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That would be great if you could post some pics for ref or send some over to me.

I like the pics, coming along nicely.

Quick question though, do you plan to include stacks of logs laying around the valley floors and the ridgelines, especially in the Korrengal? As the cedar business is the main business in the valley. They stack them and have shoots to send them down into the river. Also the ridgelines have more foliage in most places. This map has alot of potential, just want the first (and finally) Konar province map to be legit. I can get you some pictures taken by my buddies that were with the 173rd in 07-08. Chockaw, Korengal, Pech etc. all through that bitch. Sky Soldiers don't die, we just muster in Heaven!

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Hi, nice map I really hate to play, because I was playing MOH10 in beta and there's a mate which takes place in Kunar FOB

here is what screens


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I thought just about this map when I played Kunar Base map on MOH. If something like that could be made on this with such incredible detail would be awesome.

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I've never played MOH... from that screenshot it looks impressive - specially that distance texture on the far mountains... but... how big is it? can you actually ignore the base and just go climb those distant mountains? And whats on the other side? another valley - more mountains? can you just keep going for miles and it'll all be just as detailed - in every direction?


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Unfortunately no, you can't go outside the COP itself, although the COP itself is very detailed and realistic.

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i can assure you all ebanks has been hard at work with this map. Here is his most recent progress, with roads , and much more added throughout the pech and korengal valley. Also some spots where you might find yourself driving ... or getting ambushed.








Also , this is the 'future spot ' of OP restrepo. Ebanks tracked down a very accurate location of the real thing. We're/he is going to try our best to remake op restrepo, however we don't have many photos to base it off of.

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Very very very nice work! The bushes on the mountains look very nice. My only suggestion would be to use more textures and clutter form Arrowhead otherwise keep up the good work I'm looking forward to seeing more screens shots.

Thanks for posting Fox :wink_o:

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Very very very nice work! The bushes on the mountains look very nice. My only suggestion would be to use more textures and clutter form Arrowhead otherwise keep up the good work I'm looking forward to seeing more screens shots.

Thanks for posting Fox :wink_o:

Lol did not think of that...Definitely will do that:)

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Looks great, I love cliff side roads for some reason even though they are so difficult to build(less-so with the new bulldozer settings). You might want to consider removing all those dark blotches from your terrain that I assume are from the shrubs on the sat image you used. They really stand out at medium distances, but it is just a suggestion. Keep up the good work :)

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to give you an idea of the scale of the map ..

Here's a shot of the whole thing from the highest point on the map..


...which is also 'walkable' .

the bottom image is a bit distorted due to high fob , at least around the edges... natrually.


ebanks is gona add snow up there so i hear ..

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Ebanks, could you make the gras your using a little less...neon green?

It's super green for me, I just got a new(expensive) monitor with really deep rich colors and the grass just looks REALLY green.

Maybe just make it a tad darker, its not tooooo bad. But its just a slight immersion breaker seening bright green grass all over.

Thanks d00d :)

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I can but that's Mikebarts stuff and would like to leave it be. but also I'll take a look at other grasses man. how about Master Kush? Train Wreck?

Edited by ebanks129

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@Ebanks, take a look at other grasses, ones that arent so, GREEN.

and maybe on top of larger mountains and mountain sides, use the cherno grass, if you look at pics of Kunar, the grass looks very similar to cherno grass.

@Fox, yes you should.

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You won't fully remove mikebarts grass will you? From the screens it looks great in several of the flatter or inhabited locations.

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the map looks great, but I do agree that the grass is too green. :/

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ok fine you can blame me, ebanks let me choose the grass :\

i do agree it's too green.. sorry man lol

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