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Ebanks was captured by the Cyber Police but is still working on his projects in cyber jail on his cyber computer. Don't worry!

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I'm thinking that this is probably now property of Project Reality and may never see a public release.

Oh how I hope I'm wrong.

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I do think that ebanks wants to release this map also separately IIRC...

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I'm thinking that this is probably now property of Project Reality and may never see a public release.

Oh how I hope I'm wrong.

Your wrong, this is his map ;)

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Meh, I combed over maps of Operation Red Wings, wanted to recreate it but the topo maps I'm looking at and the ones from this map deviate, also the lack of vegetation in the SE near Sawtalo Sar and the Abbas Ghar summits makes it impossible to recreate Redwings.

Much of the area was heavily wooded, especially the NE gulch that the SEALs egressed from during the Shah Ambush. The footage from that clearly shows them in a dense forest.

If you do try to get the project back on progress I recommend gutting everything west of FB Michigan because really in comparison to the Korengal, Shuryek and Chokway valley saw much more action than anything that far west, and focusing more on terrain detail than a grand huge map.

But then again I don't know much about island making.





Edited by The Hebrew Hammer

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Edited by ebanks129

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It's really good to hear you're still around ebanks. Your Afghanistan projects are highly anticipated.

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This map brought the Happiest tear to my eye in a long time, Ebanks....I shall deem you God. My group of gaming buddies have patrolled up and down Korengal Valley, fighting off Taliban and Al-Qeada Ambushes, its great fun, Especially the premade FOBs and OPs. Sir you deserve props!

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The magnitude of the gift you have given us is immense. Now we have just been given the key to experience what it looked like to be on combat ops in the Kunar province. I can now recreate operation rock avalanche, red wings, and other operations that took place in this area along side usual scenarios like foot patrols through the most steepest mountains I have seen In Arma. Foot patrols, Transport runs, Seek and destroy situations I can now make in a Highly realistic setting. You truly given us a wonderful gift and for that I thank you. Also in terms of criticism I found in certain areas There are rocks and trees just dead in the center of the road, witch can be annoying sometimes, some roads dont connect were they should, and there is a giant boulder blocking the centre of a road heading west from the main FOB on the map. Continue your work on this map it is truly a masterpiece.

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Glad to see this released, great job like I stated before. Thanks Ebanks!

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is this a recently updated version or the one you sent me a while ago? good to see you're sorta back.

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Haha sorry guys I need to look at the map tonight. Didnt really peep it enough for minor issues as such as rocks in the road. I'll try to get a little fix out this weekend.

@Fox- it's a little more updated..kind of.

@HebrewHammer- thanks for that intel report lol but we never fully know what goes on in this province so we can assume in these days they've possible made contact in any part of the region by now;) but i will try to implement those names onto the map for the editor.

Also sorry if there is any left over OPX stuff. I will try to remove those and replace with OA walls.

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It is a truly amazing island, the only thing that does bug me a bit the mountainsides that have green textures on them where trees are supposed to be.

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I cannot commend you enough on the hard work you have done to create such a masterpiece of true terrain!! Will be one of, if not the most dl'd map to date!

ps. this map is great on fps, for systems that are at least 3-4 year old:cool:

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Wow, wow, wow.. Let me just say man that I absolutely love this map. Ive watched the Restrepo documentary several times and I must say you have done a phenomenal job here. Ive noticed a few bugs such as hescos blocking the entrances to the tower bunkers on OP Pheonix and the barracks in Pheonix being elevated too high so you cant enter it however it is fantastic otherwise. Have you any plans to continue expanding the map?

Another question, when mission making, I trying both the RTE and 2D editor and I cant for the life of me get the static weapons to level out to the floor of the bunkers. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

Edited by D.scardino

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Ebanks, outstanding job on this map. I don't know if you can feel happy or worried about what I am going to write, but if you need any config and RPT cleaning help with this one (getting rid of dependencies etc.) and you don't have much time on your hands, send me a PM and I'd be glad to help..we are going to start a very long campaign with SR5 Tactical, called Reezrepo (LOL) and we are 99% going to base it on your scenario..it would be the least I can do to give you a hand with the configzorz.

Regardless of this, GREAT job!

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