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Invasion 1944 - DDay 2.0

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Hold up, don't you already have fully recorded voice libraries, from your OFP release? Included voices provided by my good friend Wittmann? :D

Maybe missing a handful of the newer things, but all the important things.

The VME team managed to add Chinese radio voices for the PLA mod, so maybe you should see if you can get in touch with them?

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Hold up, don't you already have fully recorded voice libraries, from your OFP release? Included voices provided by my good friend Wittmann?

Oh quite possibly, in someones resource vault :D I'll go digging and see if we do!

The VME team managed to add Chinese radio voices for the PLA mod, so maybe you should see if you can get in touch with them?

Interesting I'll take a look as it would be a great addition!

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I searched the thread but couldn't find anything about this.

Voice commands aren't playing any sound, and there are no accompanying captions. I've updated the mod with all the latest patches and fixes. Also, the Germans don't speak German (though I've heard them shouting German in some gameplay videos).

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Voice commands aren't playing any sound, and there are no accompanying captions. I've updated the mod with all the latest patches and fixes. Also, the Germans don't speak German (though I've heard them shouting German in some gameplay videos).

Most units don't have radio therefore you won't get radio messages from others as before, if you're in range you will hear then audibly shout instead.

As said before the German voices work via scripts, for the most part I used DAC's built in sound system linked to our custom German voices to produce the chatter between squads and squad members. It is also possible to use them with pre-placed squads through a simple script.

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Just to be clear, the standard ArmA2:CO radio voices will still be in use, at this point we've yet to find a way to actually replace the actual radio voices..

Radio language is defined in each units identity types array:

class CfgVehicles { 
class some_dummy_class: some_dummy_parent {
	identityTypes[] = {"Language_EN_EP1"};

Changing Language_EN_EP1 to Language_BAF will give you british radio voices accordingly on all units using that identiytype, and any others units inheriting from it. Be aware though that BAF Lite users will have to listen to awfully downsampled soundfiles.

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Heh thanks Mr Burns! Though I meant as in swap out russian for/add in a new one for german. I don't have BAF myself yet so I'll be in the lite boat too, we try not to rely on the radio voices too much though so hopefully it won't be too much of an issue!

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Here's a sneak peak at some of the Armor that we'll be featuring in the Combined Operations version of Invasion 1944. First up is the Sherman M4A3 E8 "Easy Eight" HVSS by Marss911.


A stronger and more powerful version of the Sherman, its also the first of our Armor units to have the 'Cargo' crew spots added enabling infantry to ride on top of the tank for transport, Macolik has done some new animations for the infantry to laze across the hull.


This also leads us into a new feature Macolik has also implemented. The new 'overpressure' feature affects those units riding on and in close proximity to the tanks main gun. When fired the unit experiences a blinding flash, a disorientating view shake, an ear rattling ringing, and even the possibility of losing their weapon while being thrown from the vehicle.


Meanwhile over on the German side we've reimplemented the range of SdKfz 234 Schwere Panzerspähwagen (8-Rad) Heavy Armoured Cars by Jean Christophe.




The conversion to Combined Operations so far is going really well, we're beggining our internal multiplayer tests this weekend so hopefully we'll have some footage and screens from that for you all to enjoy soon!

For lots more screenshots and information visit our public forums!

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That really is excellent model and texture work on the Sherman E8 from Marcel, above and beyond industry standard.

Very nice animations as well - will the soldiers automatically dismount when small arms are fired in the vicinity as well? - would be a very nice feature.

I wonder if the next version of the mod will be ready in time for Santa to deliver?


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awesome but what must be downloaded to use this mod?

Try reading the first post on the first page of this thread :rolleyes:

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Try reading the first post on the first page of this thread :rolleyes:

lol XD im not english so i don't understand wich files i must download :S can you tell me the files what i must download ?

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The first post has instructions.


-ARMA2 v1.08

That means you need ArmA II Version 1.08 to play the mod.

It has the mod download links on the front page as well. The DAC fix and patches, as well as the main mod itself. Download those and follow the instructions that are with them. :)

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awesome but what must be downloaded to use this mod?

As said you will need v1.08 of ArmA2, Then the four files in my signature (first file any of the 'Installer' links)! Install each in order and you should be pretty much set.

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As said you will need v1.08 of ArmA2, Then the four files in my signature (first file any of the 'Installer' links)! Install each in order and you should be pretty much set.

thx a lot!

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im sorry but i dont know how to install the complete patch for this mod... because i have the d-day mission( the landing in normandy) set to "MP DEMO" and i don't know wich file i must download to have the complete mod.. help me !

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im sorry but i dont know how to install the complete patch for this mod... because i have the d-day mission( the landing in normandy) set to "MP DEMO" and i don't know wich file i must download to have the complete mod.. help me !

The MP DEMO missions are just sample single player versions of the MP versions they were designed for. These 'demo's are for players to familiarise themselves with the terrain weapons and objectives before playing online. There should be a couple other single player missions but our main focus for the first release was COOP missions. For the CO release we intend to include a few more SP Missions from the original ArmA campaign, Joffre's already completed the Landing mission and is now working on the rest.

With the MP demo's I just enabled the command module to give the player greater control over the large number of troops, and the ability to use Team Switch (T) to change units.

Hope that clears things up for you.

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Here's some footage from Shack Tactical's recent multiplayer test of Invasion 1944 for ArmA2: Combined Operations:


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Great stuff!.. I was really getting into that.

Loved the bit when there was only one way to get closer to the enemy, and it was simply run as fast as you can across the open ground to the next treeline, hoping that the other section was doing a good job of suppressing the opposition!

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Looks really nice! Can't wait for the CO-release.

Not sure if this has been adressed, tried to search the thread but didn't find anything, so here goes:

Would it be possible to allow regular soldiers to see the map during the briefing? I can understand not seeing it during the mission, since it makes perfect sense that not all the regular soldiers are carrying maps. But wouldn't the leader sometimes show the map to the soldiers when briefing them?

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Would it be possible to allow regular soldiers to see the map during the briefing? I can understand not seeing it during the mission, since it makes perfect sense that not all the regular soldiers are carrying maps. But wouldn't the leader sometimes show the map to the soldiers when briefing them?

Definitely something I'll look into, it should be "simple enough" (famous last words) to add the map to units and remove it once actually ingame so only those intended to have them do. We are looking at ways of improving the map function in other ways as well to help improve co-ordination while keeping it both realistic and a fun feature rather than a penalty for not picking an officer role.

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Damn, that looked sweet. A lot of the chatter sounded like they were trying to sound 'In that era'. Loved the moment the one got hit at the tree-line first and started crying for momma XD Made me laugh pretty good. Really nice little video. So going to talk my unit into doing a night/weekend for I44 when it comes out for CO ^^ Good work I44 Team and all the testers

Forgot to ask, as I don't know if others have already, but the markers in the editor. I was wondering the colors and other marker designs (As in the D-Day landing markers marking the barbwire gaps) would be re-introduced and added. Dunno if the marker situation is only on my end but it would be nice to have more then orange and black markers. I mean, I'm sure they had more then those colors themselves. Anyway, was just wondering about them hehe ^^

Edited by SigintArmA
Quick question

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To have different coloured markers I had to hand edit the mission.sqm to change the colour. I'm not sure why its limited in the editor on the pull down menu. I'll see if there's anything that can be done to enable it. But for now you can just change the colour for each marker. If you unpack D-Day you can check the sqm for the relevant line of code, or do a quick search on the editor forums.

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I believe this is a great mod the only negative is that it demands alot from the computer. My FPS are quite low when having Ais on the map.

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