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Blackhawks by YuraPetrov

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Awesome, thank you! I will be looking forward to its release.
As will I—thanks!

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For those using MMA with YuraPetrov's UH60L-ESSS, UH60L Hellfires, and HH60Q Medevac, you can add this to your init.sqf to enable the following:

UH60L-ESSS: Lifting HUD and camera(need to use your own preferred lifting script) Default key used is "G" to activate camera

UH60L-Hellfires: Hellfire camera and Lifting HUD (Hellfires are locked on and missles fired via Action menu "MMA Hellfire Camera") if you don't know how to use this, just ask

UH60Q Medevac: Lifting HUD/camera. Default key used is "G" to activate camera

  while {!alive player} do
     Sleep 1;

  _background_mfd = [];

  // Cameras for gunners of Kiowa class choppers
  _weapon_idx = "yup_HellfireLauncher";
  _mcc_tv_script = mando_missile_path+"tv\tv_types\mando_tv_hexa_hellfire.sqs";
  _cam_pos_angles = [0,6,-2.2,0,90];
  _launch_pos = [-3, 2, -2];
  [["yup_UH60L_Hellfires"], 0, 0, ["Vehicles", "REMOTE"], "MMA Hellfire Camera", _mcc_tv_script, _launch_pos, _cam_pos_angles, {(driver _plane == player) && !(isPlayer gunner _plane) && ("yup_HellfireLauncher" in weapons _plane)}, 0, _weapon_idx, _background_mfd, 1, -3] execVM"mando_missiles\mcc\mando_mccallow_by_type.sqf";

  [["yup_UH60L_Hellfires"], 0, 0, ["Vehicles", "REMOTE"], "MMA Hellfire Camera", _mcc_tv_script, _launch_pos, _cam_pos_angles, {(gunner _plane == player) && ("yup_HellfireLauncher" in weapons _plane)}, 0, _weapon_idx, _background_mfd, 1, -3] execVM"mando_missiles\mcc\mando_mccallow_by_type.sqf";

  // HUDs for pilots and gunners
  [["yup_UH60L_Hellfires","yup_UH60L_ESSS","yup_UH60Q"], 0, "", [], [], 15, 15, 0, [4,3,-2.5], mando_missile_path+"huds\mando_hud_lift.sqf", 0, 0, [], 0]execVm"mando_missiles\units\mando_assignvehicle_by_type.sqf";

  [["yup_UH60L_Hellfires","yup_UH60L_ESSS","yup_UH60Q"], 1, "", [], [], 15, 15, 0, [4,3,-2.5], mando_missile_path+"huds\mando_hud_lift.sqf", 0, 0, [], 0]execVm"mando_missiles\units\mando_assignvehicle_by_type.sqf";


I have tested several times, and seems to be working fine. Let me know if you have any problems.

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Just a heads up YuraPetrov... These errors are showing up in the rpt file. Errors are for SH60B(included these also), UH60L_Hellfires, UH60L_ESSS, and UH60Q

I didn't dig back through the topic to see if they were already reported. If so, disregard.

Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/yup_SH60B/Turrets/MainTurret/: Turret body flir_turret not found while initializing the model sh60\sh60b.p3d
class HitPoints::HitMissiles not found in yup_SH60B
class HitPoints::HitRGlass not found in yup_SH60B
class HitPoints::HitLGlass not found in yup_SH60B
Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/yup_UH60L_Hellfires/Turrets/MainTurret/: Turret body flir_base not found while initializing the model uh60\uh60l_esss.p3d
class HitPoints::HitMissiles not found in yup_UH60L_Hellfires
class HitPoints::HitRGlass not found in yup_UH60L_Hellfires
class HitPoints::HitLGlass not found in yup_UH60L_Hellfires
Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/yup_UH60L_ESSS/Turrets/MainTurret/: Turret body flir_base not found while initializing the model uh60\uh60l_esss.p3d
class HitPoints::HitMissiles not found in yup_UH60L_ESSS
class HitPoints::HitRGlass not found in yup_UH60L_ESSS
class HitPoints::HitLGlass not found in yup_UH60L_ESSS
Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/yup_UH60Q/Turrets/MainTurret/: Turret body flir_base not found while initializing the model uh60\uh60q.p3d
class HitPoints::HitMissiles not found in yup_UH60Q
class HitPoints::HitRGlass not found in yup_UH60Q
class HitPoints::HitLGlass not found in yup_UH60Q

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YuraPetrov, I'm not sure if you're aware of this but at the moment your UH-60L's don't work with the ACE slingload system, would you be able to add that compatibility in? :)

EDIT: Oops, disregard this post..wrong addon :P

Edited by Khaki

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oh and also is the landing gear going to be fixed cause they collapse before they hit the ground and they also once they collapse they go down and back a bit. For the sake of realism they should just go straight down. Also, the front two wheels should be stiff on hitting the ground although they should be able to collapse. BI made an attempt to show this with the MH-60 although they did a so so job. Also, the wheel at the tail could use a tune up because it isn't hitting the ground till the front two wheels hit. Lastly, I think the mod would be greatly improved if the wheels were allowed to spin if that's possible. Heres a video of a UH-60 landing to give you an idea of what I mean-

Oh and btw is there still a chance that we could get the sounds from RH's heli sounds?

Hope your project is going well,

thank you for your time

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I don't think it happens to any specific card(s), there's more to it than that.

Yup I totally agree with you B00ce.

It is not a single graphics card issue.

Verifed proof with three different players last Saturday night.

I have dual GTX275 in SLI, my buddy has Dual ati 6850 ATI in cross fire and a third buddy has Dual 6950 in cross fire.

We all got it.

p><p>It doesn

It is almost like an over loaded memory on the video card. i got it first(lowest Video ram) then the 6850, then the 6950 2gig cards got it a short while later.

love the choppers but this image can cover the whole screen when you glance towards them or look directly at them. This picture is a tame image.

Don't know what it is, and I have never had anything like that with any other choppers and we have ton on our dedicated Clan server.

Edited by Styxx42
Corrected my Video Cards. Been a LONG time since I bought them

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Yup I totally agree with you B00ce.

It is not a single graphics card issue.

Verifed proof with three different players last Saturday night.

I have dual GTX270 in SLI, my buddy has Dual ati 6850 ATI in cross fire and a third buddy has Dual 6950 in cross fire.

We all got it.


It doesn't happen right away.

It is almost like an over loaded memory on the video card. i got it first(lowest Video ram) then the 6850, then the 6950 2gig cards got it a short while later.

love the choppers but this image can cover the whole screen when you glance towards them or look directly at them. This picture is a tame image.

Don't know what it is, and I have never had anything like that with any other choppers and we have ton on our dedicated Clan server.

----LOL,you've got a four dimension helicopter, so cool

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Yup I totally agree with you B00ce.

It is not a single graphics card issue.

Verifed proof with three different players last Saturday night.

I have dual GTX270 in SLI, my buddy has Dual ati 6850 ATI in cross fire and a third buddy has Dual 6950 in cross fire.

We all got it.


It doesn't happen right away.

It is almost like an over loaded memory on the video card. i got it first(lowest Video ram) then the 6850, then the 6950 2gig cards got it a short while later.

love the choppers but this image can cover the whole screen when you glance towards them or look directly at them. This picture is a tame image.

Don't know what it is, and I have never had anything like that with any other choppers and we have ton on our dedicated Clan server.

Same here with radeon 4890

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oh and also is the landing gear going to be fixed cause they collapse before they hit the ground and they also once they collapse they go down and back a bit. For the sake of realism they should just go straight down. Also, the front two wheels should be stiff on hitting the ground although they should be able to collapse. BI made an attempt to show this with the MH-60 although they did a so so job. Also, the wheel at the tail could use a tune up because it isn't hitting the ground till the front two wheels hit. Lastly, I think the mod would be greatly improved if the wheels were allowed to spin if that's possible. Heres a video of a UH-60 landing to give you an idea of what I mean-

Oh and btw is there still a chance that we could get the sounds from RH's heli sounds?

Hope your project is going well,

thank you for your time

Well, we limited by arma engine functionality, so i cant make a fully reallistic landing wheels. I can animate wheels, but i dont have the correct animation source for them.

I already made my own sounds, so i'll not use RH's sounds ;-)

@Yurapetrov - Would it be possible to add Sakura_Chans "Animated Moving Gunner" thing?



Already done ;-)

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Very nice to here! Since most of us on here have a fetish for torchering ourselfs, how about some more WIP pics of the UH-60L with the M240 MG's and the MH-60L SOAR?

Also a personal favor, being that I am prior Air Force and flown in the Pavehawks, could you do a MH/HH-60G Pavehawk? I will be happy to work with you and make the textures and I am more then willing to work for you as much as I can? Hell I will do all the work just so you can release it with your addon pack, which as far as h-60's go your the best.


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Very nice to here! Since most of us on here have a fetish for torchering ourselfs, how about some more WIP pics of the UH-60L with the M240 MG's and the MH-60L SOAR?

Also a personal favor, being that I am prior Air Force and flown in the Pavehawks, could you do a MH/HH-60G Pavehawk? I will be happy to work with you and make the textures and I am more then willing to work for you as much as I can? Hell I will do all the work just so you can release it with your addon pack, which as far as h-60's go your the best.


the only hard part about a Pavehawk is adding the .50 cal's in place of the M134's. The rest should be the same as a MH60 L correct?

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Yes that's what me and yura was decussion, if he agrees I will try to make that mount for a 50 cal and as for the base model of the 50 the bis arma1 sample model should be a good start.


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Very nice to here! Since most of us on here have a fetish for torchering ourselfs, how about some more WIP pics of the UH-60L with the M240 MG's and the MH-60L SOAR?


Konyo makes these photos for me ;-)




Edited by yurapetrov

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Well done with your MH60L buddy! It's looking great! :D

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Regardless the helo looks stunning, and so your saying that the engine prevents you from adding a little stiffness to the landing gear?

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Nice work!

2 questions:

Will you release a version without the fuel probe? I'd like to, as it would be the same as BHD

Will norrin fastrope be integrated in your bird?


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Looks very promising, cant wait for the new birds to arrive! :)

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looks awesome. it really does. looking forward to this mod!

I'm sorry but I don't have time to read the whole topic from start to end, so if it's allready asked I'm sorry for asking again:

I'm missing the possibility to shoot your weapon from a blackhawk in ArmA 2. In movies and books it says special forces give fire support from a hovering blackhawk. I was wondering if you could add that option so a marksman could shoot while sitting "in the back". (with his feet outside)

I'm aware of the mod that allows you to sit on the skid of a minibird and fire your gun. So I hope it will be possible to do on a blackhawk too.


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