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ARMA 2: Private Military Company (ARMA 2: PMC) DLC

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Anyone know how many missions the campaign will comprise of please?


From what we know, we will play the part of a member of a PMC providing security for a UN investigation team as they seek to piece together information regarding Takistan's abandoned nuclear weapons programme. It's clear by the trailer that it doesn't go to plan....at all.

+ It's obvious that we'll get new civilian models for this UN team :dancehead:

+ New guns and vehicles

+ We do things our way for once, not HQs :681: :cool:


Edited by Sky999

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Wow, twelve is worth buying.

I have to say that I was disappointed with the length of the expansion and BAF DLC's, but 12 is good value.

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Top stuff... More is good

credit card is already out and ready to go!

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Im really looking forward to this DLC, I always found alot of use of PMC characters. They fit in zombie missions, as bodyguards, mercenarys and ofcourse as PMCs. Alot of possible scenarious.

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It would be very sweet if that headset thingy was an item in your inventory that could be taken on and off on demand, and that similar could be done with todays equipment (like sun/reading glasses, dust protection, etc), and that it was reflected on the model. Instead of the identity switch mayhem we have to go through today, which doesn't work properly in multiplayer.

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Maybe they will have a 'light' version of a unit without the headset?

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Nice one Bis really enjoyed BAF content looking foward to this.

And all for the price of a pack of cigerettes and a beer cant beat it thank you :cool:

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I noticed there is a box art for this, is there any chance I could have a picture of it, like what ArmAholic had for their news story for BAF. Cheers.

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@Sky999: A light version of the model doesn't help, and would most likely remove all his equipment. I was referring to the possibility of doing it. Means we could use glasses etc in MP without messing up the profile, by having these items in our inventory. ACE puts them in our inventory and we can use them, but the identity is a major issue.

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I do hope this DLC is having multiple story arc and non-linear based. And more usage of conversation system instead of all shoot and no talking, don't want all gung-ho COD/MOH type missions only.

Any goodies for pre-order folks??? :)

eg. Gold plated shotgun?

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Very interesting informations provided in that interview. And this information has ultimately convinced me to buy this DLC (new tech for OPFOR (very important for MP (warfare for example)) and as it seems a good campaing with also coop possibility). Nice one.

Guys you should update your page (arma2.com) with this informations.

Nice one. Looking forward to this DLC. :bounce3:

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Hopefully they add hookers like what they did in Arma 2. Makes me happy.

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Very interesting informations provided in that interview. And this information has ultimately convinced me to buy this DLC (new tech for OPFOR (very important for MP (warfare for example))

Nice one. Looking forward to this DLC. :bounce3:

Where does it say that opfor gets new tech ? :confused:

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Numerous new engine updgrades, including full Shotgun Ballistics Modelling and in-game Video Playback

Could we expect fully operational ingame displays?

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Could we expect fully operational ingame displays?

I don't think so. I think it's just about pre-rendered cutscenes. But this might be a step forward...

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Yep, im sure that this will lead to monitors in cutscenes that show real footage or something pre rendered.

Nothing too fancy but yet something that can add a lot of atmosphere.

But only my wild guess and possibly its something completely different.

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MMMmmm, it'd be nice if we can now see what's on the gunners CROWS screen from sitting in the back of the STryker/HMMVEE. If so, maybe the guys at citylife woudl be able to create all sorts of stuff involving TVs, like banks of CCTV cameras. :D

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I currently work for a large British PMC in Iraq and have done since 2004, there's those that will hate what we do, and those that support what we do, and there's no reason that the PMC characters cannot be used as Tier 1 guys who perform the same duties as I do , as in PSD , Karzai himself was protected by DEVGRU at one stage, as was several Iraqi High Profile Ministers..

The BAF DLC was excellent, there's no reason why this can't be either, but a nice Sig552 as a weapon would go down a treat ;)

In my role in a PSD team I wear either civvy attire, from a full suit, to 5.11's to any civis, low profile vest/Ops kit and full flight suit and full PPE such as Overt Rig, and Helmets so there's plenty of scope to choose from..

Vehicles, a Toyota Land cruiser and Excursions, Yukons and F35/550 would also be a welcome addition

One thing I'd like to see in ArmA2 is the ability to create individual units from within the mission editor like you can in VBS2, chosing the base character, and adding the weapons and loadouts, and renaming it to whatever you choose, rather than waiting for Addons to be created specifically

Edited by Road Runner

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You can already change the loadouts and weapons of individual units.

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