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ARMA 2: Private Military Company (ARMA 2: PMC) DLC

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Am I the only one here hoping they add taticool guns with 500 fleshlight attachments and customization?


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So is this going to set in Central Asia? That's what I've heard anyway?

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It is set in Takistan I believe after NATO forces withdraw upon completion of their mission.

I'm really looking forward to this new DLC! Keep up the great work BIS and don't forget about the quality of the content as well. So far so good up through BAF!


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For those who want some tacticool AK variants, let we hear the other side's opinion


Edit: just joking, before you'll throw me with some tacticool fleshlights :D

Edited by Banderas

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This is great news, so fast BIS.

Looking forward to it :)

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Aww yeah!

Why dont just go for a SR47 then?

This "new" rifle is more of a Colt cheap copy of the FN SCAR and ACR, only reason that US military would buy it is because it have a big fat "Colt" logo on it and its based on M16 platfrom

Edited by 4 IN 1

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the question is why should there be any dlc?

in the past the devs waited with a addon release till they got enough content to sell it on a cd over the normal market...

right now everybody without a credit card is sorted out... (in europe credit cards are not that common like in the states).

in the past just everything was better (except the grafics;) )*sigh*

i have nothiong againt buyable addons - im against the way its done and the price it costs these days. i propably would have bought a CD/DVD with BAF and PMC for ~10 - 15€ in a store or via amazon but if i buy something i want to hold it in my hands and stuff...

"I'm too old for this shit!" :p

I have to agree in part... As I too would like a DVD or something I can hold for my money.... I don't agree with digital downloads completely as they cost the company nothing in production. If we paid and got a digital DL and then a DVD mailed or something then I would not hessitate to purchase online, but there are too many variables... Hopefully a GOLD version of ArmA 2 will be released with all content. I have both ArmA 2 and Arrowhead, but I have been following BIS since Alpha Flashpoint and will more then likely buy a GOLD or Game of the year addition with all DLC ontop of all the other versions on offer... Mostly because the company is pushing out the best sims out there... Now we just need Steelbeast type armour modeling implemented... Again I can help with that... Spent a couple of years on Chally 2...

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i have nothiong againt buyable addons - im against the way its done and the price it costs these days. i propably would have bought a CD/DVD with BAF and PMC for ~10 - 15€ in a store or via amazon but if i buy something i want to hold it in my hands and stuff...

Just curious: what's wrong with burning your own DVD? That's what I did - if the devs get the money instead of a middleman, we get more game improvements instead of a printed (mostly useless) handbook, CD box, etc.

As for the DLC, I'll buy it for the campaign and to support BIS but I'm not interested in more paid troop DLC-s in the future. I'd like to see more civilians on both Chernarus and Takistan plus work put into the unificiation of Flashpoint/A1/A2 content to all support the same current engine features. I'd pay for this, though.

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Just wish they don't end up like the game Railworks. Go look up the game to see why I mentioned it.

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I don't agree with digital downloads completely as they cost the company nothing in production.

The developers and artists don't work for free, there's your production costs right there.

Also your idea about a "gold" edition of Arma2 is nice in theory but that I don't think we'd get that until they stop producing DLC packs and I don't think they're going to do that any time soon.

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Regarding the trailer, it seems that the shots of the helicopter landing and letting that guy out, take place in the new map the DLC is bringing.

Now to my eyes, it looked different to the Takistani environment and looked much more like a darker more sort of CodMW Chernobyl/arid terrain. I couldn't help thinking it was just the filter the devs have put on the trailer.


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Regarding the trailer, it seems that the shots of the helicopter landing and letting that guy out, take place in the new map the DLC is bringing.

Now to my eyes, it looked different to the Takistani environment and looked much more like a darker more sort of CodMW Chernobyl/arid terrain. I couldn't help thinking it was just the filter the devs have put on the trailer.


Since we know Gaia is involved, I would assume that the campaign makes use of some neat color filters. Remember Eagle Wing and the Movie Day/Night modules?

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I don't see any of those in the shots with the Ka-60 'Kasatka'. I'm pretty sure it's showing the new map.

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Thats color filter for sure

Not all of it, I didn't know color filter could make burnt trees?

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The color filter they're using in the Shotgun video is really nice looking, I hope they make that into a module.

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Anyone know how many missions the campaign will comprise of please?

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