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:) great news mate really looking forward to hearing the updated sounds :)

Thing thats taking the longest with the sounds is that most of the distance ones are having to be made, its not as simple just using sounds from YT as theres so many differnt ranges and differnt styles from the actual recordings of sounds that you cant just use a distant for one weapon then find another video and use that it, sounds too differnt and should all be based on the same sorta design style. Ive had to make the sounds themselfs so they all fit the same style sounds better than having a AK distant sound being fired which sounds like its 400m away and then a PK machine gun which sounds like its 1200m away, it should all be the same.

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A question - will it be possible to disable muzzle flashes without removing all other effects if muzzle flashes still don't work like in vanilla (e.g. less seen during the day, in the proper places)?

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could be solved with an seperate muzzleflash.pbo which could then be used or removed

but splitting is no so easy....

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A question - will it be possible to disable muzzle flashes without removing all other effects if muzzle flashes still don't work like in vanilla (e.g. less seen during the day, in the proper places)?

Muzzleflashes have been removed on 90% of the weapons in the next version, smoke from weapons have been improved adding more detail and stuff, later versions will proberly see the return of muzzleflashes but in a much more sensible and stable way.

The next update is mostly all about stability and optimization, rather than a massive visual update. Its starting to cater for larger scaled battles now.

Edited by Opticalsnare

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did you give the ejected cartridges smoke effects aswell?

hehe nar nothing like that, its just emits better from the muzzle ends and stuff. I hvae been trying out some smoking barrels for the machineguns after you fire so x amount of rounds.

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pfuuuhh i'm relieved! i once saw a video, could be from warfx but i really dont rember, and this was really exagerated

the idea of the smoking barrels is actually pretty good, but it would propably be just one more small factor that decreases performance and you would have to pick a smoketype thats barely visible etc...

ohh and speaking about smoke visibilty, were you able to fix the TOW smoke etc to an more realistic level, meaning less visible?

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Yeh the TOW, hellfire and some other missiles have reduced smoke visability.

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great! have you already tried your artillery concept ( meaning this massive dirt and soil coming from the ground) with other explosions like the

? It looks much more realistic and immersive, because the user really gets this feeling of something brutally hitting the ground and exploding

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Yeh the TOW, hellfire and some other missiles have reduced smoke visability.

Could you make it change along the flight path? As you can see on some youtube videos, after the initial launch period, the TOW gives off absolutely zero smoke.

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I have been trying out some smoking barrels for the machineguns after you fire so x amount of rounds.

:eek: wicked :eek:

This mod is going to be the ultimate effects & sounds mod when its completed.

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Ok snare, saying that SMK Nades are hard as fuck, alright... :-/

Will there be a way to disable them? Like a how-to? I looked into your scripts and really, really dont really get how everything works.

So just tell me/us what to comment out in order to disable/enable certain features. That would be really really great man. :)

I hope you give this a thought.


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Is warfx addons is known to cause problem in single player mission ?

i ask that because i saw several time a kind of "lag" when i shot enemy soldier.

i'm not sure, but i remember a problem with unkillable unit with this addons.

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not really. the explosions, smoke grenades, and general particles etc just cost a lot of performance but i think almost all kinds of these errors have already been fixed long time ago

so Blastcore makes Arma 2 OA just a little bit more hardware demanding

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OK OS i have another question:

Is it possible for you to have different explosions while wearing NVG's?

you have this option in the weapons cfg

nvgOnly = true; // tracer visible only by NVG

so the question is: is this possible with explosion effects and particles aswell?

meaning you have an different explosion while looking through NVG, so you can maybe achieve something like this and is it then also possible to attach lightsources to those particles, so that they dazzle the player

and does the "if" command work aswell?

if (condition) then {code} else {code}

maybe you can give me some answers

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Is warfx addons is known to cause problem in single player mission ?

i ask that because i saw several time a kind of "lag" when i shot enemy soldier.

i'm not sure, but i remember a problem with unkillable unit with this addons.

Everytime you shoot (in 3rd person at least) the whole screen gets flashed white for a very short period of time. I dont know why this is like this, guns dont really flash, but its how it works. Also the muzzleflash takes up some ressources. If you can run OA "ok" dont expect to run blastcore "ok" as well. Everytime something particle-wise happens effects are scripted in, so the lag you feel might have somethin to do with blastcore.

Try without and test.:)

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Its going to be an lag issue as its a mod for more explosions and particles. Just as it is if you were to drop a (lets say an nuke) on an map, your going to get lag in some ways. Maybe Blastcore can come into an lite version some time, but if you like the big bangs and light shows, then you should have an good comp to run the goods.

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Just played with the new version of the beta's for the first time and the sound mod is pretty damn good I really like the muffled sounds at a distance.

Keep up the great work Opticalsnare

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Why does the hellfire explosion looked so strange and small?

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I have a suggestion for this awesome modification.

Every bursts have muzzle flash.

I feel it's strange that some times flashes but not every time.

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muzzlz flashed will propably be tempoarily disabled ( earlv versions of R.12) until OS comes up with an complete reworked muzzleflash concept

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muzzlz flashed will propably be tempoarily disabled ( earlv versions of R.12) until OS comes up with an complete reworked muzzleflash concept

I believe he said personal muzzle flashes on firearms will be disabled, but vehicles will remain.

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thats it; think so too

( ohh man typing with an french keyboard for the first time isnt easy... , so dont mind the mistakes)

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Hey Opticalsnare... theres a huge bug with Shilkas firing using Blastcore, I had to self patch to fix it. You were referencing a p3d file that didn't exist.

Without the fix I get around 30,000 lines of RPT with 5 shilkas firing over a few minutes.

WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\ammo2A72.sqf was the location. You're basically calling a non-existant 556x45_01.p3d, for many of the other SQFs too.

Easy fix though, just thought I'd give you a heads up.

Edited by rexehuk

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I have a suggestion for this awesome modification.

Every bursts have muzzle flash.

I feel it's strange that some times flashes but not every time.

But guns often doesn't emit muzzle flashes, unless at night. Right?

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