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ARMA 2: OA beta build 81423

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edit: third try worked.

Hmmm. Anyone else getting a corrupt file, or am I just special? :D

Edited by vohk

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In this beta - the 154 hotfix pbo is still there?

the new beta has sort of cleaned up hotfix_oa_154.pbo so the animation troubles shall be gone

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the new beta has sort of cleaned up hotfix_oa_154.pbo so the animation troubles shall be gone

oh great :)

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I have test it with CBA (build 157) and become after few minutes a buffer overrun memory overflow. Sometimes stuck the ArmA2 completly.

Without the Beta ArmA2 will run fine.

Hope the reply is usefull :rolleyes:

Edited by Riffler
damn englisch!

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Small Bug Report:

In a quick Mission, i´ve shot an Enemy AT Soldier (OPFOR RPG), but he didn´t fall to the Ground. Looked like he freezed in the Moment of Falling. Seems like the same Problem what appeared in the previous Beta.

EDIT : Tested this a few Times in the Editor, but can´t reproduce. Curious.

Edited by Humvee28

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I've noticed an issue with the sound, it seems like when I start with the beta patch (regardless if 79600 or newer) that the game sound is very low (Win 7, X-Fi).

Does that bug already have a ticket on devheaven which I can vote for? Otherwise I'll post a new one there.

EDIT. Done: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/20107

Edited by Brainbug

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Very good performance, both in framerates and visual, fps on par again with 1.59.

New GUI size after deleting .cfg and let the game write a new one...

81423 IGUIScale=0.47;

78900 IGUIScale=0.5500001;

Is this a side effect or was this intended?

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I have test it with CBA (build 157) and become after few minutes a buffer overrun memory overflow. Sometimes stuck the ArmA2 completly.

confirmed on my side :eek: in company with terrific fps drops (< 10) ... in game it's like this: after having loaded (SP, chernarus, user made mission) playing 5-10 minutes no prob, then fps drops, afterwards game stucks completely *sleep 5 minutes* game continues with fps little above zero ;)

my machine isnt uptodate, I know, but I've always played with it > 20-30 fps (chernarus) and > 30-40 fps (takistan) before

In a quick Mission, i´ve shot an Enemy AT Soldier (OPFOR RPG), but he didn´t fall to the Ground.

had this one, too, with latest 2 betas.

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Have to confirm this...after prolonged gameplay (MP) the graphics turn into 2D cardboard and fps goes single digit till crash.

But im not able to reproduce this all the time...sometimes it happens....sometimes not.

Missions in Editor with small Unit amount (20) are generally good without such occurences.

Happens in every CTI Multi Player game so far after 10-20 Minutes...frames get so slow that I have to quit.

Edited by Beagle

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I see dead people...and tracer still pop up from behind


Edited by Muahaha

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Also, attachto does some really awesome things in this patch. It looks like my ATVs are being humped from behind by the stuff they are carrying. :\

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I see dead people...and tracer still pop up from behind



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How about reporting the issues at the CIT with repro steps and demo missions?

At least this way they will get fixed (faster)..

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From my Side i can´t report the AT-Soldier Bug at the CIT, because it happens extremly sporadic. So it´s difficult to make a Repro as requested.

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It's not just AT gunners that are frozen, pistol soldiers are frozen too.

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I can confirm, I get less performance by a few fps 2-5 than the non beta patch. Also last beta that worked fine for me with minor bugs was 79600, all beta patches after that had mayor graphical bugs and soldiers freezing with a few instability issues. This one fixed most of the graphic bugs but I still get the enemy soldier freezing and never dying.

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Played with betapatch 79600 and this freezing happens there too - veryvery rarely. But since latest betabuilds those frozen dead units appear more often. Even flickering dead units are back (dead on ground - standing position - back dead on ground).

Would be nice if devs could fix the classic pistol bug: AI units with pistols are switching to handguns too often and when the enemy is out of effective range.

- place the KSK team and OPFOR teams on the map + some waypoints - make yourself leader or soldier of KSK team

- watch how fast the AI switches to their pistols and start shooting

- AI doesn't switch back to their primary weapons (rifles, machinegun...)

How it should be in A2OA (imho):

+ AI only switch to pistols/handgun if the ammo from the primary weapon is depleted

+ AI with MG's, sniper rifles only switch to pistols/handguns if they are in buildings or very close to an enemy ~20m.

+ action menu command for players so he can order his AI to switch to another weapon (more priority - to avoid AI switching back or going nuts)

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Perfomance still drops here too after playing some time. I noticed some FPS stuttering after playing about 0,5 hour then I got back to mission editor and left it open for about a hour in background. When returned to game and loaded a mission the FPS stuttering was even much worse. Especially when turning camera or zooming the stuttering is heavy and the worst in cities and villages (testing in Takistan map).

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