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Bin Laden Is Dead

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I am simply asking you guys to back up your claims with credible evidence. A very valid and reasonable question that I fail to see as trolling.

Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski: How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen

Dining with the enemy: Al Qaeda leader linked to 9/11 hijackers 'was invited to the Pentagon for lunch after attacks

Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Bhutto Confirms that Osama Bin Laden is Dead

I could link more stuff but i have to work.

You can also watch the Bin Laden videos that were released since 9/11 and you will see that every single one is a fake. You can also hear the interview between Alex Jones and Dr. Steve Pieczenik. Hes an academic, so this should be good enough for your standarts.

If we prove something with sources there are still some people who screaming, that this a conspiracy theorie. But if the government claims, that Bigfoot was shoot and thrown in the ocean, everybody take this BS as fact.

Edited by Minutemen

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Well you quoted me, so what claim do you want me to back up?

Remember, we need specifics playa...

You stated both sides had good points and then said, 'So now that this thread is officially only for celebratory posts of this great victory'.

Obviously, you believe these guys arguments have some validity to them. Hence why I ask for the evidence that makes them valid.

Well done, you found a link again confirming that the US supplied the insurgents in Afghanistan in the 1980s to help them fight the Soviets. Much like how the USSR and the PRC supplied the DRV and by extension the NLF in the 1960s and 1970s.

Sounds like the FBI did not communicate the information they had to the DoD which, unsurprisingly, the article goes on to state. The US government and military is not a homogeneous all knowing and all seeing organisation The departments and branches are separate and run by people that unsurprisingly make mistakes.

The Daily Mail is also a newspaper of dubious quality.

These first two ones do not show that Bin Laden was not killed in that compound by DEVGRU.

Interesting, however, not a smoking gun though as in an interview a few days later with Greta van Susteren Bhutto states Bin Laden was alive. Linky She also states that he was alive in earlier interviews too.

Edited by Snafu

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You stated both sides had good points and then said, 'So now that this thread is officially only for celebratory posts of this great victory'.

Obviously, you believe these guys arguments have some validity to them. Hence why I ask for the evidence that makes them valid.

Please quote me where i said ether side made valid points, or if your confused please quote where maybe i said both sides are full of S**t and need girlfriends like in that other thread..


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Please quote me where i said ether side made valid points, or if your confused please quote where maybe i said both sides are full of S**t and need girlfriends like in that other thread..



I thought it was an interesting thread with some good points from both sides... and although it may be a very contentious subject i thought there were interesting points raised from both sides of the camp if you will.

'Good' tends to mean valid.

But yeah, oh you tell us, you super stud. :rolleyes: :biggrin:

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I'm gonna make it clear here.

Osama is dead. Even Al Qaeda confirmed it.

Don't bring conspiracy theories here. I am sick and tired of it.


Minuteman, jblackrupert, mrcash2009, maturin. Leave the thread.

Did you guys miss this, or just choose to ignore it? Do so at your own peril. ;)

If you can't keep the conspiracies out of here, then the thread will be locked.

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'Good' tends to mean valid.

But yeah, oh you tell us, you super stud. :rolleyes: :biggrin:


Good Valid

who knows, the english language changes all the time with kids these days, i mean gay used to mean happy or something?

Anyway im outy, beers to drink friends to talk to... friday night, pull the plug bro... if you kno what i mean :yay:

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Haha, not a literal meaning, obviously.

Okay, so lets move on about the evidence.

Madeleine Albright: Bush Planning Bin Laden October Surprise

Kondracke said the former Clinton official approached him and asked, "Do you suppose that the Bush administration has Osama bin Laden hidden away somewhere and will bring him out before the election?"

This goes along with Dr. Steve Pieczenik predicate, that Bin Laden is dead since 2001 and they have him on Ice.

The Daily Mail is also a newspaper of dubious quality.

But there is no source that is more discredited than the government.


Yeah, i ignoring the order to act like one of these stupid dipshits who weaving flags around, playing this team america song and think they are patriots.

Edited by Minutemen

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Yeah, i ignoring the order to act like one of these stupid dipshits who weaving flags around, playing this team america song and think they are patriots.

Then enjoy your week's post restriction. You were warned. Twice.

Now, fellas, I don't want to have to do this to anyone else. Mm'kay? ;)

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LOL .. that picture is great, worrying, but great none the less.

Minuteman, jblackrupert, mrcash2009, maturin. Leave the thread.
I like how im lined up with Jblack who has contributed nothing but slander and troll replies, at least I supplied thought and alternate links within mainstream media links but there you have it, no shock or surprise.

OK mate I will leave now as its definitely a very clear one sided show, you have all witnessed a world wide psy-op, but you will then also be the very last to realise that. Although let the dust settle after the next war with Pakistan and beyond, (let the slander posts commence I guess, yawn) a great example of towing the official line or bust, sad realy but there you go.

And just to end, its all true, he was in that place, no one would ever lie about anything, nothing shows anything contrary to any claims by official sources and mainstream, everything about it adds up entirely, any one other than official sources claiming otherwise in any conceivable way what so ever are clearly unstable, I am also therefore wrong to have ever begun to think otherwise, how silly of me, I apologise, I take it all back and will proceed to purchase more foil, foil has been mentioned so much I wonder if there's a theory in it?

Toodlepip chaps, keep yours eyes on the nuclear prise :ok:

Edited by mrcash2009

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oh mann i tried to introduce a new topic which would make sense and we could talk about but if you still want to keep going with the conspiracy theories.....

Im out....

Edited by PurePassion

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He's just struttin what his momma gave him, those shoes totally clash with the outfit though.

I'll admit the flag waving and whatnot was a bit irritating, for a while I was wondering they were going to make it a holiday, but on the other hand the majority is being done by people in NYC...so you know, there is a 'small' reason for it.

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Hmm nice try guys I wouldn't waste your breathe though.

The second you hint that the government might be corrupt in a way that goes a little farther then mere incompetence you can expect the same old "you're a conspiracy nut!" buzzword attack.

If what you are saying does not swim in line with what the news is saying then you are assumed to be some kind of hermit living in the woods in your underwear sporting a tinfoil hat and smoking too much high grade.

When you think of all the bullshit on tv, all the tons of documentary's and "reality" shows about ghosts, demons and aliens (99.99 % of which is total crap) that people genuinely believe is totally real and well within the realms of sanity, and then when you confront someone with actual evidence of malevolent forces within the government what happens?

Their eyes glaze over they shake their heads and they half babble something about "oh there will always be conspiracy theories blah blah blah"

They won't even argue the facts with you, they won't even consider it, its like some little button they can press to just flush it all out of their minds.

But hey if you want to talk about aliens all day oh they've seen this and that on tv and its all true, I mean it was on tv and tv is not allowed to lie!! (sigh)

Just something to remember while we are gearing up for ww3.

Edited by mrmoon

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congratulations, mrmoon.

You got 1 week vacation for that little rant of yours.

---------- Post added at 05:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 PM ----------

LOL .. that picture is great, worrying, but great none the less.

I like how im lined up with Jblack who has contributed nothing but slander and troll replies, at least I supplied thought and alternate links within mainstream media links but there you have it, no shock or surprise.

OK mate I will leave now as its definitely a very clear one sided show, you have all witnessed a world wide psy-op, but you will then also be the very last to realise that. Although let the dust settle after the next war with Pakistan and beyond, (let the slander posts commence I guess, yawn) a great example of towing the official line or bust, sad realy but there you go.

And just to end, its all true, he was in that place, no one would ever lie about anything, nothing shows anything contrary to any claims by official sources and mainstream, everything about it adds up entirely, any one other than official sources claiming otherwise in any conceivable way what so ever are clearly unstable, I am also therefore wrong to have ever begun to think otherwise, how silly of me, I apologise, I take it all back and will proceed to purchase more foil, foil has been mentioned so much I wonder if there's a theory in it?

Toodlepip chaps, keep yours eyes on the nuclear prise :ok:

You got yourself a nice 1week vacation too.

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Its sad how you all think Osama Bin Laden is dead when infact he is having fun as we speak.

To quote Mr. Bin Laden himself:

We are doing great.


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Under President Obama's term this occurred. I can't allow it to pass through time as unnoticed, forgotten or incorrect. Even President Bush told him it was a good call. My favor for Obama has gone up.

Edited by BronzeEagle

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congratulations, mrmoon.

You got 1 week vacation for that little rant of yours.

Wait, why?

There are entire threads full of stuff much 'worse' than that. Plus the occasional 'bigoted' statements that go unmolested.

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My favor for Obama has gone up.
"mission accomplished". Now all he has to do is shut down all US nuclear powerplant and hes is "Jesus" again. Is it not strange that this all happened ecxactly when his popularity ratings were low?

Good timing and nice acting, this will last for a while.

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Wait, why?

There are entire threads full of stuff much 'worse' than that. Plus the occasional 'bigoted' statements that go unmolested.

I've had enough of idiotic remarks, and the above 3 decided to take a stand, and got what was coming to them. Perhaps you could use one too?

My post was clear. This is thread about Osama's death, not civilization.

Edited by RalphWiggum

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Part of Osama's demise taking 10 years is closely tied to the culture that he surrounded himself in.

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Not sure who among you may have seen it but Discovery did a segment concerning the raid, supposedly there was consideration of working with Pakistani government to go in and get him but was shot down for secrecy. Same to the idea of flying a B2 over and just carpet bombing the place (obviously not the best choice considering all the collateral)

Watching it is pretty much as if you were to read everything that has been said thus far on the internet combined into a video including a model of the sketched 'stealth hawk'

According to the story there was a great amount of intel gathered before the operation, they watched the movement of people on the compound, apparently there were several and one tall man was exempt from any chores.

Four helicopters were involved, two 'stealth hawks' and two chinooks acting as command platforms (eeh?) Originally the plan was to fast rope in from the roof and enter at ground level, however as the ground helicopter flew in the air flow was disturbed and caused the helicopter to plummet, severing the tailpiece behind the wall. The second helicopter landed and the second team blasted a hole through the wall with charges.

As they entered the house one man reached behind her back, they shot him and said he was unarmed later, as they went up the stairs a man came running down, another shot, unarmed. Supposedly there were children and women running around whom were 'rounded up' by team 2 as team 1 moved upstairs. "Supposedly" Bin laden heard the commotion and walked to the stairs and looked down, one of the seals saw him and shot at him by missed, Laden then ran and was pursued to the room where his wife was shot in the leg and he in arm and head, an AK nearby..

The building was also said to be more of a maze than a complex, with false doors everywhere, now how would it be that a leader of a large organization would have this bunker like house with absolutely no guards. Assuming this was a literal house house and no guards allowed, there was an AK which means guns are, so why wasn't anybody using them and if there was an AK nearby, and Bin Laden was indeed shot at, why did he make any hesitations to get the rifle.

I guess for that one you could say he couldn't see it since the power was cut, but what about everything else.

Edited by NodUnit

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Part of Osama's demise taking 10 years is closely tied to the culture that he surrounded himself in.

Not the way the conversation was going. Also, I told you to stay out of the thread. Perhaps you can use 1 week too.

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