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MultiDiscussion : TES5: Skyrim, BattleField 3, COD, R6 etc.

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what people ignore is how EA thrown on them is hidden triple DRM system :)

Hmm.. SecuROM DRM effectively broke my GTA4 for good!?


Edited by Katipo66

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What's wrong with that mentality?

While i don't agree with day 1 DLC, and do believe that BIS way of handling DLCs is the way to do it, there is nothing i can do about it. I have BF3 on pre-order, i am sure it will satisfy my needs for a quick game where i can hop on and have a 20-30 mins game. The amount of time i can put into playing games these days is smaller by the day...

Simple, look at CoD Elite, basically a overhyped stats page...that is paid for. Do you honestly believe that this would have been possible if it weren't for the fact that publishers realised that they were earning more money with cheap arse crap like this released on day one rather than packaging everything in the game as per normal?

I can honestly see games in the future sold for top dollar, and then MP is an optional "extra" for 20 bucks a month if people continue to legitimise this kind of business.

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nobody is making you pay for that. I know i haven't bought any COD from COD2, and no BF since BF2...who stops you to play with the wallet?

That shit is most of the time aimed @ console kiddies, who's mommy and daddy are paying for it, in order not to be bothered by their offsprings

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nobody is making you pay for that. I know i haven't bought any COD from COD2, and no BF since BF2...who stops you to play with the wallet?

That shit is most of the time aimed @ console kiddies, who's mommy and daddy are paying for it, in order not to be bothered by their offsprings

1. "Console kiddies" is an incredibly unrealistic and wholly idiotic generalization of the console gaming demographic. Pull your head in, there aren't that many 12 year olds in the world.

2. Whether its aimed at certain people or not doesn't make the fact that publishers are finding new and nasty ways of getting to your wallet. Want those weapons that we could have put in the initial? Too bad they're extra. Want new maps? Buy ours, you're not allowed to make your own. Want a new gametype? Wait until we've decided it should be added and then buy it off us.

Can you really not see the trend? Just because the latest has occurred within CoD, not exactly the most played game on here, doesn't mean its nothing. Games are becoming less and less content rich and getting more expensive. BF3 and CoD are just the latest examples, others being Acecombat Assault Horizon, Forza 4...

We used to have stats, modding and expandable gameplay as a matter of course, a standard in gaming. Slowly but surely its being reigned in as publishers noticed they can sell these "extras" and the consumer will gladly accept it, whether they notice the damage or not.

You may be fine with it, but i for one am not.

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1. you'd be amazed. 7-15

2. that is true...

obviously i see a trend. And i don't buy DLCs unless the game was good in the first place. Again, i blame it on 2 things: consoles where modding is impossible, and the gaming industry apealing to more and more and being, in general, a very good business.

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what people ignore is how EA thrown on them is hidden triple DRM system :)

Please explain :confused:

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1. "Console kiddies" is an incredibly unrealistic and wholly idiotic generalization of the console gaming demographic. Pull your head in, there aren't that many 12 year olds in the world.
I met few "adults" who own a console and gosh their approach at things weren't really that much different from a 12 year old.

I am disgusted by what attitude cames with term "casual".

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I met few "adults" who own a console and gosh their approach at things weren't really that much different from a 12 year old.

I am disgusted by what attitude cames with term "casual".

How do you define "adult"?

People over 18: I know tons of adults with consoles.

People over 21: I know tons of adults with consoles.

People over 25: I know less adults with consoles but still a lot.

People over 30: I know some but relatively few since I meet few people who are over this age.

People over 40: Number still decreasing so we'll just skip ahead.

People over 100: Who cares they'll be dead in a few decades anyway.

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People over 100: Who cares they'll be dead in a few decades anyway.

I want your country's healthcare system.

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I want your country's healthcare system.

I was being optimistic. Partially because my grandma is almost 100.

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one of my biggest gaming dissapointments , BF3 is again this stupid modern american MC warfare...

I wished it was ww2 but instead i get this game for 14 year old americans.

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Why are they athletes and not real soldiers, it's not as EA hasn't been able to temporarily recruit army equipment..hell they had a UH-1 fly in to distribute copies of BF2 to some place.

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I've been playing the Beta for a while, and I only have 3 real problems with it, that aren't just because it's Beta.

1. Map Design

I know it's Operation Métro, but the map seems so unbalanced at times and can become very frustrating. At the start, the attackers are at a huge disadvantage as the defenders have bushes, lots of concrete cover and the attackers have to run through mostly open ground to get anywhere, which is overlooked by rocks and cover. However, the final parts of the map leave the defenders with nearly no cover (some open fence and a flowerbed) alongside a bus that covers up all line of sight to the objective. In contrast, the attackers get high, good defense buildings, with a good view of the objective. Perhaps Caspian will be better. I hope so.

2. Weapon Balance

This might just be hitreg, but a shotgun shell to the chest at short-ish range should kill. No questions. Alongside a few other issues such as the UMP-45 being overpowered, and giving the PP-2000 a flash suppressor when it has nearly no recoil and a high rate of fire to start with means someone hiding in a bush with it can be impossible to support (


3. The User Interface

Whenever developers thought that disabling important keys such as "Main Menu", "Spawn Screen" and "Squad Selection" screens was a good idea, I do not know what they were thinking. It is horrid and annoying that to do anything once dead you have to sit and stare for 5 seconds at a picture of this M16 that you got killed with. Annoying. It seems very consolized.

Hopefully they will improve throughout and after the Beta (as If anyone is expecting DICE to release patches for the Beta), I can live with the bugs, as it's a Beta, but things like the UI and Map Design aren't just "little bugs", they're decisions that at this point, probably wont be changed.

Shame. :(

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they put down the bug videos, threatened\payed? heh...

the Gridiron propaganda is what makes me hate EA even more.

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The Caspian border map is opening up later today so will be jumping back in to have a look at that :)

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Playing PS3 beta this arvo as defender, both M-coms still in our possesion, spawned in and received an 870 to the back. Hadn't even the time to take in my surroundings, nor barely 10 seconds into the game and i'm being ******* spawn killed by shotgun ******....

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