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Desert Wars: Island of Dingor

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Yo Dawg i herd you like desert so we cut down trees in Lingor map so you can snipe across map while you camp.



On a more serious note, Lingor Island has become one of the most popular addons for A2/OA and I get a lot of requests "hey mate, please do a desert map". So I've decided to make an alternate desert version of Lingor, with cut down most of the heavy vegetation, but still enough to find a hiding place.


- island is *same* as Lingor v1.4 (or higher), except the satellite imagery, ground clutter and vegetation (jungle removed, much less vegetation all around).

- shortened roads to water in San Fernando and Encanto

- everything else remains the same

- it requires less powerful PC/GFX card in order to achieve high fps

- AI can't sneak up on you using "special hearing and vision" powers since there is no more thick jungle

- you have a much greater chance to survive against chupacabras, predators and other mysterious creatures that lurk around this land ;)

Story Background (or make your own if there is a need)

a) Molatia gave up on south Duala after decades of war and mounted a suprise attack on war-torn Lingor. They used special airborne chemical agents to wipe out most of the vegetation and including a fair share of population, too. Enjoy the new war ;)

b) Dingor - a successful HAARP test ;)

Tip: Missions for Lingor should work for Dingor, just resave them.

Where to download Dingor v1.0?


p.s. please report mirrors, my bandwidth is seriously limited :/

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Very nice! Any ideas/plans for desert Molatian units?

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"A dingo ate my island!" (Australian accent)

Looks incredible. After that kind of chemical attack, none of the water on the island should be drinkable. Oops, sorry, I was in DayZ mode.

Downloading now.

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Cue calls for a winter conversion in 3... 2... 1...

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Due to massive downloads during the night, I've had to disable my downloads and provide only mirrors. I mean massive, like 20-times over my bandwidth limit that is set not that low ;)

Please provide mirrors. Thanks.

I've added Armaholic.com mirror, thanks guys!

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Hoooooly crap man, ittts wonderful !!! :cc:

O.k. , heres one thing : error message at launch says : Addon 'ibr_dingor' requires addon 'lingor_roads'.

Than ArmA 2 CO freezes when im trying to play on Dingor map.


I have the latest Lingor island and Lingor units version. I copied the 'lingor_roads' to the Dingor addons folder but the error report and the freezing are still there.

Edited by Vilman

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Thanks Ice, this map is magic. All the best things about Duala and Lingor all rolled into one high performance island.

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See install.txt - u need both mods active.

tpw: thanks! Glad you'll find some use for it. Can't wait for missions.

Edited by IceBreakr

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Great job, have not had time to play it yet (been busy playing TF2 :o) but will try it tomorrow. Now we have a great map we just need a great mission to play it on like GITS Evolution so come on Eggbeast :D.


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Excellent! Your work continues to be much appreciated :D

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Guys,tnx for the mirrors!

Edited by IceBreakr

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Very cool.

I will check this once I get home.


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Thanks for this addition. I haven't spent much time on Lingor (tons of time on Duala) but I spent about 30 minutes playing around on Dingor last night and I really like. It fits nicely with Duala too. I'm not asking for this, but it fits so nicely that having both islands on the same "map" would work, continuity-wise. Thanks again.

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Its weird still hearing the frogs in the desert. Nice map though!

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I think I will go away for a weeks holiday more often - what a nice surprise - thanks IceBreakr!

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