond belief.

In Alsace a huge bunker complex got opened for fearful believer of the doomsday. Hot wine punch and gingerbread were offered. In China, the Armageddon theory is held about 20% of the population, according to an Ipsos poll only behind the United States and Turkey, both at 22 percent. A constructed survival pod from Liu Quiyuan did lead to sensation.

Burgarach, population 176, is a small village in France. It has been earmarked by doomsday cults as the only place in the world which is going to survive Armageddon, sheduled on dec. 21 this year by an ancient Maya prophecy. Souvenirs include 'authentic Bugarach stones' from Pic de Bugarach's rock-face itself, on sale for €1.50 a gram, and 'natural pyramids of pyrite iron' from underground. Meanwhile, a bottle of water from the local spring, which can apparently cure a range of ailments, costs an eye-watering €15. One landowner is even offering up his four-bedroom home with close up views of the mysterious peak for 1,200 a night, pitches for camping just for 450€ a night.

"Doomsday Prepper" is an US American reality TV series that airs on the National Geographic Channel which did start in sept. 2011. The programm follows several survivalists or "preppers" who preparing for the end of civilization. Once there were candle factories, and now, for example, there are manufacturers of travel gear for the survivalist, arms manufacturers and dealers around the world. The U.S. is expiriencing a real gun boom and high demand for the survival trainings. The U.S. builders of underground bunkers are also on the rise. Each object they build ranges from 100 to 300 thousand dollars, and these bunkers are being built across the country.

Nevermind the Apocalypse: the next "Armageddon" has been already prepared.

In May the earliest Maya calender has been found. It was earlier interpretations of other Mayan calendars that gave rise to the Internet-fueled doomsday scenarios of the past few years — mostly because one calendar cycle the Mayans computed ends Dec. 12 (though no one paid much attention to the fact that another one was supposed to begin immediately after that). If people can stay focused on the science this time though, they'll find a lot to be impressed by in the new findings.

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Celestial midnight, that's all it ever was. Even Mayans cannot make a calendar that has no end :)

The apocalyptic ending "predicted" by the Mayan calendar is a bit like me predicting the apocalypse at midnight because my watch doesn't go past 12.

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Hi all

I really need to get into this selling the end of the world to dumb asses its a GOLD MINE! :D

You could do this every couple of years, books rehashing the same stuff with chapters turned round. DVDs, amulets and trinkets of protection. Shelters for the really dumb ones, tins of beans with gobledegook protective film, sold at twice cost. Whole kits of it made in China. Etc.

Do the imaginary friend route on even numbered years with one psudonym then do the psuedo science on even numbered years with another psudonym.

Heck have multiple psudonyms, then you can quote past books in your bibleography at get the suckers to by past rubbish.

Then do saviour books explaining how people were saved if you just sign up for the franchises.

Any way here is something real!

Happy Winter Solstace, longest night of the year.

It is what the Christian festival switched to with its saviour birth mythology, a kind of highjacking.

But then I remember I am an ethical human and cheating people out of their cash is not nice, especialy at Christmass. :( ;)

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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There are also rumours of a new era! But I guess most people like to watch the end of the world just to see if Hollywood films about Doomsday/Apocalypse were right.... :tongue:

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Why do some people award so much value to a "doomsday" prediction supposedly made by a people that couldn't even prevent it's own civilization from collapsing :rolleyes:

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Why do some people award so much value to a "doomsday" prediction supposedly made by a people that couldn't even prevent it's own civilization from collapsing :rolleyes:

AFAIk they didn't predict the end of the world, but another cycle of it. The apocalypse is more a christian thingy.

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AFAIk they didn't predict the end of the world, but another cycle of it. The apocalypse is more a christian thingy.

When people say "the end of the world", what they really mean is "the end of mankind". That's why most people think of it as a doomsday. In reality obviously the earth would still be there and evolution will follow a different branch. Those people act like the earth will be better off with us continuing to destroy it :D

All because of the "special one"-complex that humans have developed that has been incorporated into most organized religions. It's not necessarily a christian thing, many stories from todays religions are derived from earlier myths and folklore to ease the incorporation of the pagan peoples into these religions.

The Mayan calender works in cycles, this having been the last recorded cycle, and therefore some people equated it to the end of the world. Even the ancient Mayans have been hyjacked by capitalism's scaremongering to sell survival equipment, guns and tourism.

Edited by JdB

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The Mayan calender works in cycles, this having been the last recorded cycle, and therefore some people equated it to the end of the world.

Yep, something like the 2000 y bug. OMG, computers clocks cannot go past 31.12.99 (12.31.99 for anglosaxons)...that should be the end of our world, the planes will fall and the nuclear missiles will auto launch themselves.

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Guys, we have discovered an amazing realization - it is easy to profit off of the naive and easily deceived. Seriously, though, hate on these opportunists all you want, I wouldn't mind learning a lesson from them. After all, they did make the money.

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I will forgive anyones sins today for $19.99. Rates will climb thruout the day and there may be specials if "tommorow" occurs.

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Damn nothing happened...

Ye really, damn. :(


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czech astronomers took maya's sun eclipse notes, put the to computer and synced with our calendar and measures ....

result, the so called end of cycle is 2164/2167 ... and of course it's just end of cycle (like end of millennium) lol

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Guys, we have discovered an amazing realization - it is easy to profit off of the naive and easily deceived. Seriously, though, hate on these opportunists all you want, I wouldn't mind learning a lesson from them. After all, they did make the money.

Make a religion man,I'm also thinking to get into real estate with bunkers.

It's not fair,easy bucks just waiting for us to shoveling them.We could use the excuse that it was postponed every year.:biggrin_o:

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Damn nothing happened...

Ye really, damn. :(

It's the 6th big proclaimed end of the world in my lifetime I know of....after the first three atones you learn to take this with routine.

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Yes, you will not believe me how was i afraid of it though.

I can`t even slept 12 years from 2000 mate...

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If you don't make money out of this someone surely will. Oh wait, many already do. When you think about it, it actually sounds right that it was marketing thing hmm:confused:

Well as a saying goes - As long there are buyers there will be goods.

If you have apocalypse problems then I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but apocalypse ain't one :yay:

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Do you guys think it is safe to stick the head out of momm's cellar now?

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Ah yes the "New Age Millennium Bug" :)

Plenty of theories and books, but most proper books and links mainly pinpointed end of a cycle and age, not a physical termination of the planet or doomsday sudden end. What you really have to look out for is those in places that follow this type of cycle in dangerous positions, self fulfilling prophecy types.

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