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ACE 1.10 (Advanced Combat Enviroment) for OA/CO

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How does MFD (Multi Function Display) work ? Ctrl + Shift + Q keys do not display anything.

You probably need to update your userconfig from @ACE/store/userconfig.tar.

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Where did all the ACE servers go to? I was looking forward to a game but all that's left (especially in AUS) are regular no mod servers or some unpopulated ones.

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Now that Vilas has released much of his stuff - have you guys considered adopting some of his vehicles for your mod (Russian 2S1, bmp1 etc.)...? - that would actually be sweet... - as much as a reskined version of the OA T-55 and BTR-60 for the russian side... *hint hint*... ;)

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Does this not work any more for disabling all group markers except for the groups I want:

_myMarkerGroups = [Omega, Group1W, Group2W]; // Groups that should have markers.
{ if !(_x in _myMarkerGroups) then { _x setVariable ["ace_sys_tracking_marker_override", true] } } forEach allGroups;

It worked some months ago when you gave me the code but now all the group markers appear in my missions again.

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It will be nice when there's just a stable version that everyone uses.

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Now that Vilas has released much of his stuff - have you guys considered adopting some of his vehicles for your mod

There are things that simply won't happen :)

It will be nice when there's just a stable version that everyone uses.

Hm, I've played the whole evening with the latest stable version with 32 players Coop and PvP missions without respawn... What are you doing wrong ?


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Where did all the ACE servers go to? I was looking forward to a game but all that's left (especially in AUS) are regular no mod servers or some unpopulated ones.

I'm in AAF and we play pretty much everyday, we use cba, ace, acex, acre, aaw, lingor, duala, (those islands only sometimes) etc.

Our server is passworded but if you really need a clan then you can always apply to join, if not AEF runs a ACE insurgency server, and multiple ACE missions, plus VMA (NZ clan) run ACE, so really the only clans which are not ACE users are XDF and OCB, and that is out of all the Australasian clans.

But anyway, before I post a ticket about this, I have noticed that the 60mm and possibly the 81mm (haven't tested) are not aligned porperly when firing and the round will land about 70m of when shooting at a target at 350 meters away, is this caused by the new artillery system you are adding? or is this an actual bug, and if so, I will post a ticket and repro mission on dev heaven.

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Hi Masters of ACE, :)

Eventually I have a problem with ACE2 Wounding System.

See in my video what happens, difficult to heal the soldiers, he sits on the floor and only crawls.



I noticed that this happened several times lately with different versions of ACE.

Is this a bug, or the soldier was incapacitated due to some incurable problem...:confused::confused:

Best Regards

Edited by D3lta

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I'm in AAF and we play pretty much everyday, we use cba, ace, acex, acre, aaw, lingor, duala, (those islands only sometimes) etc.

Our server is passworded but if you really need a clan then you can always apply to join, if not AEF runs a ACE insurgency server, and multiple ACE missions, plus VMA (NZ clan) run ACE, so really the only clans which are not ACE users are XDF and OCB, and that is out of all the Australasian clans.

But anyway, before I post a ticket about this, I have noticed that the 60mm and possibly the 81mm (haven't tested) are not aligned porperly when firing and the round will land about 70m of when shooting at a target at 350 meters away, is this caused by the new artillery system you are adding? or is this an actual bug, and if so, I will post a ticket and repro mission on dev heaven.

Is it possible to play without being in a clan? I'm pretty strapped for time and a clan is usually a bit of a commitment. I work well with a team though and am fine with taking orders. I just can't stand how disorganized and random public matches are, to say nothing of playing without ACE.

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Hi Masters of ACE, :)

Eventually I have a problem with ACE2 Wounding System.

See in my video what happens, difficult to heal the soldiers, he sits on the floor and only crawls.


I noticed that this happened several times lately with different versions of ACE.

Is this a bug, or the soldier was incapacitated due to some incurable problem...:confused::confused:

Best Regards

Was the UPSMON patrol script running by any chance? I have seen this when that script is running. For some reason it stops the ACE Wounding system from working.

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Was the UPSMON patrol script running by any chance? I have seen this when that script is running. For some reason it stops the ACE Wounding system from working.

Thanks Sickboy and Jedra,

YES. I played two missions using UPSMON, a mine (without ACE) e other the EOD_Bravo (with ACE), the problem appears on both. Without ACE2, the bug is on ARMA2 Wounding System.

I'll ask about to Monsada. News , I'll post here.

Best Regards.

Edited by D3lta

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Thanks Sickboy and Jedra,

YES. I played two missions using UPSMON, a mine (without ACE) e other the EOD_Bravo (with ACE), the problem appears on both. Without ACE2, the bug is on ARMA2 Wounding System.

I'll ask about to Monsada. News , I'll post here.

Best Regards.

I'm playing with ACE Wounds and UPSMON almost all the time and never had that issue. Make sure the mission does not have both BIS and ACE Wounding, that could lead to issues like yours.

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I'm playing with ACE Wounds and UPSMON almost all the time and never had that issue. Make sure the mission does not have both BIS and ACE Wounding, that could lead to issues like yours.

Not. I see only modules of ACE Wounds in the EOD_Bravo.


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The CROWS system on the HMMWV and Stryker handle differently. HMMWV has a movement damper whereas the Strykers do not. Kind of annoying.

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Hi guys wonder if anybody could help e here seem to of hit a brickwall! lol

I have nstalled these mods

@ACEX ( @ACEX_v1.10.0.330)

A2WarMod ACE Compatible Full 1.3


CBA_v0-7-3 (@CBA)

the I44-ARMA2CO-v2-5 mod seems to work fine (absoloutley astounding MOD btw) thx to all involved with is :-)

but when I tried to run the ACE mod it came up with this error

"include file user config\fnc_ballistics_config.hpp not found

So I followed some forums to try find what the issue was and found this thread

http://forums.bistudio.com/showthrea...108520&page=13 and followed the advice to move three folders from the mod to the main directory

reading your message which says you should have this file inside the user config: fnc_ballistics the thing is it does but im still getting the following error????

Include file x\ace\addons\main\script_macros.hpp not found. and

Does anyone know how to solve this issue please?, I think I might be missing something but im not sure what it is? please if anyone can help or point me to the solution would be much appreciated


Edited by oggmeista

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uuhh ahh umm Well i did that and your right Mr charles it worked so thx, although u said to only run the @ace mod in game it installed them all lol not kidding when it says updator

Have another little problem now though game wont let me disable any of them in game? So that means I cant run different mods doesnt it? any way to sort this anybody?

Thx alot for the advice people im going slowly but at leats im going forward with this :)

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Has the above function been removed from ACE?

I have tried the Config file, I have tired Ace Keys.


Any pointers or direction would be really helpful.

Trying to not Flashbang myself in some insurgency missions.


Love ACE could not play with out it.

Thanks once more to all the ACE team for your hard work and love of this game that only makes it better for us all.

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I am testing with a linux server, and i am noticing that when launching it with ACE it dumps this on the console:

Conflicting addon ace_sys_bi_arty in 'x\ace\addons\sys_bi_arty\', previous definition in 'x\ace\addons\main\'

Conflicting addon ace_sys_nuke in 'x\ace\addons\sys_nuke\', previous definition in 'x\ace\addons\main\'

Updating base class ACE_Logic->Logic, by x\ace\addons\sys_bi_arty\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ACE_BI_ARTY_Logic/

Updating base class ACE_Logic->Logic, by x\ace\addons\sys_bi_arty\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ACE_BI_ARTY_Virtual_Artillery/

Updating base class VehicleMagazine->ARTY_30Rnd_105mmHE_M119, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_105mmHE_M119/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_105mmHE_M119->ARTY_30Rnd_105mmWP_M119, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_105mmWP_M119/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_105mmHE_M119->ARTY_30Rnd_105mmSADARM_M119, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_105mmSADARM_M119/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_105mmHE_M119->ARTY_30Rnd_105mmLASER_M119, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_105mmLASER_M119/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_105mmHE_M119->ARTY_30Rnd_105mmSMOKE_M119, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_105mmSMOKE_M119/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_105mmHE_M119->ARTY_30Rnd_105mmILLUM_M119, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_105mmILLUM_M119/

Updating base class VehicleMagazine->ARTY_8Rnd_81mmHE_M252, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_8Rnd_81mmHE_M252/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_8Rnd_81mmHE_M252->ARTY_8Rnd_81mmWP_M252, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_8Rnd_81mmWP_M252/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_8Rnd_81mmHE_M252->ARTY_8Rnd_81mmILLUM_M252, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_8Rnd_81mmILLUM_M252/

Updating base class VehicleMagazine->ARTY_12Rnd_227mmHE_M270, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_12Rnd_227mmHE_M270/

Updating base class VehicleMagazine->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmWP_D30, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_122mmWP_D30/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmSADARM_D30, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_122mmSADARM_D30/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmLASER_D30, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_122mmLASER_D30/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmSMOKE_D30, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_122mmSMOKE_D30/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30->ARTY_30Rnd_122mmILLUM_D30, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_30Rnd_122mmILLUM_D30/

Updating base class VehicleMagazine->ARTY_8Rnd_82mmHE_2B14, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_8Rnd_82mmHE_2B14/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_8Rnd_82mmHE_2B14->ARTY_8Rnd_82mmWP_2B14, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_8Rnd_82mmWP_2B14/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_8Rnd_82mmHE_2B14->ARTY_8Rnd_82mmILLUM_2B14, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_8Rnd_82mmILLUM_2B14/

Updating base class VehicleMagazine->ARTY_40Rnd_120mmHE_BM21, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgMagazines/ACE_ARTY_40Rnd_120mmHE_BM21/

Updating base class ShellBase->ARTY_Sh_Base, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_Base/

Updating base class FlareBase->ARTY_Flare_Small, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Flare_Small/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Flare_Small->ARTY_Flare_Medium, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Flare_Medium/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_Base->ARTY_Sh_Base_NET, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_Base_NET/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_Base_NET->ARTY_Sh_105_NET, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_NET/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_NET->ARTY_Sh_105_NET_NOFX, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_NET_NOFX/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_NET->ARTY_Sh_105_LASNET, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_LASNET/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_Base_NET->ARTY_Sh_122_NET, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_NET/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_NET->ARTY_Sh_122_NET_NOFX, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_NET_NOFX/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_NET->ARTY_Sh_122_LASNET, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_LASNET/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_Base_NET->ARTY_Sh_81_NET, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_81_NET/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_Base_NET->ARTY_Sh_82_NET, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_82_NET/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_Base_NET->ARTY_Sh_120_NET, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_120_NET/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_Base_NET->ARTY_Sh_227_NET, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_227_NET/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_Base->ARTY_Sh_105_HE, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_HE/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_HE->ARTY_Sh_105_WP, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_WP/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_HE->ARTY_Sh_105_SADARM, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_SADARM/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_HE->ARTY_Sh_105_LASER, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_LASER/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_HE->ARTY_Sh_105_ILLUM, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_ILLUM/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_HE->ARTY_Sh_105_SMOKE, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_105_SMOKE/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_Base->ARTY_Sh_81_HE, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_81_HE/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_81_HE->ARTY_Sh_81_WP, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_81_WP/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_81_HE->ARTY_Sh_81_ILLUM, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_81_ILLUM/

Updating base class R_MLRS->ARTY_R_227mm_HE_Rocket, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_R_227mm_HE_Rocket/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_Base->ARTY_R_227mm_HE, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_R_227mm_HE/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_Base->ARTY_Sh_122_HE, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_HE/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_HE->ARTY_Sh_122_WP, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_WP/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_HE->ARTY_Sh_122_SADARM, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_SADARM/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_HE->ARTY_Sh_122_LASER, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_LASER/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_HE->ARTY_Sh_122_ILLUM, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_ILLUM/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_HE->ARTY_Sh_122_SMOKE, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_122_SMOKE/

Updating base class RocketBase->ARTY_SADARM_PROJO, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_SADARM_PROJO/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_SADARM_PROJO->ARTY_SADARM_NET, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_SADARM_NET/

Updating base class RocketBase->ARTY_SADARM_BURST, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_SADARM_BURST/

Updating base class ShellBase->ARTY_SmokeShellWhite, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_SmokeShellWhite/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_Base->ARTY_Sh_82_HE, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_82_HE/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_82_HE->ARTY_Sh_82_WP, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_82_WP/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_82_HE->ARTY_Sh_82_ILLUM, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_Sh_82_ILLUM/

Updating base class R_GRAD->ARTY_R_120mm_HE_Rocket, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_R_120mm_HE_Rocket/

Updating base class ACE_ARTY_Sh_Base->ARTY_R_120mm_HE, by x\ace\addons\c_vehicle\config.bin/CfgAmmo/ACE_ARTY_R_120mm_HE/

Is it normal ? Am i doing something wrong ?

My launch script is this:

./server -cpucount=2 -exthreads=1 -config=server.cfg -nomap -port=2302 -mod=@cba -mod=@duala -mod=@lingor -mod=@fallujah -mod=@ffaa -mod=@mma -mod=@mma_xeh -mod=@ace -mod=@acex -mod=@acex_ru -mod=@acex_sm -mod=@acex_usnavy

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It seems you have old addons in there, perhaps because of updating without cleaning up existing files.

You could clear the modfolders and upload clean latest versions only, or verify each file.

If you have FTP or rSync access you can use Six Updater to upload a preset with mods to your server, it will automatically remove unneeded files, add new files and update old files.

Edited by Sickboy

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The feature was removed


But it's coming back, better than ever :)


That is good to know.

I am not even sure if I noticed the little removed text last time I visited to read how to do it properly.

Thanks for taking the time to answer and update AnimalMother92.

Can't wait for the new method.

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