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Russia, return or someone new?

Russia, return or someone new?  

262 members have voted

  1. 1. Russia, return or someone new?

    • I'd like to see Russia return.
    • I'd like to see another modernized army become the new OPFOR
    • I'd like to see some type of guerrilla force become the new OPFOR.
    • I'm happy with what we have now.

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I would like to see BI stay in the Armaverse with anything new they make. A fictional middle eastern country with a formidable military instead of pushovers for the opfor.

Another great thing could be if BI introduced something like a Jihadi terrorist DLC. UYou know suicide bombers and guys wearing all track suites and balacalavas.

Edited by TheDudeAbides
tried to keep on topic

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perhaps with the the new shot of asian faces/heads, it could be a russian china thing set in a snowy/cold environment?

afterall we have temperate forests (cherna), open desert, and mountainous high desert (taki). for a full spectrum of terrain perhaps a snowy place as well?

course then people would whine that there are no snow marines or snow takis.

another great reason UCP aint so bad :p

except of course the units that have short or rolled up sleeves would look a bit out of place

edit: basically what ThedudeAbides wants is an Iraq map/OPFOR. :D

shouldn't suicide bombers already be possible with the IED scripts?

Edited by That guy

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China vs Russia along the permafrost of the siberian tundra would be HOT.

: Interesting terrain well suited for Tank battles

: Factions of similar power

: Something really really different, yet dangerously plausible.

: No heroes.


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China vs Russia along the permafrost of the siberian tundra would be HOT.

: Interesting terrain well suited for Tank battles

: Factions of similar power

: Something really really different, yet dangerously plausible.

: No heroes.


what a good idea.

good suggestion from you and That Guy.

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I'm really for the China/Russia conflict. Especially if it involves US/Brit/Czech/etc intervention/involvement in some way. I just don't know about the winter maps everyone seems to be talking about wamting. Realistically none of the current OA + DLC units would fit in it very well. The US Army might, but how goofy is it going to look with dudes wearing a tshirt in a TUNDRA? It goes both ways too, assuming that the new OPFOR would be modeled to fit in with this new tundra map, they aren't going to work very well with any of the current/existing maps.

I'd love something like a full sized map of a part of the Russian/China border and a DMZ in the middle full of fortifications and gates and stuff. Doesn't have to be dead on realistic to please me.

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+1 to the above. maybe a 3 sided war... China Vs Russia Vs Nato. Since now we have Asian faces... It's not long i guess. Time to see some Chinese made military hardware.

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And the only thing that I think would make them hesitant about a Chinese/Russian conflict is because 'OFP'2 involves Russia and China with US intervention...however I feel they could go and completely out do them and make something x100000 better :D

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Much extended Russian armed forces pack would be nice, but I doubt that it will be made accurately but not 'Russian-like army' with 'something like T-72' and soldiers with old uniform and new weapons which are even not produced.

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or a fictional modern day Vietnam scenario, with a fictional army based on china or North Korea, thick jungle etc concentrating on infantry, boat and helicopter movements with lots of air strikes from the fast jets :D

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hmmm I think jdbecks is onto something here but imagine Taiwan with a Chinese "invasion" as a huge warfare (invasion warfare style like I did in arma1) - Mr Melvin, are you up for it?


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Some doable scenarios based on current environments -

-Arab (Syria/Egypt/Palestinians/Hezbollah) Israeli (US/possibly Lebanese militia) conflict in Lebanon or the Palestinian Territories. Could use Takistan/Desert

- North Korea and South Korea (basically China versus USA), Chenarus/Utes with building modifiations as the DMZ.

- Iran versus Israel. War begins with Israeli first strike on Iran's nuclear facilities (modified Takistan/Desert), the Middle East on the brink of nuclear war

- China versus USA/Taiwan, might require a new subtropical island

- Russia versus US (NATO) battle over Arctic and its resources, from Scandinavia to Greenland to Alaska to Siberia

Edited by MissionCreep

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How about a conflict based on the Bosnian War?

The sides would be:

BLUFOR: Herzeg-Bosnia (Bosnian Croats)

OPFOR: Republika Srpska (Bosnian Serbs)

INFOR: Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosniaks)

Advantages of using this war:

-Terrain similar to Chernarus, and therefore easy to make a new map for the developers; but it has the potential of being a lot bigger to cover the war

-Units already made and suited for A2 (Chernarus) can be used in-game

-The enemy is reasonably well armed, and units can be made from existing ones in some cases (quicker to make for developers)

-Cases of murder (although cold, and can be ruled out of a campaign), it could be linked to A2’s genocide in Chernanrus

-Modern army. The forces involved can be fitted with pre-existing ones from OA and A2 in MP; unlike a WW2 expansion that wouldn’t fit in as well

-USA not used all the time; but could be included

-Same point above but with UN troops

-The conflict would be infantry based, which fits in with the A2 engine; as apposed to a Russian/US conflict that would use air units and armour a lot more

-It’s in Europe so other countries could be included (eg. BAF units) in a fictional conflict based on the war

-The war was ‘complicated’ (ie. Not as simple as Country A invades Country B), so a gripping campaign can be modelled in easier

-Involves the factions changing sides several times during the war

Map before the conflict:

EDIT: Also a short campaign based on the film 'Behind enemy lines' could be added, it would be an excuse for US troops if you wanted them in so bad

Edited by vinc3nt

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How about a conflict based on the Bosnian War?

The sides would be:

BLUFOR: Herzeg-Bosnia (Bosnian Croats)

OPFOR: Republika Srpska (Bosnian Serbs)

INFOR: Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosniaks)

Advantages of using this war:

-Terrain similar to Chernarus, and therefore easy to make a new map for the developers; but it has the potential of being a lot bigger to cover the war

-Units already made and suited for A2 (Chernarus) can be used in-game

-The enemy is reasonably well armed, and units can be made from existing ones in some cases (quicker to make for developers)

-Cases of murder (although cold, and can be ruled out of a campaign), it could be linked to A2’s genocide in Chernanrus

-Modern army. The forces involved can be fitted with pre-existing ones from OA and A2 in MP; unlike a WW2 expansion that wouldn’t fit in as well

-USA not used all the time; but could be included

-Same point above but with UN troops

-The conflict would be infantry based, which fits in with the A2 engine; as apposed to a Russian/US conflict that would use air units and armour a lot more

-It’s in Europe so other countries could be included (eg. BAF units) in a fictional conflict based on the war

-The war was ‘complicated’ (ie. Not as simple as Country A invades Country B), so a gripping campaign can be modelled in easier

-Involves the factions changing sides several times during the war

Map before the conflict:

EDIT: Also a short campaign based on the film 'Behind enemy lines' could be added, it would be an excuse for US troops if you wanted them in so bad

I like this idea.

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As long as the factions are real factions (just name the damn Takistans, Afghans since BIS even said its based on Afghanistan!) I dont care what country is in. I really dont want China though. Itll give me too many Dragon Rising memories.

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the takis are not afghans. they are their own people. they are made up, but they are their own

the scenario is also its own, not just some historical re-skin. though it has some things in common with the gulf war, and a potential war with Iran

the terrain is based off a'stan.

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Lets keep the Russians and make them as an invading force of the United States, have there be a new map like suburban neighborhood. You play as the Army National Guard and have to go through a campaign of regaining control of the country. The Independents will be armed U.S. citizens or militia.

(Invading force can be China instead)

Anyone else agree my idea sounds good?

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How about a conflict based on the Bosnian War?

The sides would be:

BLUFOR: Herzeg-Bosnia (Bosnian Croats)

OPFOR: Republika Srpska (Bosnian Serbs)

INFOR: Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosniaks)

Advantages of using this war:

-Terrain similar to Chernarus, and therefore easy to make a new map for the developers; but it has the potential of being a lot bigger to cover the war

-Units already made and suited for A2 (Chernarus) can be used in-game

-The enemy is reasonably well armed, and units can be made from existing ones in some cases (quicker to make for developers)

-Cases of murder (although cold, and can be ruled out of a campaign), it could be linked to A2’s genocide in Chernanrus

-Modern army. The forces involved can be fitted with pre-existing ones from OA and A2 in MP; unlike a WW2 expansion that wouldn’t fit in as well

-USA not used all the time; but could be included

-Same point above but with UN troops

-The conflict would be infantry based, which fits in with the A2 engine; as apposed to a Russian/US conflict that would use air units and armour a lot more

-It’s in Europe so other countries could be included (eg. BAF units) in a fictional conflict based on the war

-The war was ‘complicated’ (ie. Not as simple as Country A invades Country B), so a gripping campaign can be modelled in easier

-Involves the factions changing sides several times during the war

Map before the conflict:

EDIT: Also a short campaign based on the film 'Behind enemy lines' could be added, it would be an excuse for US troops if you wanted them in so bad

I really like this idea, why does BIS always add US as the Blufor, i'm American, but i'm sick of the gung ho American attitude. If BIS makes a campaign for it, PLEASE don't make it similar to ArmA II with gung-ho soldiers. The UN and the US could always be on the independent sidelines here.

Edited by Cookieeater

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I really think what will make this look interesting is seeing America as the bad guy, or the offensive side of the game. I believe that the most (based on today's events) plausible scenario is the formation of a North American Union, and an invasion of the EU in the event of a currency war. So far, what people miss about OFP is that it was technically a pre-ww3 event.

Now to mix it up. What if we create a present-post ww3 event with the EU defending itself from the NAU. Russia, china, and guerrillas can be independent factions. You could have a mix of maps that are untouched wilderness with small towns, main cities that are far to valuable to nuke, and post-nuclear areas. Full on nuclear war covering the globe seems less plausible now than controlled nuclear areas.

To be honest, I'm sick of lame counter-insurgency operations. There is nothing exciting or epic about them. Oh, insurgent group ding dong taking on the wrath of a joint counter-insurgency operation: it just doesn't seem nail biting anymore.

---------- Post added at 01:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:21 AM ----------

AND LOTS and lots of wilderness. I'm talking about a map that just takes place in the mountains with a few logging roads and mainly foot trails to get around. And what could be more exciting than playing as the mexican military. The most under-used army of any game IMO

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I'm amazed by all of you people....

Even when Arma 1 came out, there was a lot of demand for Afghanistan/Iraq-like scenarios (ie. counter-insurgency), advanced night equipment features, IEDs, ect...

Now there's one expansion (I don't count DLCs) out about this theme for half year, and the sounds of "had enuff of itt" go loud. I guess it's again that one can't satisfy everyone...

@vinc3nt, @Cookieeater

How about making a campaign/mission pack with stock Arma 2 factions but leaving out the USMC faction? (CDF -> Bosnian Croats; CHDkZ -> Bosnian Serbs; NAPA -> Bosniaks)?

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I'm amazed by all of you people....

Even when Arma 1 came out, there was a lot of demand for Afghanistan/Iraq-like scenarios (ie. counter-insurgency), advanced night equipment features, IEDs, ect...

Now there's one expansion (I don't count DLCs) out about this theme for half year, and the sounds of "had enuff of itt" go loud. I guess it's again that one can't satisfy everyone...

@vinc3nt, @Cookieeater

How about making a campaign/mission pack with stock Arma 2 factions but leaving out the USMC faction? (CDF -> Bosnian Croats; CHDkZ -> Bosnian Serbs; NAPA -> Bosniaks)?

It would be nice; but the idea I had was based on the fact that a lot of units from Arma 2 could be re-skinned or used as a template for a Bosnian War scenario, rather than tonnes of new units/meshes and a new landscape.

Also, I’m not good at making missions in the editor :(

Some of the new units that can be introduced:

Soko J-22 Orao - Various meshes of existing airplanes (Su-34) can be used

Soko J-21 Jastreb - Various meshes of existing airplanes can be used

Mi-34 - Meshes of other helicopters could be used

M-84 - Could use a mesh of other Russian tanks

T-55 - Reskin

T-34 - Reskin

T-72 - Reskin

BVP M-80 - Meshes from various Russian APCs could be used

BTR-50 - New mesh and textures needed

BOV(-3) - Could use the mesh of the BDRM

BTR-60 - Reskin

2S1 Gvozdika - Possibly a new mesh needed

Zastava M70 - Could use the mesh of the AK or Sa

Zastava M72 - Could use the mesh of the AK / RPK

Zastava M84 - Could use the mesh of the PKM

Zastava M76 - Could use the mesh of the SVD

MP5 - In-game already

M80 Zolja - Could use the RPG-18

CZ 99 - Meshes of the Glock could be used

These are just the new weapons/vehicles, many other weapons from the USSR/Russia, Germany and the USA were used in the conflict as well - most of which are already in-game.

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Lets keep the Russians and make them as an invading force of the United States, have there be a new map like suburban neighborhood. You play as the Army National Guard and have to go through a campaign of regaining control of the country. The Independents will be armed U.S. citizens or militia.

(Invading force can be China instead)

Anyone else agree my idea sounds good?

Not a bad idea.

I enjoy the game as it is, I don't think I'll ever grow tired of shooting Takistanis, but something new along the lines of that idea wouldn't break my heart either. I'd like to defend my homeland... that is something I enjoyed about WiC (World in Conflict).

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Lets keep the Russians and make them as an invading force of the United States, have there be a new map like suburban neighborhood. You play as the Army National Guard and have to go through a campaign of regaining control of the country. The Independents will be armed U.S. citizens or militia.

(Invading force can be China instead)

Anyone else agree my idea sounds good?

If it was Cold War era, then Russia would be good because there would be reason. If it is modern, however, then China should be the invaders, since they have more reason to.

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There's two problems with an invasion of the US. First being, everyone gripes and complains that it's like MW2. I have never played the game, but I spent about an hour looking through videos and found the ones where a battle is taking place in and I must say I was actually amazed by the emotion given off (not the gameplay). I've already seen too many complaints about the SCAR being used, everyones saying that BI must be going in the direction of MW2 with a bunch of other stupid reasons along with it. The second problem is that not every community member here is American. The way you kind of have to think of it is, your not American, what value is any of it to you? It's hard to get any enjoyment or make any connection with it. Why can't it be your country? Your army? That's why I like the current OA setup, you have the ability to play as a German, a Czech, American, or Chernarussian (counting UNO/NATO whatever they are) and are thrown into a mirror of an already existing environment/conflict with some names changed where each individuals army listed above is currently serving in. BAF extends this even more, giving you several additional units to cater to those interested. The more you appeal to different groups of people the more interest your going to get into a product.

I can't see anything from A2/OA ever revert back to Cold War unless they did something completely crazy and make like a "Flashback DLC" that covered something that may of happened during the Cold War and tied in with the events taking place in the modern day Armaverse. I don't see it making hardly as many sales as any of the other DLC's have/might and it would make unit selection crazy in the editor (at least for people like myself). Imagine setting up a whole battle only to realize that you accidently placed CW era US units instead of the modern day ones....all motivation lost.

To whoever said people were complaining about first wanting counter insurgency missions etc, I think it's something that a lot of people didn't think through very well. People are going to imagine real life, long drawn out and spaced apart battles with moving shadows in the mountains. Sure, troops have there fancy gear and equipment to find enemies and engage, BUT, this is a game! You point, you shoot, you kill. If you die, you start over. There isn't any real fear, if you start taking fire from somewhere in the mountains, then what's it to you if you finally get fed up with hiding behind that jeep or this rock and use the thermal scope on your gun to snuff him out? I don't think many people ever thought that through. What I did also notice is that in A1 and just A2 (no OA), is that the forces are almost symmetrical. In A1, the US and SLA match up quite nicely, neither have anything too fancy. In A2, you have the USMC to match the Russians. They match quite nicely. Same with the CDF and ChDKZ. It's all pretty balanced all around. The thing I think that bugged people is that every time you always had something that matched this with that. It's too symmetrical. At the same time, don't go to the extremes of OA and give us something that is TOO asymmetrical. When giving us a new OPFOR, focus on a real modern army, and make it real to life. Don't give them disadvantages to match up. If they are better than us in one area, that's ok. And vice versa. Each side'll have to make do.

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Russia has been so over done. I much rather see a more insurgent based OPFOR mixed in with a conventional 3rd world army from Africa, Middle East or Asia.

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