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About bracer

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  1. bracer

    Minihattan Island

    Thanks for the mirrors guys! Much appreciated!
  2. bracer

    Minihattan Island - A3

    Hey dcal! The Arma 2 version was just brought up to the same version as Arma 3, nothing new in that one! But I'm working on v0.6 for Arma 3, but no ETA yet.
  3. bracer

    Minihattan Island

    Finally! Sorry for the delay. But here is the v0.5.3 for A2! 0.5.3 -Improved the exterior of the mall upper floors -Removed shadows (temporarly until I figure them out) -Stopped buildings from falling through the ground -Added few interiors -Testing destruction on Hotel -Fixed missing texture 0.5 -Plenty of new buildings -Greatly improved visuals -Changed the sidewalks -New reflections from the windows -Reduced the amount of the ugly buildings -Better config files -Optimized some buildings and their geoLods -Added a hidden experimental bonus... Get it here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8291078/Bracers_Minihattan053_A2.zip Cheers! /Bracer
  4. bracer

    Minihattan Island

    Yes, A2 will get a new update aswell. I cannot give any date yet though.
  5. bracer

    Minihattan Island - A3

    There is a way to get there from the main island! Look for lids on the ground! ---------- Post added at 02:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 AM ---------- Preferably go there at night with flashlight :-)
  6. bracer

    Minihattan Island - A3

    Yes, that's correct. There is still a few buildings missing geometryLods... It will be solved soon enough. Some buildings got more attention than others as you can see. Did anyone find the sewer lid yet?
  7. bracer

    Minihattan Island - A3

    Yes, the Hotel and a few other buidlings is missing geometry on the floors which makes grenades fall through. But it has Fire geometry which stops the bullets. Will fix soon enough. I had it removed since it seemed to prevent the AI from going there. Yes, so far there is no more destruction added except the Hotel. And it should be two possible pieces to blast away. This version is mostly bugfixes, but I left that experimental destruction in for testing. Which buildings are still falling through the ground? All other buildings or just a few? Yes, Charons Urban pack requries CAData, but they way I implemented it I don't use that config anyway. So I will ask Charon if I would be allowed to modify or remove the config. Cheers and thanks for the feedback! ---------- Post added at 11:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 PM ---------- Here's the changelog so you can see what has been added/changed.
  8. bracer

    Minihattan Island - A3

    Cheers Foxhound! Thanks alot for the mirror and frontpage on Armaholic!
  9. bracer

    Minihattan Island - A3

    Thanks for the mirror Kari! ---------- Post added at 05:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:55 PM ---------- Great, let me know how it works! And please check if the streetlamps are still shining at night. Cheers!
  10. bracer

    Minihattan Island - A3

    It will add alot of fun with destruction. But it will take quite some time to implement it on all buildings. ---------- Post added at 10:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 AM ---------- 1. Yes, I haven't figured out how to make to windows look good at night yet. 2. Sounds like the soldiers need elevators. Take a look at JSF 82nd Reaper's work here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?172226-Innovation-Studios-WIP-Buildings ---------- Post added at 12:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 AM ---------- Here you have version 0.5.3 of Minihattan for Arma 3! It should hopefully fix the compatibility issues with AiA. Please report if it works! Changelog for this version: Oh! And enjoy the destruction for the Hotel! I will start adding it to more buildings now that I know how it works. Get it here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8291078/Bracers_Minihattan053_A3.zip Or here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23869 Cheers!
  11. bracer

    Building shadows disappering

    Yes, I tried adding one now... No luck! The shadowLod is a simple square that I sharpened and triangalized. In GeoLod I added sbsource = shadowVolume
  12. bracer

    Building shadows disappering

    Approximatly 45x25x30. It's like the shadowLod gets occluded when it's out of your FOV.
  13. bracer

    Minihattan Island - A3

    I'm learning about destruction now! Quite fun! ---------- Post added at 11:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ---------- This should hopefully be solved with the next update.
  14. Hey! I have this problem where the shadow disappears whenever I face away from the building. Any idea what might cause this?
  15. bracer

    Minihattan Island - A3

    Thanks Froggyluv! I noticed aswell that the signs, fireescapes and billboards makew alot of difference. I will add more of that! And the alleys need to be work on, currently it is uust grey space between buildings. Destruction will be implemented at some point! But I'm not sure how to deal with it yet. ---------- Post added at 09:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 AM ---------- I know how to fix the error! One question though, is the streetlamps shining at night for everyone even though this error pops up? Thanks!