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Prometheus: The prequel to ALIEN trailer is out.

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Sorry for the necro -wife wants to see this tomm in 3D and I don't know anyone who's seen it -any good?

Read this in Forbes:


Where Scott & Co. have innovated on these stolen ideas is by making their characters — who are all bizarrely unfazed by the philosophical weight of their mission and discoveries — do ridiculously dumb things. When they see black alien ooze, they touch it. When they find a giant severed alien head, they bring it on the ship and perform inexplicable experiments on it in an open environment with no protective clothing. When the answers Charlie seeks are not immediately offered by the alien temple — which would be an earth-shattering discovery in its own right — he foregoes further inquiry and gets drunk. When members of the science team are lost in a gigantic, danger-filled alien structure, the mission leaders all go have sex. When a giant wheel-shaped object is rolling toward a couple of characters, they don’t run right or left, but stay directly in its path, like the security guard and the steamroller in Austin Powers. There isn’t a moment in the film where the human characters do something that humans would actually do, and the laughter of the audience in the screening I saw confirmed this.

LOL! How can this be -it's Ridley Scott dammit!! :mad:

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It is riddled (ha ha) with poor choices plot-wise but the design and production values (always of particular importance with science fiction) are still top notch and on that level I'd still recommend a big screen viewing.

---------- Post added at 11:17 ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 ----------

Actually on reflection I don't know that 3D really added much to the experience.

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Saw it a few days ago, it could have been a classic if not for unbelievable characters and weak acting/(hollywank)dialog but over all visuals and concept were awesome, recommend big screen also, 3D even better.. it wasnt in your face 3D more ambient.

Actually probably would have been an awesome movie with only Michael Fassbender, Engineers and aliens.. the rest of the cast added nothing in my humble opinion.

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I liked it. It wasn't the best movie I have ever seen and as others have said there are some pretty terrible and irrational choices made but I did enjoy watching it.

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Beautiful visuals and production values, terrible plot and characterisation. Typical big budget Hollywood movie in other words. I was terribly disappointed.

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As soon as they were doing the promotional circuit and stated its not directly linked with the other films (only slightly at the end) and really stands out as a film on its own, I lost all interest.

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I guess it's a typical modern US movie...all female actors aged less than 30 but pretend to have multiple degrees in science, plotholes, mediocre acting but lots of gfx and some glimpse at unatural big boobs but no nipples.

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tell me, why are the crew of these sci-fi flicks always so dumb ?

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I think all these science fiction films occur in a universe that did not itself have science fiction films. Hence people are always surprised by what jumps out of air vents etc.

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  Dwarden said:
tell me, why are the crew of these sci-fi flicks always so dumb ?
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God yes!

This was the single most annoying aspect of the film: Approximately 60% of the characters end up in a situation where they're revealed to be complete and utter imbeciles! The calibre of stupidity that in most films is reserved for nameless 'red-shirts' is prevalent in the principle cast, and often flies in the face of any reasonable action they may have performed earlier in the movie.

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Despite of some of the really dodgy writing of the sub-plots and set-pieces; the thrust of the main plot is intriguing, and the universe the film inhabits is fantastically well done. I'm still looking forward to where Ridley takes this; but hopefully the remaining characters become more developed, and establish some plausible relationships to make them more interesting to watch, and I don't have to spend another few hours not really caring who lives, dies or gets mutilated. Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender are certainly capable of that as actors.

Edited by da12thMonkey

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Beacause these people just pretend to be highly trained academic people and they perform roles writen by script authors that onyl pretend to know what they are writing about.

And off course no one of them was watchign star trek all the time. good actors cant make a bad script any better.

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I saw it yesterday, the script killed the entire thing.

Definately not worth the $13 I paid to see it, thankfully I didn't blow money on overpriced drinks and popcorn.

Bestbuy, Futureshop and Amazon have a deal that you get a free ticket if you puchase the individual copies of the Alien movies on Blu-ray

so if you if you haven't seen it yet you might want to check that out.

I can't wait to get a 1080p projector, I have enough room for at least a 130" screen so I can finally dump the theatre for good (Except IMAX)

The Hobbit is most likely the last movie I'll see in a theatre.

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Saw it.

As a big Aliens fan, loved having another instalment, loved the idea of the story, loved most of the actors, loved the FX's, hated how amateurish it was scripted.

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Missed the 3D so saw the regular version yesterday and despite MASSIVE plot holes, character development flaws and some of the most uneven writing to date -I still really enjoyed it! I was going to go into a long rant about the many WTF?'s but really everything that needs to be said has been addressed above.

Edit: One thing that drives me crazy with modern movies is the inexplicable need to emote every scene with melodramatic music. Give the audience some credit - we know it's emotional to die/have friend die/witness the cosmos in 3d etc... The one scene that ended with the female scientists crying only to cut to another scene with her crying made me bust out loud in the theatre. Reminded me of the crying scene from Something About Mary.

Edited by froggyluv

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