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Will ARMA3 feature realistic tank armor?

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LOL you guys are so gullible!!! Booster is talking absolute shit, i've never read so much bullshit in all my life.

It's so funny to read the responses, so easy to believe. Your hopes are so high and far.

Plan for the best, expect the worst. Either way I think I'll be having a few drinks upon acquiring A3 one way or another, that will surely make the alpha testing very interesting.

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Decent armor simulation and realistic target system instead of the G** TAB would make of ArmA finally a milsim.

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Like i speculated earlier, it might be the case that Booster saw just various proof of concepts from BIS running on the latest RV engine, for their future products/games and they might NOT be in ArmA3.

However, if those technologies exist, it might be well the case that we then see them/get them in a later Expansion/Engine-Update-DLC of ArmA3. Who knows.

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If It's not true, what does Booster sayin', he should get ban for lies.




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If It's not true, what does Booster sayin', he should get ban for lies.

Can't argue with that logic, but what do I get for being right?

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Can't argue with that logic, but what do I get for being right?

IF what you say is true ;), you will be declared the "E3 2012 ArmA 3 prophet" and WE THE COMMUNITY!11!1! will bug the moderators to award you that title.

If what you say is not true, WE THE COMMUNITY!!1!!123!! shall address several angry PM's to you in which we imply certain things about your sexuality as well as recommend you certain activities you should undergo with different types of farm animals... or we could just ignore the matter of your deceit... and move on with our lives.

P.S. The fact that Pufu also saw something related to this destruction model helps me incline to the first option.

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Can't argue with that logic, but what do I get for being right?

I don't know? Maybe the 'Spy' Award from admins for making the TOP secret features public. Also we will love you all (Excluding BIS Staff :D) If ur right.

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Can't argue with that logic, but what do I get for being right?

You get to publicly gloat right at your detractors :) I think this would be an appropriate activity ;)

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Bit off topic in this thread but

In the video the explosion was triggered above the water. Does anyone have any information on what happpens in the case of a subsurface explosion?
Not much since the pressure goes mostly into the air.

Came across this the other day that indicates this is not the case. Explosions underwater are more effective than ones in the air. Most of the presure is reflected back from the surface rather than dissappating.

That page also contains some details on working out the leathal range for underwater explosions if any mod makers are interested.

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Booster better not be imagining things. :icon_twisted:

The following demonstration seems oddly on-topic: REMOVED

What we ask of the Righteous Developers is to have a system of compartmentalised components in armoured vehicles - we already have the engine block in the back, the tracks, add to this the crew compartment and a separate area for the ammo, which when hit by an appropriate AT round (7VR, HEAT for SMAW/MAAWs et cetera), resulted in what we can observe in the previously mentioned video. :)

I'd love to see the following in ArmA III:

Engine block damage - immobilises the tank/vehicle. (I think this is already operational in OA)

(Optional) Fuel compartment damage - immobilises the tank/vehicle and/or damages surrounding components (turret, engine)

Ammo compartment - if properly hit, sets off the fireworks and completely destroys the tank.

Crew compartment - if penetrated, kills OR injures the crew. If crew is dead, tank disabled, though not destroyed.

And of course the tracks, which are already implemented in ArmA II.

P.S. Iron Front: 1944 (ArmA 2 engine):

I love how they'd dealt with that German tank encroaching on their position, the tank had been disabled outright with crew probably dead, but you don't see 40 tonnes of metal evaporating - this is how it should be.

Edited by Max Power

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I'm not folding, Booster, I know the games you play. :icon_twisted: We've been there before, which resulted in a 745 page thread last year - I can see right through you. :icon_twisted:

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So all Booster told us was a lie, right?

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So all Booster told us was a lie, right?

Can't confirm or deny. :icon_twisted: mr.g-c, all I can say that with PhysX it probably is possible. We're not in OFP territory anymore, this is way beyond.

Working ragdolls for infantry: Check

Working armour penetration simulation: Czech. :icon_twisted:

P.S. mr.g-c, PM sent - hope this intel doesn't get intercepted. ;)

Edited by Iroquois Pliskin

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Keep dreaming pliskin... keep dreaming

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If ArmA 3 ships with a damage system like the current game (ie, less realistic than BF3), it will be a pretty good troll in its own right.

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If ArmA 3 ships with a damage system like the current game (ie, less realistic than BF3), it will be a pretty good troll in its own right.

Pretty much, and then roll on ACE 3.

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So is it confirmed now?

Booster was trolling and there will be no/little improvement on this front?

Well it sucks but guess we can't get everything. Ace will do there thing and I guess that will have to do. O well.

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