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Chill xl

ToraBora Afghan. Mountain map (OA)

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he he..

I don't believe in the "existence" of such "unreachable by vehicles outpost."

To build an army outpost..u need resources carried by vehicles (lots of them).

That's a rather western first-world perspective.... Its amazing what you can accomplish with mules, donkeys, horses, or (gasp) people (whether volunteers or forced labour...) ..

Or if you have the resources, choppers.....

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There are plenty of ISAF OPs in Afghanistan that are inacessible by road. They are resupplied by Air. Who knows how many are in RC East alone. A remote OP would be awsome to have on a map like this

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That's a rather western first-world perspective.... Its amazing what you can accomplish with mules, donkeys, horses, or (gasp) people (whether volunteers or forced labour...) ..

Or if you have the resources, choppers.....

lol man..you are right! :D

I think living in a city all my life so far..has made me

"narrow minded" :D :D :D

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Don't you get the hint that since he hasn't responded to your first "Any updates on this map" post, that maybe he's not around....

He will post updates when he has something to share, everyone just has to deal with that.

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Don't you get the hint that since he hasn't responded to your first "Any updates on this map" post, that maybe he's not around....

He will post updates when he has something to share, everyone just has to deal with that.


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I must say this map looks fantastic and if it's anything even remotely close to as good as Aiakatilak(?spelling) then it's going to be awesome. Afghanistan based maps are imho the most interesting as real world events such as those depicted in the book "kill bin laden" are going to be fun to try to recreate.

Edited by purpheart23
I'm illiterate :)

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Looks a bit too much like the northwest sector of Takistan map NW of Nagara, but nice work nonetheless.

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Isn't this the place where osama bin laden hide himself?

If only we knew....

Map is looking great, can't wait to work on some missions for this.

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Just a quick sitrep: Some progress has been made on the map, altough alot less then some time ago... I have alot going on at the moment which keeps me away from map develolpment / research. I'm struggling with roads and trails network, which are not like i wanted. Roads are quite problematic with OA and to get some roads in i need to add Arma II roads...

Anyway, i have added 2 villages in the past time, will try to drop some shots here asap. It's weird to see these villages in this map, as it gives much more idea how big the map really is...

Edited by Chill xl

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It's good to see a lifesign from you. :) Still looking forward to this map more than any other, keep up the good work!

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Really can´t wait for this map. Already dreaming about the missions I could make....please release this year! :D

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Just tried the sandbox version. ORGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Enough said.

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Dude why could BIS not make a map as rocky & detailed as this?...

Takistan lacks proper cover. All we have in the desert is a bush or two, maybe even a rock. This is what Takistan should look like in the non-city areas.

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Many thanks for the effort matey, fantastic.

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Chill it really just needs the villages and dirt roads and such adding. Is there any static ponds? I didnt see any. Ill check it out tomorow after work

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