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AH-64 Pack

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And post two..I'm just not feeling the artistic picture taking at all today so these are basic..

Misc pictures, here you can see the landing gear almost finished, the wipers if you look closely, how the tailhweel will contribute to the general apeparence and a few other things.


And here the Delta's taken quite a change with the less wide EFABS as well as larger but flatter radom.


Silloheutte (can't spell it) of the tailwheel, also sensors added to horizontal stabilizer.


another silohmeheh of the front with starting interior, you can see how the M230's details really beef it up without actually having the weapon itself be larger, also the near finished landing gear. You can also see the wipers


And here you can see them better, placement is not final for the bottommost wiper. AlphaB.jpg

Sorry for the lack of artistic angle when it comes to taking the renders.

Edited by NodUnit

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awesome stuff man. Will there be openable doors while inside? also some cockpit sounds would be nice, like AC or general ambiance. i feel this is one of the things many aircraft addons lack.

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Holy cow...... That is ...erm have I allready said outstanding! Well it is the detail is amazing....... Lack of artistic.........erm no thats just amazing...

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I hope you are going to make the gunner optics more realistic! Amazing work!

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One Question:

Is the wipers animated?

If so will it move when there is rain?

If this is implemented, that would be awesome + fantastic = incredible!

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I've been wondering is it possible to set a rain texture on the windscreens when the weather is set like that in the editor then you can turn it on a la enemy engaged?

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the delta looks really good. if i may add some suggestions though:

change the standard legacy TADS/PNVS to MTADS

add the spiral antennas (APR-39) to the D on the front of the EFABS

model an HF antenna on the #2 (right hand) side of the tail boom

put the EOMS sensors on the wingtips and right above the end of the EFABS since all 64s....well actually any army helicopter...is required to have when they deploy to iraq/afghanistan.

also maybe model one with the TOMMA (Vu-it) mounted on the head instead of the FCR. that would be pretty sick. and considering how OA already implements the AH-6X with the apache, having the TOMMA would make it look more realistic

but overall your models definately look better than the standard arma ones!

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awesome stuff man. Will there be openable doors while inside? also some cockpit sounds would be nice' date=' like AC or general ambiance. i feel this is one of the things many aircraft addons lack.[/quote']

I agree, sounds are just as important as looks and functionality of a unit. Robert Hammer has volunteered his sounds, he sent me a pack of them earlier and they are great both inside and outside, if he lets us use them I'm hoping we can get some truly wonderful atmosphere inside this bird.

One Question:

Is the wipers animated?

If so will it move when there is rain?

If this is implemented, that would be awesome + fantastic = incredible!

I certainly hope so, we tried this feature out on our OFP longbow and it greatly increased the atmosphere for rainy missions, even though there was no rain running down the glass seeing those wipers move really made it feel more appropriate..and I hope we see this again especially since animations and the way you can use things has changed.

I've been wondering is it possible to set a rain texture on the windscreens when the weather is set like that in the editor then you can turn it on a la enemy engaged?

I've no idea nor am I sure if it can be done realisticly either, since there is no bending of light or anything like that, or how many imags it would take..it's an interesting idea but not something we can do without help.

the delta looks really good. if i may add some suggestions though:

change the standard legacy TADS/PNVS to MTADS

add the spiral antennas (APR-39) to the D on the front of the EFABS

model an HF antenna on the #2 (right hand) side of the tail boom

put the EOMS sensors on the wingtips and right above the end of the EFABS since all 64s....well actually any army helicopter...is required to have when they deploy to iraq/afghanistan.

also maybe model one with the TOMMA (Vu-it) mounted on the head instead of the FCR. that would be pretty sick. and considering how OA already implements the AH-6X with the apache, having the TOMMA would make it look more realistic

but overall your models definately look better than the standard arma ones!

There will be both Block II and III AH-64D so we'll have both TADS and M-TADS as well as future M-DSA on the longbow in different variants. This includes the sensors on wingtips and above the EFABS as well as Alpha's FABS for AH-64A (block III? I duno but it exists) http://www.airliners.net/photo/USA---Army/McDonnell-Douglas-AH-64A/1686612/L/&sid=e418bbca790adaf6a34b8ccb5af9b17f VUIT-2 and UTA (FCR with control capability) will also be on block 3.

Basicly what is planned is- AH-64A Early, AH-64A modern (this includes all the new gimmicks), AH-64D Block II, AH-64D Block II NR, AH-64D Block III, AH-64D Block III NR, AH-64D Block III VUIT-2, AH-64D Block III UTA and AH-64D Block III future..or something like that, it's uncertain right now but there will be many to choose from, thankfully you won't be choosing the weapon loadout while placing the unit so you will not see-

Ah-64A early 8x HF 2x rocket

AH-64A early x4 rocket

AH-64A early x3 rocket x1 fuel

AH-64A early x2 rocket x1 fuel x4 hellfire

and so on.

I'll add the APR-39 will be added to longbow today, it like the antenna is just something I hadn't yet got around to.

And thank you that is what I strive for, glad you all are enjoying the updates..hoping to have more soon.

Edited by NodUnit

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Not necessarily a model update but I had to include to it. DMC from the PR mod and I were experimenting with glass and colors, which led to some renders that I thought would be a shame not to share, all done by him.

A few things to note- I remade the frame so the doors no longer fit, I need to remake them- the glass is a WIP, and there are some things I screwed up and left when I sent it to him so you will see an extra part or two and some alpha bits.



Edited by Rellikki

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Amazing model, no question about it.

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This is so f**KING awesome!

at first I thought: "Well, I like the BI apache. Why do these people keep reinventing the wheel? If there's anything we need it's an A model Apache"...but after following the thread I can't express how hyped I have become for the whole Apache series and sadly the BI one starts to lose it's sexiness when compared with yours :)

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That's some impressive modelling.

Looks very accurate to real life, great job :bounce3:

can't wait to see in ingame

Edited by Lennard
because this model owns bis's ah-64

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Todays update, Block III kit, some things may come in Block II. HF radio antenna, EOMS (thanks to islefan for the name) sensors added to wingstubs and nose section, M-TADS, VUIT-2, engine nacelle filters, additional countermeasures and a few other sensors. I'm also testing what is hopefully a color neutral between grey, brown and green..the lighting you get will effect the color or so I hope.






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looks really good, hope you can get it all in to the engine. Oh and gonna be heck of an unwrap job :)

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looks really good, hope you can get it all in to the engine. Oh and gonna be heck of an unwrap job :)

agreed , especially to the bold part

good luck , once again

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i have confidence that nod can handle the heck of an unwrap job. because he's that pro. thanks for the hardwork man, this is really looking great.

Edited by Binkowski

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Absolute sex. I'm really looking forward to this.

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Awesome work !

as for the unwraping it looks like he'll be baking the details on a lower poly model so he can use auto unwraping witch would be a bit easier

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