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Bin Laden Is Dead

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Dude seriously, what the fuck are you smoking and can I have some?

We asked before, he won't give up his dealer. Too bad he's banned now or we could have dangled him out of the "Stealth Hawk" by his feet til he gave us the information.


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Good news, that Bin Laden was shot and I don't care how or why but he deserved it. He deserved to be shot like a dog. All those people who see violation of human rights probably don't know what he did in Afghanistan after USSR left, that he turned country basically to a living hell.

But what I don't like is that US basically invaded Pakistan just to kill Bin Laden...

Edited by USSRsniper

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Al Qaeda=/=Taliban

And perhaps you're misunderstanding the importance of the word "human" in the phrase "human rights."

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Al Qaeda=/=Taliban

And perhaps you're misunderstanding the importance of the word "human" in the phrase "human rights."

Bin Laden would still be dead through death sentence. If you ask me I don't see anything "human" about electric chair or lethal injection. That Saddam Hussein punishment was pretty barbaric, and the trial did not make "human rights" activists happy.

Edited by USSRsniper

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All those people who see violation of human rights probably don't know what he did in Afghanistan after USSR left, that he turned country basically to a living hell.

And what have USSR Troops done in Afghanistan? Distributed sweets and candy?

We asked before, he won't give up his dealer.

Shame to see that so many people are dumb as a box of rocks.

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And what have USSR Troops done in Afghanistan? Distributed sweets and candy?

Helping the government in Afghanistan which asked help from USSR. USSR was invited into Afghanistan it's not like they simply invaded the country. While also bringing civilization to Afghanistan such as electricity, roads etc... Or you think USSR was poisoning wells, executing people, driving them over with tank tracks as shows in western propaganda?

Let's stay on topic, what USSR did there is different and has nothing to do with the death of Bin Laden.

Edited by USSRsniper

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Helping the government in Afghanistan which asked help from USSR.

Verry funny!!:mad:

or naive...

Third reich was also asked to "help" austrian and czechoslovakian german minorities...

But this is out of topic....

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Is there someone who really think that anyone from any government/agency/media is going to tell the truth in public? Perhaps in some month/years when people have lost their interest about the roots and reasons about terrorism...

Painting the world just in black and white is very easy and comfortable.

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Is there someone who really think that anyone from any government/agency/media is going to tell the truth in public?

I guess not.

The japanese government at least had two(?) debates in their parliament about what realy happend on 9/11.

Main Japanese Opposition Party Questions 9/11 in Parliament

And the former pakistani prime minister said in 2007, that bin laden was dead already.

But they killed her in december of the same year.

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We wouldn't have invaded Afghanistan without the 9/11 attack so Bin Laden induced that cost?

Add up the additional expense across the world to the various military organisations, emergency services, aviation industry, policing, security services, public transport security changes, surveillance, passport redesign etc. etc.

My point is, it cost the price of 2 bullets to get rid of him (um...... plus the search and mission lol). A costly trial(s) would cost millions. Why spend any more money?

I doubt charging Laden for the above cost would have got you much back lol.

Why not when you have gone that far with a bill already? Its taken 10 years and a large cost eh, maybe this lovely chap could foot the bill he didnt seem to concerned. But you will foot the bill though that's for sure.


Latest video - Bin Laden browsing different channels and watching himself on TV. Docker cap, grey hair, grey beard rocking back and forth with a tv clicker. Acid.


hahahahaha ...:yay:

The funniest pile of shit I have ever seen the media peddle for eons. And old bloke looking at a tv with satellite.

A: At one point they reported compound had no tv phone or anything,

B: you dont see him fully, its looks "like" him, and ultimately you have lots of people saying its him and that it from the compound video, that could be a film of someone watching a video who looks like him shoved onto video made at any time anywhere, nothing to show anything of its claim.

Also if he's enemy number one and in hiding why would he let someone stand around filming him watching newsreels knowing that could be leaked at any time?

Sorry to say this but that is fucking hilarious.

BTW check the daily mail (uk) doctored wifes passport image (look at the hand/finger):



If this was all evidence in court it would be thrown out, but then we know media are judge and jury now though, all good fun :)

A comment I saw recently which summed it up was that this mix of fake and half info and leaving things open to be questioned lets the conspiracy team role in to then muddy everything so it leads people to just accept this as truth and fact becuase no one would like the hassle of debate about it and "theorists" etc. Pretty well put to be honest.

Edited by mrcash2009

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This guy always has a valid point no-matter what subject and with every one of his videos I learn something new :cool:

Just thought I should share:


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can't be happy for the death of a man. why they dont have released any photo?

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Haha, I was just going to post Pat Condell.

"...pork chop in his mouth and fireman's axe up his ass."


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Pickled a in a jar of alcohol, on top of the Mosque at Ground Zero, with a pork chop in his mouth and a fireman's axe up his ass....

That has got to be the best quote ever.

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Being tossed into the sea is fine and all, but I'd have preferred that end for him. :)

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Haha, I was just going to post Pat Condell.

"...pork chop in his mouth and fireman's axe up his ass."


funny indeed, but Pat is and remains a demagogic speaker even if this footage entertained me.

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I don't think what the Patriot Act is/does is a secret to anyone anymore, Baz.

But let me put it to you this way: although they may have gotten close with the underwear bomber, has there been a successful terrorist attack on American soil since its implementation?

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has there been a successful terrorist attack on American soil since its implementation?
Has there been a successful convictions of terrorists trying to attack the country all through that time too? In fact world wide, based on all the arrests under the laws and searches and etc what's the ratio of "threat" or "suspected threat" vs full arrests and charges?

Look at the recent news article of the 5 picked up around nuclear plant in UK just after the latest scare, loads of knee jerk reactions with backlash threats (only the media speak about threats) and then its found that they were just bird watchers. So many raids, people getting injured, shot all sorts under the laws, of which the ratio of actually 100 percent convictions are pretty much nothing (based on the massive constant threat we have).

Again, a woman found with Semtex/explosives on the site of 2012 Olympics working for large security firm and its not highlighted much at all. When it suits it will be spoon fed, when it doesn't (for god knows what reason) its not focused on.

The following links into the the above subject and can be deemed a new topic or for the other thread but I posted because of the comment about patriot act etc IE no outside threat but the trade off is ......

Edited by mrcash2009

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I don't think what the Patriot Act is/does is a secret to anyone anymore, Baz.

But let me put it to you this way: although they may have gotten close with the underwear bomber, has there been a successful terrorist attack on American soil since its implementation?

What about the ratio of successful attacks on american soil before it was implimented, what is the percentage difference since this act came into function.

Edited by NodUnit

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Before this thread degenerates into talk of The Patriot act, I'd like to remind people that this thread is about Osama Bin Laden.

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Before this thread degenerates into talk of The Patriot act, I'd like to remind people that this thread is about Osama Bin Laden.
Didn't you know, he's dead :)

60 minutes with Obama about Bin laden:


“Obviously, we’re going into the sovereign territory of another country and landing helicopters and conducting a military operation. And so if it turns out that it’s a wealthy, you know, prince from Dubai who’s in this compound, and, you know, we’ve spent Special Forces in — we’ve got problems,â€.

“At the end of the day, this was still a 55/45 situation. I mean, we could not say definitively that bin Laden was there. Had he not been there, then there would have been significant consequences,â€.

How lucky for them to stumble into him and all the footage and documents to assume nuclear threats and videos of an old boys looking at a TV :)

This was also interesting about the residence around the compound, obviously they know nothing and are fools, I live miles away and see everything through silicone and LED and thus I know they are wrong the tin foil hat resident fools.


Edited by mrcash2009

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To expect crystal clear, 100% accurate information, on a recent event is ridiculous in the extreme. Discrepancies will inevitably appear but instead of recognising this fact people cry conspiracy theory.

Another issue is that some criticise people for taking the word of Obama and members of the US government and public but then they take the word of others over them, as if they don't have their own agendas and are somehow more worthy of trust and belief.

Also, I bring to peoples attention a recent incident where a fugitive hid in a place that was crawling with security forces. That person being Raoul Moat who moved around Rothbury and its outskirts under the noses of hundreds of cops and residents. Very embarrassing for the police.


RAOUL Moat was able to evade the hundreds of police officers patrolling the village of Rothbury and its rural hinterland even though he was hiding right among them.

Much of the time, he was in the village itself – an idea that shocked the villagers.

Disturbingly for one resident, Moat appeared to have smashed a window, broken into her home, raided her kitchen cupboard and spilled her food.

It's getting tiring seeing these theories when something comes up almost immediately with little critical analysis involved, again, something conspiracy theorists criticise the rest of us for. I am not saying that governments are not involved in shady goings on. Take the Diem assassination for example, an event the US government had a limited involvement in (although it was really the Ambassador to RVN who played an independent role outside the remits of his job) and this information is readily available, provided by the US government in fact.

To cry conspiracy when something can't be explained straight away is ridiculous. They should take their 'theories' and ask experts in the field of politics and intl. relations (doesn't have to be that university, any reputable one will do) to comment on them and see what they think. They have training in studying these matters, using a wide variety of sources and possessing an ability to critically analyse information and forming it all into a coherent argument. They can be easily contacted and I am sure they will be happy to address any arguments

Edited by Snafu

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