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PvP Animation replacement/enhancement pack

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woooow ! this is so beautiful blind fire this is perfect !

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Erhm... Like what?

Yeah, I guess I was super vague. Sorry about that, lol. I did a Google search in hopes of finding some pictures that'll give you the general idea of what I'm talking about instead of just trying to describe it in text. Hope these help:




Basically where they kind of "hug" it a bit higher than just having the rifle lurk around your balls. I'm not sure the tactical reasons for it, but I'm guessing also because of all the gear and such too. Plus it looks like it might give your arms a little break having it up closer? But that's just my dumbass view. Maybe someone with actual knowledge should share some light on why you see so many carry the rifles up higher like that. Looks nicer, especially when you're patrolling through Takistan or something, heh.

Anyways, I'm sure everyone will despise the thought of it. I've always been a bit of an oddball who loved the stance and the through of patrolling through villages and such during co-ops. :o :p

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I am sorry but it looks to me as too much of work. Perhaps I can find a workaround using gestures, but I will not promise anything.

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Did I see you slide in position in that video aswell?

I've read that you intent to use the turbo-key as a combination for your animations, can this be altered? I love using my turbo-key to sprint.

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I am sorry but it looks to me as too much of work. Perhaps I can find a workaround using gestures, but I will not promise anything.

Alrighty. Figured mind as well ask anyways. Won't know if something is possible unless you ask, hehheh. :) ;)

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Wow. Smokie this is just pure ownage. You blew me away with the last video :D

Iam officially horny for this MOD!

Btw. is it be possible to show if you are looking through ironsights/optics or if you are just firing from the hip? Not even sure right now if there is a recoil/accuracy difference between it. Is it? hmmm

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You cannot use optics when in blind fire, you also do not see the weapon aim cursor. The aim precision is drastically lower and the more you are tired the even lesser accurate you gonna be. The lowest aim precision is when you use blind fire from the left - this is due to very risky hand positioning (weapon with great recoil would simply break it), even though right hand is reinforced by the left one holding the stock.

Edited by Smookie

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Ah sorry. I didnt mean it while the new blind fire feature from you. I did mean the general mode. If its possible to make it a difference when actually looking through ironsights/optics or if the player does not. So when you press right mouse button to look through ironsights/optics the player next to you does see if you are looking through ironsights/optics or not.

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Engine limitation :( I simulated it in running/walking though:)

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Speaking of animations, is there a way to fix the weapon holding animation for bullpup weapons (BAF weapons and Robert Hammer's TAR-21s)? Currently it's held way too much "back", as if it's the same animation as a normal weapon.

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Screenshot + classname and I will fix it.

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http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=111444 (has screenshot)

"BAF_L85A2_RIS_ACOG" is just one of them, all BAF bullpup weapons have this problem. You can also just look at this list for all BAF weapons.

For RH TAR-21 weapons:







Screenshot: http://img820.imageshack.us/i/arma2oa2011032420141832.jpg/

Edited by galzohar

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Ah. I understand you fully now. Well then, I need to change my statement. It is possible to fix it only by adjusting the model and changing hand animations. You can't access BIS models afaic, one could try to work on RH weapons however.

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Ah, that's quite sad :(

Though how come those awesome blind shooting animations are possible while fixing the way the soldier grabs certain weapons is not?

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Though how come those awesome blind shooting animations are possible while fixing the way the soldier grabs certain weapons is not?

I'd assume because the 'shooting around corner'-animation has nothing at all to do with how the soldier grabs the weapon, but all to do with body animations.

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I'd assume because the 'shooting around corner'-animation has nothing at all to do with how the soldier grabs the weapon, but all to do with body animations.

This is true. The hand positions are defined in hand animation which only reffers to offset of the hands from the weapon center, which on the other hand is defined in a seperate animation file. Therefore, it is not possible to change weapon position without changing the animation which is even more troublesome because the general movement animations are not related to the weapon but to the unit mode.

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Yes he does know when he is going to release it .... just not to those that pester him !

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Hi Smookie and congrats on your work, very impressive indeed.

Quick question, will it be possible to switch from primary weapon to pistol and vice versa on the move? I hate the fact that it completely stops you right now.

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... I'm just excited! It's like waiting for Christmas for little kids... but better!

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I'm not sure the tactical reasons for it, but I'm guessing also because of all the gear and such too..

There is nothing tactical about it, it's a compromise between the need to hold your weapon in ready stance infront of you and giving your arms some rest. The vest weight is distributed around your shoulders,back and belly. The M4 with magazine and attachments weight from 4-6KG so you just rest it ontop of the front magazine in the vest to distribute it's weight and rest you arms on it.

Smoookie I love it man, the thing you did are magic.

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There is nothing tactical about it, it's a compromise between the need to hold your weapon in ready stance infront of you and giving your arms some rest. The vest weight is distributed around your shoulders,back and belly. The M4 with magazine and attachments weight from 4-6KG so you just rest it ontop of the front magazine in the vest to distribute it's weight and rest you arms on it. .

Shay, thanks for chiming in and letting me know the reason. Always wondered about it, and now I know. Thanks! :ok:

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Hey, sorry for lack of update. At the moment I am busy on shoting some new moves on a camera set so that hopefully I will be able to do some rotoscoping and therefore more accurate animations. I plan on implementing weapon at hip position (with walking/running animations - welcome back, OFP:) ) as well as finally making strafing for my custom walking and light jog animations.

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I think "hip" only serves a purpose if there is actually a noticeable penalty for holding the weapon to the shoulder based on the actual weapon weight (and I don't mean holding it while moving only, I mean holding it period, even while standing still), and even then it should only really be any use for heavier weapons (LMGs and up).

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