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Blackhawks by YuraPetrov

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Very nice!

I see you've finally gotten OA? :p

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Wow that looks great. will that this one be included in the next download?

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outstanding work Yura!

question though: how about soundmod compatibility? The lack of it was only minor downside on your must have addons :)

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Wow that looks great. will that this one be included in the next download?

Thanks! Yes i will. I think about to remove uh-60L with ESSS wing version, because us army don't love use them. Blackhawk with external fuel tanks is a lot of heavier and maneuvering limits are cut in half.

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They don't currently use them. The blackhawks mission where they are deployed generaly does not require the extra fuel tanks at the moment. I think you should keep them around but just don't waste your time changing anything with them. Not to mention if you take it out it may create issues with missions that use that aircraft.

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Thanks! Yes i will. I think about to remove uh-60L with ESSS wing version, because us army don't love use them. Blackhawk with external fuel tanks is a lot of heavier and maneuvering limits are cut in half.

And it turns into a giant bomb. :rolleyes:

They only use the tanks in peace time or when ferrying.


Though it is nice having a version with the wings so we can mount rockets, cannons and missiles.

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ok, i'll not remove version with ESSS wings.

I made new flare dispenser.


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Me too. I also look forward to the download and to thr new flare dispensers

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Awesome work Yura! Cant wait to use the flares. :p

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Looks great!

I really admire your work Yura.

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This came up in the MH47 Thread and was wondering if maybe you would be intreasted in adding this to your SOAR birds.

You may need to find someone who is familar with scripting to do it but never the less would be cool to see.

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I remember somebody did a fulton recovery system. Probably using this and the fast rope script by Norrin, there could be a not-so-much-complicated way of doing this.

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after some small research on my idea Sup3r6F0ur that's impossible to do that with the physic (or the non physic) in arma 2 but the ladder exctraction can be implemented that's not really difficult

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It would be very similar to the winch script in Yura's Jayhawk, Simply attatch your self to a point on the rope, raise the rope, then repeat. I realize that the rope can not go back at an angle when flying but thats ok. I think its possible, may not look as realistic as the birds but it would be a great feature to have.

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I can't wait for ArmA3. Hopefully with the new PhysX3 they are implementing this sort of behavior will be possible and glitch-free.

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I can't wait for ArmA3. Hopefully with the new PhysX3 they are implementing this sort of behavior will be possible and glitch-free.

well, actually switching to CE3/UE4 will do the trick, lol.

and/or switching the main sponsor from main CPU vendor to someone else, lol.

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Thanks! Yes i will. I think about to remove uh-60L with ESSS wing version, because us army don't love use them. Blackhawk with external fuel tanks is a lot of heavier and maneuvering limits are cut in half.

If anything I'd replace the 16 Hellfires on the UH-60L w/ESSS wings and replace those missiles with two drop tanks on the outer stations, like what you did with the HH-60A

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If anything I'd replace the 16 Hellfires on the UH-60L w/ESSS wings and replace those missiles with two drop tanks on the outer stations, like what you did with the HH-60A

He already has that. I'd rather see rocket pods.

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But Rocket pods are easier to come by in ArmA. :p

I think Yura said that he was going to be making an M230.

Drop one of the stinger pods for a 2.75cal rocket pod and we're all happy then? :D

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Drop one of the stinger pods for a 2.75cal rocket pod and we're all happy then? :D

I'm happy even without. ;)

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