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Chill xl

ToraBora "Sandbox Edition"

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Chillax. One request man. Can you change the outside boundary map texture, it looks too much like sand. Change it to the brown ground texture that would blend in alot more, even against the grass. Im making a mission in the north most village with a helicopter insertion and all you can see is the yellow boundary.

Thanks bro.

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Hit the nail on the head. OA maps look boring.

It's the textures, imho. When the engine stops drawing the tree on Chernarus, you have beautiful patchwork of greens, yellows and browns, tricking your eye into believing that the treeless LoD is actually a distant forest.

In Takistan you have... grey dirt. It looks like a rag dumped on the floor all wrinkled up. There's clearly nothing growing there, and the texture does not communicate that the distance is actually full of shrubs and trees.

New maps like ToraBora and that island I can't spell are doing things right. Deserts are paradoxically more difficult that forests with these assets.

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Tnx for the feedback, this is really appreciated!

Currently i'm working on a seventh and final town and planning to add more human bojects detail to the terrain and towns (wrecks, carts, some crops etc). Will also try to fix the ouside text, this was bothering me too :)

A small FOB is also on the list, not sure where yet. Smaller COP's sounds good too, but maybe these should be added by the missionmaker wherever it suits the mission.

@Munkee(GBR) creating a real rocky environment means the actual terrain (on which you walk) should be shaped and look like rock(s). This is really hard to achieve since the arma terrains are shaped like draped cloth, and will be more or less fluidly shapes. To achieve the same effect you need to add tons of rocks and stones, spaced closely which makes the map heavy and very difficult to move on.

I'm not sure why BIS map makers didn't add much detail to the outbacks in Takistan, i think the hills and mountains are rather empty. This might feel to some as boring. Possibly for performance reasons? I don't know... So far i'm getting great performance on ToraBora, how does this work out of for you guys?

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The latest version of the map, 1.2, has now been kindly made available on armaholic by foxhound.

Thanks a lot, much appreciated! I'll try it and give feedback. From a first glance, it looks great.

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Good Map.

Now needs a Burro for the Weapentransport and we are in Afghanistan :D

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Well, its like playing on Utes, its working well, get no FPS drops when turning around and can play nearly smoothly with 10.000 Meters View distance. I was trying this yesterday and was wondering why the game didn't take a break to breathe^^... I would never try this on Chernarus or Takistan, hehe. Thanks again. Nice map...


Edited by LordJarhead

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Very good performance for me, no problems.

But would like to have some roads on this map, of course not normal(asphalt) roads, but those "dirty" ones. :D

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The update is looking very good. Nice work so far! :)

I took a closer look at Jalgharbar and realized that in many houses bushes or the ground are sticking out of the floor. Maybe you could correct this. I will check out the other villages in the next days.

Circle: bush sticking out of the floor

Cross: ground sticking out


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Yes a small update was made it is available with the six updater. Will release a "bigger" update soon with more improvements and fixes, that will also be available on Armaholic. I'm sure Foxhound gets crazy if i send him an update every other day...

@Fingolfin tnx, keep em coming! Will try to fix them asap...

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Oh dude, I just had so great firefights right now clearing out insurgent villages...

Great performance and all the small hills make good visual cover, I was surprised many times when the enemy came out from nowhere - a great PvP map!

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More work... ;)



Maybe you could remove some of the grass in Jalgharbar and Skandarhar? It's too much for a village in my opinion.

More in the next days...

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Just gave this a shot with the added towns, the jewel in a crown of awesome island releases in recent weeks

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If you want buildings to not bug out, other than not placing bushes in them, you pretty much have to flatten the terrain under them. Otherwise they might become non-enterable, and even if you can enter them as a player, AI might not be able to. Placing the buildings on 100% flat terrain solves that problem completely.

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This gets better and better. Had the first mission on it yesterday and it was great. Loved Aiktalik, but in this colors, it looks just so much better :). Performance is awesome for 7.5k-10k VD. Thank you so much for your Work.

About the Airfield, I found a suitable place for a longer runway around 063 996 heading SSW. So dot worry to much about it anymore :cool:.

Proceed as you have planned yourself. Turned out great, so it will continue to get even bertter :).

jeez guys, just use RUM assets and put planes on station or spawn em on the edge of the map! ...

Yeah, thats a lot of fun for us dedicated Aviation Guys :P

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Soon available on Six Updater and Armaholic: version 1.4.


* Less big rocks

* More boulders

* Added seventh and last village

* Added road network

* Tweaked outside map texture

Roads might need a bit of smoothing, but are accessible. Drive safely! You will be glad when you have reached your desitination... ;-)

Cleaning houses etc will be next...

---------- Post added at 16:28 ---------- Previous post was at 15:01 ----------

Version 1.4 is now available on the Six Updater, happy new year!

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Very nice, can´t wait to try newest version. Hope it will be on Armaholic soon. :cool:

Thanks Chiller.

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Just took a little tour of the latest version, and I don't know what to say really.. I'm in love. I love the terrain, the atmosphere. Great job!

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Ebanks made a Nice cave with the rock objects and the side of a hill. That's an idea

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Ebanks made a Nice cave with the rock objects and the side of a hill. That's an idea

I could only imagine how crazy that could have been when the "killer rock bug' was a serious issue.

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