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RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 0.1.6 Released!(Updated)

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I suggest all the class name subject to the faction name "AFRF", which is quite important for editor use.

What exactly do you mean?

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Lots of new things will be coming. More than ever before I think. Previews will come a little later.

Any new infantry units?

---------- Post added at 12:48 ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 ----------

Yeah, I am aware about different cuts and the need of creating new model for digital flora, since you stated that before several times here and on other forums. I surely have no problem with present flora camo, because, as I said many times - your infantry models are amazing, imo they are the best models for A2 at present (well, Operation Frenchpoint have great infantry models too, but yours still beter (zBrush modeling, no?) :)), which will look great even in upcoming A3. I really hope that other mods will take up the gauntlet and do their models on the same level. So I just trying to help anyway I can :)

Fully agree with you.

By way, I only wish Villas could update his P85 soviet infantry models in such level as well,. It seems he has got a new PC?...

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Any new infantry units?

Possibly although unsure at this point.

Fully agree with you.

By way, I only wish Villas could update his P85 soviet infantry models in such level as well,. It seems he has got a new PC?...

unfortunately PC strength has little to do with this. Pantiflex, our infantry man is just insanely talented. His work outweighs even most professional game art.

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Your MOD rocks by the way.

I use it anytime that I can.

Not trying to push the issue or anything, but your group has or is considering modernized Spetsnaz?

I mean, it seams like a natural thing to do for Arma gaming.

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I mean you have used too much faction names, one is much better.

Like we have it now is much more organized. Everything is in its own branch of the armed forces. If you are making a mission you will most like stay in one faction anyway.

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One little suggestion: how about returning additional camo variants that were in the previous versions of BTR-70 and BMDs in the form of stand-alone pack?

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Yes, that would be great. No need for (time consuming) new camo variants just the ones you already have.

Doesn't have to be a stand-alone pack. A bonus pack requiring AFRF would be good enough for me.

Edited by Fingolfin

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hey folks just sharing an info for those who want to use the replacement pack in ace, cause without that the rpg gunner and the maschine gunner wan´t replaced:

In that case you have to use the little program ACEClippi in the @ace folder and look for the "Change Manual Options". There you have to check the "DISABLE RUCKLESS" option. That works ;)


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// get decal object handle
_dec = _veh getvariable "rhs_hanged_decal";

// detach and destroy
detach _dec;

deleteVehicle _dec;

where _veh is the uaz or ural. Should work.

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// get decal object handle
_dec = _veh getvariable "rhs_hanged_decal";

// detach and destroy
detach _dec;

deleteVehicle _dec;

where _veh is the uaz or ural. Should work.

I'll try it. Thx!

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;2247228']I'll try it. Thx!

Make sure you delete the decals right before you delete the vehicle.

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Speech variant's, threat value, cost, armor value and map icons are not set for infantry.

Vehicles seem to be missing speech variants only...

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So do we know when new version of the mod will be avaiable? I mean not the exact date, but soon? Very soon perhaps? ;)

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So do we know when new version of the mod will be avaiable? I mean not the exact date, but soon? Very soon perhaps? ;)

You've been on these forums long enough to understand that it's a big no no to ask when a new version will be out.

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So do we know when new version of the mod will be avaiable? I mean not the exact date, but soon? Very soon perhaps? ;)

In general terms, not soon at all.

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hey folks while playing around with your new abrams killer "3BK-31" i found, thats neither the implemented nor the ace rangefinder really zeroing the gun, but it´s relativly precise when using the manual distance sight is that deliberated?

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It's a side effect of not making separate ACE configs.

Also Small Arms don't have ace_sys_weapons_SIDE, ace_weight and ACE_Size set.

Edited by Best2nd
Me be dumb

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I believe you can, you will need to dig out the documentation for the RHS decal system from somewhere, probably an old RHS addon. AFAIK new documentation for the latest version of the decal system has not been made but you can check the RHS wiki.

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In general terms, not soon at all.

Could you please consider releasing a small update when/if you finish the AK74 with PSO or similiar sights? That´s the only thing really missing/needed ATM

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