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MBG_Buildings_3 - European Theatre

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Aloha folks,

here it is, at last, MBG_Buildings_3.
This is a pack of buildings aimed at European terrains. All buildings, I repeat: All buildings are fully enterable and walkable, usable in both the editor and Visitor 3 and have path ways for safe handling of AI.

Also, all the houses and flats have working doorbells.



Commercial Buildings:
  • 2 Pubs
  • 4 Supermarkets


  • 2 Estates
  • 4 Single-Family Homes
  • 5 Townhouses


  • 1 Garden Bench
  • 3 Beach Chairs
  • 4 Garages
  • 1 Fallout Shelter


  • 1 ATC Tower
  • 1 ATC Building
  • 1 ATC Connector


  • 2 Runway Ends (09 & 27)
  • 3 Runway Pieces (Stripes, no stripes, Fadeing out lines)
  • 1 Parking Area


  • 3 Edgelights (Blue, Green, White)
  • 5 Embedded lights (Blue, Green, Red, White, Yellow)
  • 1 Navigation Light (red)


  • 3 Full tarmac road sets (Dashed line, continuous line and no middle-line)

Here's a range of pictures:
A small and cosey pub. Two stories.

An estate of a probably very, very rich person.

The ATC Tower & Building. Inside you can lower and raise the window blindfolds.

MBG_Buildings_3 (70.4MB) @ Mondkalb.org

And here's a pack of high interest for mapmakers. This pack contains the road-MLODs, and MLODs for two Airport signs and the runway end markers plus two textures without digits.
This should help you creating customized airports for a runway that is not going from 09 to 27.


Original Text of the WIP Thread:



Edit 11th July 2016:

Copyright 2016 Mondkalb. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam (Steam Workshop). Also it may not be included into any collection or part of some other workshop content's upload.

If you wish to upload content that makes use of this(my) mod, please link to the original (this) forum release post.

Edited by mondkalb
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Awesome! Not in long enough has a set of european enterable buildings been made of this standard

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Very Nice buildings - btw on those houses you cant use Parallax mapping? - i guess its only for ground , which is shame :(

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Hey man these are looking great.

With the pub, is it likely to be a traditional English pub? If it was, and you created a damage model for it as well, it would be a traditional ye old pub and modern beer house :-D

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All these seems to resemble those 80s era cold war style houses. Am I right?

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Well... kind of.

They resemble 30s, 50s and 90s era as well.

The "estate" is based upon a house built in the 90s. The small one based on a building built in '53, and the double-family building is based on a house that was originally constructed in '34 (afaik).


Although the appearance is made to make these houses fit into modern era.

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Hello MGB,

I very like your work.

Do you plan to do an update of Celle (I love), with these fantastic buildings ?

Best Regards

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Excellent work and very useful :D If possible, it'd be nice if you could include a map of each building's AI positions in the release, please.

BTW, are you planning to include damaged versions of the houses too?

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Oh IceBreakr... Some more islands in your mind I hope :D

(relating to these buildings of course. We haven't seen a good lookin' european map with enterable buildings since... umm... Hell, I dont know!) ;)

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More enter-able buildings, especially big ones = :thumbsup:

BTW, are they partially destructible, or just disappear when destroyed?

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Those look really nice Mondkalb. Great work as usual!

Say, I've always wondered, what is that critter in your avatar supposed to be? lol

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This pack will only feature basic destruction: Leftover ruins.

I'd love to make them partially destructable, but without BIS releasing some MLODs from structure.pbo I will never figure out how they did it. :(

Regarding the critter: It is just a drawing I made that happened to be chosen as avatar. :P

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Here we go:


Available in 4 different brands. Pneumatic front doors are working flawless.


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Outstanding Mondkalb, love the Penny Markt, errr Kenny markt ;)

Kristian: Mondkalb is an island maker himself, too. But sure, I'll try to incorporate his great buildings into my work, as I did in Lingor (his pack #2).

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Are you doing civilian buildings only or are you going to do military ones also?

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I was actually planning on doing civilian purpose structures only. Well... at least they have the highest priority.

Hund has actually already asked me some time ago whether I was going to build some Brikby killhouses. They are now definitely on my to-do list. Though low priority.

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reminds me of the local Lidl lol

Well, it reminds me of local (Villach, Austria) Penny Markt ;)


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