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ARMA 2: Private Military Company (ARMA 2: PMC) DLC

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^this x1,000 ;)

Agreed, Now we just need the guy that wants sweat simulation in ArmA lol ;)

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Agreed, Now we just need the guy that wants sweat simulation in ArmA lol ;)

if arma dares call its self a "realistic" game, it MUST have a fully functional, and fully modeled sweat engine.

sweat has many effects on how a person operates in combat. wet clothes cause more dirt, and debris to stick to the uniform, causes rashes, blisters and other such ailments, but most importantly when sweat gets into your eyes.

it sucks when you are trying to shoot, but it feels like some one jabbed you in the eye with fire!

modeling this is essential! ZMOG ;)

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I hope BIS can give the Russian side the Ka-137 UAV and Ka-60 too if u download the DLC ofcourse.

But if we get a modern Russian DLC later BIS would probably make them on the Russian side anyway, very easy way to get 2 addons for a modern Russian DLC already if there will be one "fingers crossed"

This would save time and give them more time to make other equipment for the Russians

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I want to see that summer looking Chernarus or whatever it is. And thats me sold. More Islands the better.

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without using scripting techniques as in "ThisAdd" etc?

VBS2 uses a drop down menu, so much easier for the non scriptive biffs like me ;)

Can you also rename the edited unit to show up in the Unit menu as well?

or create new groups? without scripting... I've not seen it anywhere else other than VBS2 which I'm sure is very possible to do within ArmA2 seeing as they're made by the same people ;)

Yeah, I'd like to have more options in the editor for configuring ammo crates, character loadouts etc. A nested list with icons would be great.

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is there a new island in the next addon? If yes, I Hope not small as BAF, because nobody uses that island :s

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I want to see that summer looking Chernarus or whatever it is. And thats me sold. More Islands the better.

Yep! Not really wanting a map we already have, but I agree with the second statment! The more maps the better, I can't get enough.

Instead of pumping out loads of new units and tiny maps(BAF DLC...) give us a new island and some opfor to fit the island, no need for more blufor at this point. :)

I wish.

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Am I the only one who think that improving the command system will acturally bring more fun? Really, the current system is almost the same back in OFP days where you only need to control 12 little man, they up the number of unit allowed per squad but not change the UI and system as well as AI to handle the large number.

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Only 12 :p? Typically I enjoy controlling team and squad sizes ranging from a two man sniper team, via 3 man crew, 4 man fireteam, 6 man specialist squad, 7 man weapons squad, or 9 man infantry squad. And I prefer the low end (2-5 max). Don't think I have every controlled much bigger squads in A2OA. If I can color group them and be effective, I might have a go at it. If I need to constantly babysit 9 or more AIs to remain effective, things just get too annoying for me, and I just quit the mission.

But, how to improve? Most scream "improve this", without any realistic and brainstormed ideas. The complex menu system is outdated, hard to use, and already completely exhausted for adding new stuff to it. The new system is easy to use (especially shines for small fireteam control) under pressure, but obviously suffers from lack of options needed to control a larger squad.

A couple of ideas, not very brainstormed this time:

1) In Arma1 you could quickly select a color team without closing the quick command menu. I want these back in the menu, but with a twist:

2) When you select a color team this way, the commanding style changes to high command mode of control where you can set waypoints and modes. In contrast to the normal high command, you don't loose ability to detail control a unit in a color team if need be, and they would all remain in your squads radio channel. If you need very large squads, full HC should be preferred way by designer, even if you loose detail control (too complex to do, and radio channel is kept at tolerable levels, and you only detail control your own little squad security element).

3) Each units "number ID diamond" should be color coded to his current color team for quick identification. White and red should be reconsidered, maybe brown and pink, with a glow and shadow to make it stand out? White is problematic (due blending) and red is kind of reserved for anything enemy.

4) The items in the quick command list could be user definable. If you typically play as a tank platoon leader you might need different options than if you control an infantry fireteam. We could further bind these to macros, where the selection of one item in the menu executes a bunch of scripted things.

I don't know. Just an idea. Maybe too wild for many.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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is there a new island in the next addon? If yes, I Hope not small as BAF, because nobody uses that island :s

Liar! I like Shapur quite a bit. :)

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@ CarlGustaffa

Dont want to go off topic here, but my post is direct to those who think a "semi-realistic" chain in command system is too hardcore for fun. Also if you have visit suggestion forum you might see that i had acturally did think of some ways of improvements and did said that i would try to make up something more understandable for others, however i still can't makeup something underdtandable so far

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I got to say I'm skeptical. Main reason would be that I have no interest in PMCs in general. It is the classical professional armies and guerillas that intrigues me.

Nevertheless, I do understand that BI might want to change gear from time to time. And perhaps the campaign might be quite the treat afterall.

I just think they're making the PMC's look like some sort of shadow company that pays for the highest bidder. In reality, they're mostly security contractors.

Anyway, looking forward to the SUV with a minigun :yay:

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PMC... :rolleyes:

Cant say Im overly excited about his one...not like with the announcement of BAF. I mean it's PMC...:rolleyes:

Still getting it though, and quite looking forward to seeing what they've done with, and how the campaign is going to pan out.


Edited by Bascule42
an errant "t"

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why? you wont hurt BIS's feelings you know :). Is see a lot of people saying "I don't really like PMC, but Ill get it to support BIS", bad idea, all your doing it sending confusing feedback as to what the community wants.

I'm not too interested in PMC either, I don't think I'll buy it. Depends on how much the lores models bother me when i play online/ how many online missions it gets integrated to.

I want some surprising DLC from bis, Something exciting that I totally didn't think of. Not just a group of units that could have been plucked from the "Addons Complete" section. The potential of the DLC is quite great but so far kind of ....meh. Brit units are fun and a where nice starter, but I want something...different.

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its hard to expand arma 2 with anything more than just "units plucked form addons complete" section.

virtually every country on earth has some representation (except for india), there are mercs, cops, govt forces, made up armies, historical, futuristic, and so on; so there is very little BIS can do that is "original", and fits with in the realm of what is sane and logical

what would you do that is "different?" i cant think of anything besides space men with teh lazor guns or a fully functional hoplite phalanx DLC

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why? you wont hurt BIS's feelings you know :). Is see a lot of people saying "I don't really like PMC, but Ill get it to support BIS", bad idea, all your doing it sending confusing feedback as to what the community wants.

Brit units are fun and a where nice starter, but I want something...different.

You're not gonna get anything "different" if they don't keep making DLC which they won't if it doesn't sell well. So, suck it up, buy DLC and post all over the place how you didn't enjoy PMC and want ____ instead. :)


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these things should be free, because BI promise new content in new patches

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You just on a complaining rampage, danny? :rolleyes:

Did they say what would be given for free in the patches? Perhaps the Lite versions of the DLCs were what they were referring to? If so, we're getting free content.

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these things should be free, because BI promise new content in new patches

It´ll only cost ten bucks. And it´ll bring a new campaign, a new map and new models to play with. I think that much new content warrants a small pricetag put on to it?

I will buy the pack, I´m sure it´ll be good. PMCs allow for some creative and unorthodox style of mission design, so I´m looking forward to seeing what BI have come up with this time. If Eagle Wing and the BAF campaign are anything to go by, it´ll be great.

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How can any one moan about the price of the dlc it costs the same amount as a pack a cigarette's and a pint of beer.

For the amount of content they give you compared to other company's its right bargain.

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You're not gonna get anything "different" if they don't keep making DLC which they won't if it doesn't sell well. So, suck it up, buy DLC and post all over the place how you didn't enjoy PMC and want ____ instead. :)


lol very strange logic, what ever floats your boat.

"what else is there?", that's the eternal question isn't it? :)

Every once in a while I am blown away by the things that the community develops, where they break the mold and do something unique you never thought of and all with the restraints that modders have to deal with (some of ACE's features would be a good example). BIS (with its ability to do whatever the heck it wants with the engine etc) should be similarly able to amaze us with such things.

Just my opinion, but buying clapt out predictable DLC that people have said they don't really want or have much enthusiasm for but are going to buy anyway is a really bad idea.

Sure innovation is hard, but that's what makes the end result so desirable.

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Liar! I like Shapur quite a bit. :)

Ok, yes, Im lying I use it for some videos and training exercises, but is too small :s

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lol very strange logic, what ever floats your boat.

"what else is there?", that's the eternal question isn't it? :)

Every once in a while I am blown away by the things that the community develops, where they break the mold and do something unique you never thought of and all with the restraints that modders have to deal with (some of ACE's features would be a good example). BIS (with its ability to do whatever the heck it wants with the engine etc) should be similarly able to amaze us with such things.

Just my opinion, but buying clapt out predictable DLC that people have said they don't really want or have much enthusiasm for but are going to buy anyway is a really bad idea.

Sure innovation is hard, but that's what makes the end result so desirable.

My favorite part of the BAF DLC was actually the easy to use artillery module. I would pay about 5 bucks for a sizeable collection of easy to use scripts and modules that made mission creation much easier instead of having to hunt through the editing forums and then examining the test missions people put in to try and figure out how to tweak it to my needs. I'm stupid, I almost failed computer science, I would love if I could just get some useful things in easy to use modules.

They could have it as like the Arma 2: Editors Pack or something. Completely optional for people who don't like to edit but very useful for people who do.

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Well for something "different" There is always India. I don't recall seeing any mods about them. Or really any OPFOR would be nice. That is my personal hope for the next DLC. A huge OPFOR pack that isn't just going to be cloning the russian pack.

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