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ARMA 2 : OA beta build 84290

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[84285] Fixed: MP: Remote units jumping back when stopping (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24034)

[84271] Fixed: MP: Reduced bandwith usage in missions with many soldiers.

[84266] Improved: Better error message shown when memory allocation fails because of too small page file.

[84265] Improved: Abnormal program termination by an error message is now more robust, less likely to cause a bogus crash report or to miss the message box.

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Falling objects are still laggy.

Just drive with a tank into a tree and see it fall like it's 10 FPS.

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Thanks BIS :)

No, I can't believe this. I seriously thought I would never see such a changelog:

[84285] Fixed: MP: Remote units jumping back when stopping (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/24034)

[84271] Fixed: MP: Reduced bandwith usage in missions with many soldiers.

In fact, I think it is just lack of sleep. Goodnite.

One day I might even start dreaming of

[843095834587619871293871] Fixed: MP: Remote units warping at distance.

Edited by Reezo

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Instead of writing such an ironic post, you could spend your efforts on something more constructive, or simply thanking the developers for their work. People usually like being thanked for their work.

Thanks BIS.

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Instead of writing such an ironic post, you could spend your efforts on something more constructive, or simply thanking the developers for their work. People usually like being thanked for their work.

Thanks BIS.

I was saying thanks. I believe I would not be developing mods and founding one of the best gaming groups in Italy for a game whose developers I don't trust/like/thank.

..and don't worry, professional devs can take a joke. That's what separate the men from the boys.

/back on topic.

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I happen to have run a test on the latest beta (run by both server and client) and I must say I see quite some improvement: better FPS on my client compared to vanilla 1.59 (the entire gaming experience seems smoother and "modern").

I couldn't test the server overall bandwidth usage but I noticed the anims interpolations seems better..one thing that annoyed me was watching hit/dead AI units doing their animation cycles and only at the end of them dying..it kinda ruins the immersion and does not give a nice feeling of "hurting" the enemy, if one is not used to ArmA in general.

It might be placebo but I noticed that death animations by the AI were played right after the fatal shot landed.

Can somebody confirm this?

AI warping at the distance is slightly improved though not removed (was not in the changelog).


- AI warping problem hasn't improved: it is always the same.

- Most of "deaths while in animation phase" still happen. e.g. AI changes stance..then dies when it's done with it. I don't think there is much that can be done with the actual engine, but I might be wrong.

- Haven't noticed the "remote unit step back problem" so I suppose it is fixed for good.

- FPS and loading times seem much better on the server and client, compared to v1.59

Edited by Reezo

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now i can put maxframesahead=1 without having a crash ... thanks :)


Can you explain what is maxframesahead=1 and GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1

I put this in .cfg, but i stay aound 38 fps without visual change :(


Edit: a got ATI 4890 1Gb / last AMD driver without Catalyst control center.

Edited by MisTyK

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Can you explain what is maxframesahead=1 and GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1

I put this in .cfg, but i stay aound 38 fps without visual change :(


Edit: a got ATI 4890 1Gb / last AMD driver without Catalyst control center.

This has to do with how many frames are rendered ahead of keyboard and mouse input (probably someone else can give a better explanation). Some people had mouse lag when playing the game, so they added the option to set this parameter which helped a lot. The default value is 3. With 1 you should get less mouse lag, but maybe lower fps. Don't bother changing GPU_DetectedFramesAhead, that value is written by the engine to let you know which value is it actually using.

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fix this please.

One day I might even start dreaming of

[843095834587619871293871] Fixed: MP: Remote units warping at distance.

I miss the armed assault days where online was so fluid :(

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I've noticed that AI vehicle units still do not engage each other fully.

For example - I was playing when diplomacy fails on LAN, where near the start of the game, two LAV's and 1 BMP circled each other for about 4 minutes before one of the LAV's finally fired on the BMP but then failed to fire on the bailing out crew members. Infrantry Units seem to engage each other ok though.

No mods were being used.

Also when you split your AI units under your direct command into different teams i.e. green, blue, red etc (not that the colour is important) and you place the teams in different locations on the map, if one team comes under fire all teams AI go into combat mode even if they over 1,000 - 6,000 metres away from the team that came under attack. So basically, even if your team is not the one thats under attack you can not move as your team is in combat mode and does not come out of it until either the team that was under attacked is killed or the enemy AI that was attacking them is Killed or moved out of range. So kind of annoying and i never noticed it before, so not sure if it always been like that or not - Though am sure i would have noticed it by now if it was like that before.

Edited by teaboy

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I've noticed that AI vehicle units still do not engage each other fully.

For example - I was playing when diplomacy fails on LAN, where near the start of the game, two LAV's and 1 BMP circled each other for about 4 minutes before one of the LAV's finally fired on the BMP but then failed to fire on the bailing out crew members. Infrantry Units seem to engage each other ok though.

I am sorry, but I am unable to debug examples or implement fixes based on them (the same goes for videos and screenshots). Unless you or anyone else can provide a repro for this, nothing will be done.

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I am pretty sure he is talking about config issues.

There are several CIT tickets about certain vehicle types not engaging each other.

Again from what what we can tell, its due to problems in the configs and not the engine.

If you want to look into them regardless, we can post them here.

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