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Cold War Rearmed² Winter

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Hehe, heres something for nostalgic feelings:


I assume you meant our Aerosan ( Made by Sebastian Müller -who also made the BIS Ka-60 in PMC- back then ).

Hehe... Yeah, ShadowNX - that was the exact mad device! They were just so much fun... I remember roaring along the broad beaches on the south of the island, an angry Hind in hot pursuit - I think it was a "hunt the wandering Scuds" mission I added a couple of Aerosans to... they used up petrol real quick, but if you could make it up to the top of the biggest mountain you could free ski the whole way down the other side to the petrol station :D

Happy days indeed! and Classic Addons!

PS @ Wolle....

I've been playing around on the terrain a bit more... just wanted to compliment you on some of the terrain texture-work... the "exposed rock with snowy patches" is a little pixellated maybe, but the "snow" and especially the "patchy snow with occasional grass showing thru" groundtextures are brilliant! and whoever recoloured the vegetation did an awesome job too - particularly the pines! Great stuff once again guys!


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suggest use lower detail trees. near a forest, the game becomes sluggish.

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I found this just now... So I am a bit late, but thank you nontheless! Had some great fun with these missions!

And I quite enjoyed your little christmas story as well ^^ To bad I am the first one to comment on the whole thing :P

Merry christmas imperialists/commies

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Me & my one regular MP playing buddy finally Saved Sergei last night!!! Been trying all week!

A simple, straightforward absolute bitch of a mission with just 2 players! - loved it!!!


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Is this Aerosan available? Didn't check the whole topic?

Thats an old OFP-addon.

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Is this Aerosan available? Didn't check the whole topic?

Just an OFP nostalgia-trip I'm afraid Ice :D... Though ShadowNX said he knows the author... wouldn't be that hard to get it running in Arma 2 I'd bet...

They were great fun with the big whooshy propeller at the back - like a spitfire engine mounted backwards on a sledge with a bathtub over the top - sounded like it too!... and I remember they were weighted really well - unstable enough to keep you worried you were gonna flip over at any moment, but actually mostly you were OK... brilliant...

Back on topic...

Any plans for additional missions in the future guys?


Edited by Bushlurker

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Any plans for additional missions in the future guys?

For Winter Kolgujev? Personally no, as Kolgujev has always had very little to offer from a mission making perspective.

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Any plans for additional missions in the future guys?

You -> Editor -> Profit?

I started working on the CWC Campaign yesterday, might keep me busy for some time now. :)

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Good Work! :)

Edited by Karhu
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Patch 2 link added to the first post. :)


New Winter units by Schnapsdrosel with OA backpack compatibility

XM177/XMS by MaxPower

M60 machine gun by gms, thanks RobertHammer

Flag pack added, thanks to gromov

Weapons using default A2 recoils

Edited by W0lle

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Eh awesome, good to see that XM get released finally! :D

Finally all ready to go! You have no idea how good it feels to finally get it out there.

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Woot! Can't hardly wait for CWR² to be finished. :D

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New missions for the mod can be gained by starting the mission editor. ;)

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1 small suggestion:

Ambient sounds, instead of insects replace them with wind, cows/birds or whatever, fits more with the snowy environment.

The addon is great, and the snow gives a new attiude, makes it more intersted instead of just a remake.


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Thanks for the mirrors guys. :)


No missions included because I decided to release the patch all of the sudden, with zero warning time. :D

I have a retro mission almost ready, but not really happy with it (yet).


We know about the ambient sounds, and they will be fixed in another patch. Our terrain guy is pretty busy at the moment so things take a little longer than expected.

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Very good work CWR team, nice to see the constant updates with nice improvements.

Also very happy with Schnappsdrosels new units but if a bit of criticism is allowed let me point out some observations:

New US units are great, very well made, nice thick winter suits and good normals.

Soviets are good too but i hope they get some edits in regards to the thickness of their limbs which currently dont really look like wearing the klyksa snow suits.

Also get rid of the BDU pockets as its just a oversuit.

Personally i think the baggy look on the old soviets was excellent and just lacked details and things like the better helmets and vests maybe.

But thats just personal observations and other than these lil things all else is really nice.

Btw, if Schnappsdrosel is intrested in a lil coop on the soviets then im open for that and can contribute some textures and normals.

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You might be interest to know fixed plane STOL aircraft can use carrier runway (which is already configured in the Winter Kolgujev) as of build 79462

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