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ACE 1.5 (Advanced Combat Environment) for OA/CO

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thx ACE-Team for clippi-tool and ingame-settings feature.

I have two little issues:

playing @ace 410; ACE_KEYS_VER = 8; ACE_CLIENTSIDE_CONFIG_VER = 8;

1) how to change permanently the path entry in clippi:

default is "C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2"

wanna have this "E:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2"

I can change it just "hot", but when I close and re-start clippi there'll be default "C:\..." again

saving in "change manual options" doesnt help :confused:

2) the ace ingame settings screen will be to be opened after "ESC" during missions but there are no entries in the single menues to select from (all is kind of "blank") and I get the onscreen error "Script userconfig\ACE\settings.ace not found" appears. All files seem to be in their correct folders, I get inmission-menues (vehicle-menue, player-menue for glasses etc) as always :confused:

So I obviously do something wrong here, but what ;) ?

EDIT: Issue 2) solved, aaahhh, shame on me

I think settings.ace is not a compressed file, only total commander and some of the packagers think this, because of the .ace extension.

hehe, me using total commander aswell and thought it was a zero-byte-zip-file (so I ignored it at first)

but path issue 1) dont get it, still, anyone could help?

Edited by langgis08

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1) how to change permanently the path entry in clippi:

default is "C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2"

wanna have this "E:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2"

I can change it just "hot", but when I close and re-start clippi there'll be default "C:\..." again

saving in "change manual options" doesnt help :confused:


Fix your arma path in registry, much like with updater :D

(see first bit of this FAQ item; http://six.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Six_Updater_Suite+FAQ#Custom%20ArmA%20installation%20folder) :yay:

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Fix your arma path in registry, much like with updater :D

thx Sickboy for helping fast ... did so, works now :)

understood: Clippi reads registry entry and because of my two game installations (1 on vista-hdd and 1 on xp-hdd) which I did in origin on each C:\ this was the entry in registry before (although I run the game from E:\, of course).

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I have a Problem since the latest Ace Update.

I´m unable to load savegames. Every Time I try to load a save game i have a CTD

Here is a RPT


== C:\Spiele\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe

== "C:\Spiele\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=C:\Spiele\ArmA 2;Expansion;ca;@cba;@ace" -nosplash -noPause -world=Takistan


Exe timestamp: 2010/10/28 13:45:25

Current time: 2010/10/28 14:08:18

Version 1.54.72888

Item str_disp_server_control listed twice





Warning: looped for animation: ca\wheeled\data\anim\uaz_cargo01_v0.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: kia_uaz_cargo02

Warning: looped for animation: ca\wheeled\data\anim\uaz_cargo01_v0.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: uaz_cargo02

[3305,83.918,0,"XEH: PreInit Started"]


[3305,87.799,0,"Reading ACE Settings database..."]

[3305,123.567,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished"]

[3308,139.094,0,"XEH: VehicleInit Started"]

[3308,139.097,0,"XEH: VehicleInit Finished PostInit Started"]


[3332,141.733,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished; [true,false,false,true,false,true,true,true,true,0]"]

[3760,163.871,0,"XEH: PreInit Started"]


[3760,164.884,0,"Reading ACE Settings database..."]

[3760,171.188,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished"]

Warning: Road selection asf3 has wrong name format

Warning: Road selection mud has wrong name format

Warning: Road selection asf3 has wrong name format

Warning: Road selection mud has wrong name format

[3762,175.195,0,"XEH: VehicleInit Started"]

[3762,175.195,0,"XEH: VehicleInit Finished PostInit Started"]


[3776,176.466,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished; [true,false,false,true,false,true,true,true,true,0]"]

[12788,202.135,0,"XEH: PreInit Started"]


[12788,202.739,0,"Reading ACE Settings database..."]

[12788,206.059,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished"]

Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for USMC_Soldier_Officer

Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for FR_Corpsman

Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for FR_Marksman

Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for FR_AR

Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for FR_GL

Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for FR_TL

Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for FR_Corpsman

Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for FR_Marksman

Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for FR_AR

Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for FR_GL

Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for FR_TL

Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for FR_Marksman

Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for FR_AR

Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for FR_GL

Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for FR_TL

[12789,211.729,0,"XEH: VehicleInit Started"]

[12789,211.736,0,"XEH: VehicleInit Finished PostInit Started"]


[12814,213.208,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished; [true,false,false,true,false,true,true,true,true,0]"]

Error 'No entry' at 'C:\Users\Tonci\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\=NAG=Tonci87\Saved\Campaigns\operation_red_star\save2.ArmA2OASave/Vehicles/VisibleNear/Vehicles/Item0/magazineSlotsOpticsModes.C:\Users\Tonci\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\=NAG=Tonci87\Saved\Campaigns\operation_red_star\save2.ArmA2OASave/Vehicles/VisibleNear/Vehicles/Item0/magazineSlotsOpticsModes/.Item28'.

ErrorMessage: Cannot load 'C:\Users\Tonci\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\=NAG=%20Tonci87\Saved\Campaigns\operation_red_star\save2.ArmA2OASave'.

Does someone have an advice what to do?

Yes. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/14689

DL the files SB attached or just wait for tomorrow. I'm assuming it will be implemented in the update.

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Yes I think UGAF still run one. Was advertised somewhere earlier in this thread shortly after the stable version was announced - Their old server turned into an "ACE stable" server and they also opened a new "ACE dev" server for those wanting to download the latest version (also published in this thread).

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ACE 1.6 RC2 is now available on the SIX Updater Network




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ACE 1.6 RC2 is now available on the SIX Updater Network




Oh we will

Thanks again


Damn just looked at change log sweet you did add one of my requests you guys rock.

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very hot :D


# Fire propagation from AI to AI, and All-Objects to AI. refs #14587. [sickboy]

# Fire propagation from Player to Player, Player to AI, AI to Player and All-Objects to Player. refs #14587 [sickboy]


thx, ACE Team

updating ...

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[uGAF] ACE_Dev YAS Repo ACE 1.6 rc2 updated:

Sorry for the the dodgy post and late mirror but I'm doing this from my iPhone in a car park.

Use the link bellow and save to favourites:


Auto config URL:


Please tick userconfig as files have been updated.

If wish to use the 1.5 stable release you can still download from our ACE stable YAS repo, all ACE folders have _1.5 at the end including CBA and CBA_OA. You can find the links in the spoiler:

Use the link bellow and save to favourites:


Auto config URL:


For a guide and info to use YOMA's addon sync to join our server follow this link:http://www.ugaf.co.uk/forum/viewthre...d=591#post_591

UGAF is actively using the ACE updates on its game servers.

Edited by G-Man-853

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Wow, CSW Mortars! Just ran into a problem though, I can't seem to mount any CSW weapons on the base units. I can select and deploy the tri-pods/base plates fine. I just don't get an option to mount any weapons. Has something changed?

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I just downloaded the newest ACE 1.6 via SIX and I get this error when launching OA


Can't even get ingame now. :(

Any help? Should I just change that line to = instead of (

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I just downloaded the newest ACE 1.6 via SIX and I get this error when launching OA

Can't even get ingame now. :(

Any help? Should I just change that line to = instead of (

I got the same error!

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Kellys ACE2-OA YAS Repo Updated to b415 ACE2 1.6 RC2

**Kelly's Heroes ACE2-OA YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper

Combined Ops & OA-Only. ACE 1.5Betas


**Kelly's Heroes ACE2-ArmA2Only YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper

ArmA2-Only. ACE 1.3RC1 Stable & won't be updated anymore.


**Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper


If you have the AddonSync installed, click on this and add from there -> Kelly's YAS Repos

Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above.

YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.


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Do we hold off downloading with the mentioned error above or can yoma folk confirm its all working ok?

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Please make sure you are running the latest CBA and XEH included with the Six Updater (and hopefully also with the Yoma editions :-))

Please see this FAQ item: Weird Crashes, include file not found, macros/defines missing FAQ-item

Also a reminder; Bug reports, feedback and suggestions, on our Issue Tracker please!

Thanks :-)

Re CSW; Worst case, try the Get In action inside the CSW menu.

Edited by Sickboy

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Hi I dont know if I really should create a ticket for even little things like this request.

I would like to see the Kestral all so to be available in the new


We now have if thats ok?.

Thanks again

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So I can't get my issue answered here?

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i deleted CBA , and removed everything but CBA and i still get this issue:

missing x\cba\addons\ui\fleximenu ..

anyone know?

I haven't tried re-downloading from the yoma respitory but it may be worth a shot.

Edited by Fox '09

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Damn it you lot work fast :).

Thanks yet again


Just so I know for future even if I think its a little issue or request I should still create a ticket for it even if I think its small?.

Edited by stk2008

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