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I have an excellent idea: 3D EDITOR DLC! :D

*everyone is angered and throws rotten tomatoes*

Wai..what? What's wrong?

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I have an excellent idea: 3D EDITOR DLC! :D

*everyone is angered and throws rotten tomatoes*

Wai..what? What's wrong?

*throws rotten tomatoes* :cool:

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Sure, as long as it's not pay to download content, for something like an editor that may be pushing it.

In all seriousness lets not panic over this just yet, you guys are like nervous scitzo's , get word of one thing and suddenly all hell breaks loose.

Edited by NodUnit

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Ivan Buchta interview on http://www.youtube.com/user/ThePodcast17

this is not everything because I couldn't hear some parts

- no 3D editor most likely, enhancements to 2D

- no alternative AI behaviour

- AI stays fundamentally the same but better configured


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I honestly will be really dissapointed in A3 if there is no 3D mission editor, it was confirmed and clearly trumped up at E3 2011, BI already put in a framework for A2 that they could build off of, and they could use the VBS2 3D editor for guidance on where they want there end product to be around. I get that, especially for a indipendant studio like BI they often have to make cutbacks on promises they thought they could keep (Devs with lots more people and money do the same aswell) but I just really just can't shrug my shoulders like the other times and not let it bother me because this is way too much. PLEASE for god's sake put the 3D editor in BI, It's a really important feature to me!

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I am pretty confident BIS realizes that the editor is one of the quite fundamental selling points of the series so I wouldn't worry about the absence of 3D editor very much, especially wehen the one in A2 was almost done, at least by my observation.

Wasn't 3D editor even confirmed officially? I'd almost bet I've seen it as confirmed feature. Perhaps if not for ALPHA, full game will have it no doubt. Panic attacks lol :)

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Supposedly it was. I'm going to have some faith and pretend that it was information for the alpha, for example that there may be an editor, but it's not 3D. That doesn't mean that the final game won't be 3D..of course if it's not then it's going to be really dissapointing especially considering A2 had a sort of working build.

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Well, they already said that the Alpha will not contain the 3D version, so that might be it.

Regarding the 3D editor: Can you change the time (sun position...) in real time, with a slider or something? Just due preview reasons.

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Pity, I was really hoping to see that 3D editor come to life in ArmA 3. Maybe for an expansion, por favor? :pray:

We all know there is a hidden editor in ArmA 2, but I think the 3D editor was also offically confirmed for ArmA 2 back then. Not entirely sure though, but there was some talk about it at least.

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Maybe we will stick with just 2D editing for now

Is the line by Ivan.

These words can maybe dry some tears for now :satisfied:

Edited by PurePassion

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Here is the 4th part of the Gamestar Playthrough With Jay :)

Some info from the video:

The story won't be so much "Special Forces" based as e.g. Arma 2. You play as a simple Corporal of the US Army.

So it goes more in the direction of OFP. But, that all progresses of course as we go along in the campaign.

Marek was eagerly gathering additional reference material from Limnos when the footage was taken :p

Next one will be about the vehicles.

oh and a personal note: The ToD and colour correction values look really good! You can use it more often if you want ;)

Edited by PurePassion

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There's a new interview on Gamestar with Dan Musil. Two of the things he mentioned really let me die a bit inside and I'm quite frustrated right now...

GS: "Is the AI finally unable to look through the grass?"

D.M.: "Unfortunately there is no progress. It stays like it is."

I can't believe that it isn't possible to fix this...! In so many missions the grass details are completely useless because the AI has such a huge advantage over the player because it can look through the grass. Most of the time I have the grass disabled because of this crappy "feature" and I really really hope that this only means the actual status quo...

GS: "How did you improve the editor?"

D.M.: "We had to shorten some of our ambitious plans for the editor. As we don't have sufficient ressources, we concentrate on improvements of the handling and accessibility of the editor version, compared to the version which is known from Operation Arrowhead."

Guess that this confirms that the 3D-editor won't be there, which really is absolutely disappointing!

PLEASE, BIS... :( Hear us in those two things! :k:

Edited by Undeceived

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GS: "Is the AI finally unable to look through the grass?"

D.M.: "Unfortunately there is no progress. It stays like it is."

What will happen here and here then?

Have been a rollercoaster of emotions so far huh?

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Here is the 4th part of the Gamestar Playthrough With Jay :)

Those vids are better than the corresponding official E3 ones. Shame though that this repeated, narrow look of these 5 scenarios are all we'll get for quite a while. Haven't seen anything new since the first week of E3.

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The scene at 11:11 is fucking beautiful, postcard perfect! Those rock formations along the shorelines look truly amazing. Can I see large patches of seaweed on the seabed or is it shadows? The hamlet atop the hill at 12:00 is a perfect sniper nest, God help anyone that enters the valley below because my trigger finger is getting mighty itchy.

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I have to agree! I am disappointed in this regard.

There has been just too many talk since the first announcement that there will be a 3D editor on Day 1.

But what I also learn from this is that more attention can go to other aspects and who knows if there isn't a suprise laying around somewhere of whom not even BIS knows about and things could change till then :)

Some other new stuff from the interview:

  • You can only change uniforms with your own side. The original idea would create too many problems in e.g. multiplayer rules etc
  • There are no more unannounced factions
  • Weapons like knifes and harpoons are on the wishlist but with a rather low priority.
  • A big problem was ironically that the team was growing rather drastic. New workers have to be familiarized with the really big project Arma 3 and all its different facettes
  • The team recorded multiple samples of the same weapon according to different situations
  • Dan is about to write a new devBlog

But all in all it doesn't look bad at all. :)

Edited by PurePassion
damn I always get the i wrong :D

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The 3D-editor (or lack thereof) debacle is kind of a disgrace if it's not in the final product.

I'm perfectly fine the 2D editor in the alpha, but come on : with some almost working versions in A2 (not to mention community versions in A1 and the various advanced ones in VBS2), I can't believe its not possible to have it working in A3. Given the amount of time so many people spend in the editor only...

I find it hard to believe that all the devs are still only using the 2D editor themselves to build, populate, design campaigns and missions and everything...

I bought ACR DLC, I bought Take On, I bought Hinds DLC, I bought Carrier Command, all this to support the devs. DayZ seem to have sold a tremendous amount of new copies, and if you need more funding, I'm sure many people would be ready to participate in a kickstarter/indiegogo (for non-US projects) to back it up on top of buying the full game, but let's get your acts together, no ?

You can only change uniforms with your own side.

What's the point then ? I thought this was a stealth option as showcased in a previous video (the guy infiltrating the base from the sea, placing a bomb and fleeing with a car). I don't care that much though, but that's a surprise too. Not that it would get used so much, but, you never know. It could be a SP only thing ? or an option in MP setting "allow changing uniforms", to prevent abuses and cheats...

Edited by EricM

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Hell, if they provide a 3D editor with just basic functions it would be more than enough. Bet most people would use it only to place objects\compositions anyway...

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You can only change uniforms with your own side.

I know, it's rather odd to be pleased by developers cutting off features, but I never understood the need for this "hitmanesque" crossdressing anyway, be it single or multiplayer. It's unrealistic and unfitting, and in order to make such a feature realistic you'll need to make that feature extremely complex (much more complex than in Hitman series) and eventually make an absolutely another game, build just around this single feature.

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Perhaps a compromise (for now) where objects can be viewed in 3d just for placement and then go back to 2d editor.

Side notes from watching presentations: (I understand its still work in progress)

-1st person muzle flashes at night don't look so good with those 'spikes'. In 3rd person they are much rounder and look better.

-Pitty about light shadowing restriction at night to just the moon. For gameplay and visual aesthetics its much more important to have shadows from vehicles or weapon flashlight. (Its very annoying to see vehicle headlights going through walls and into buildings)

-Underwater SDV needs more inertia. It should take longer to get up to speed and need reverse thrust to slow down. If you jump out while its still moving forward it would keep going for about 10-20m and slow down gradually.

Edited by EDcase

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What will happen here and here then?

Have been a rollercoaster of emotions so far huh?

What will happen?

Option A: The tall bamboo looking things don't apply to that rule. I doubt that they are clutter models and thus would be more like a tree or bush.

Option B: You will die.

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What will happen?

Option A: The tall bamboo looking things don't apply to that rule. I doubt that they are clutter models and thus would be more like a tree or bush.

Option B: You will die.

Yeah you're right, no worries then.

But there wasn't some screens with waist height folliage?

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Yeah you're right, no worries then.

But there wasn't some screens with waist height folliage?

There might be. I can't picture any. I do remember some of waist height grasses but they were in bunches and not as densely packed. The AI can't completely see through the grass either. You can hide in it it's just a matter of once you fire you're screwed. So my tactic is stay behind trees and there are plenty of rocks now it looks like too.

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Can I see large patches of seaweed on the seabed or is it shadows?

To me it looks like that horrid old lighting bug where hills don't cast shadows but objects on them do.

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