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What are the most important sounds for you while using JSRS?  

179 members have voted

  1. 1. What are the most important sounds for you while using JSRS?

    • The weapon sounds!
    • The vehicle sounds!
    • Environmental sounds!
    • Explosions, Soniccracks, Bullethits, the sound of danger!
    • The script features like the "distance sounds"!
    • Everything combined! The whole Mod itself is important.

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Yes, please keep any grievances against other mods out of the JSRS thread. As far as sound mods go, "to each their own". Everyone has their personal tastes. As far as full on mod's--we happen to gladly use ACE when co-op'ing and love the features that ACE adds to the overall game. Either way, we are well aware there are so many opinions about the ACE mod and personally we could care less--it's not our concern whether or not someone uses a mod, doesn't use a mod or has views either for or against a mod. My comment was made in playful jest about the loudness comment, and nothing to do with an attack of any kind against any individuals nor the ACE mod and its features. I kindly ask people not to take my comments out of context to be used to start another "Yeah--down with the ACE mod!!!". Again, we happen to use it and like it. Others don't. Fair enough, but either way not our problem. Our concern is JSRS and only JSRS. Please remember that before starting any potential "shit storms" in our thread. Much appreciated, folks. :)

Best Regards,


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Nobody forces you to use ACE the same as nobody is forced to use JSRS. They are both just mods.

So please tell us what is wrong with you that you have to write something against ACE everytime ACE is mentioned ?


Some people can't get their heads around how good ACE is, if it requires more then one click, then it is evil!!! :D


Saw this video today about JDAM Explosions, in HD ofcourse, the impact sounds are not what I expected. Just thought I'd share. :)


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Thats what distant explosions sound like, but what has this poor compound done to be flattened by nine JDAMs? Thats at least 315000$ thrown at them.

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Thats what distant explosions sound like, but what has this poor compound done to be flattened by nine JDAMs? Thats at least 315000$ thrown at them.

They wanted $500 for a cow that was killed.

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Thats what distant explosions sound like, but what has this poor compound done to be flattened by nine JDAMs? Thats at least 315000$ thrown at them.

Whatever it was ... it aint there now :)

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Saw this video today about JDAM Explosions' date=' in HD ofcourse, the impact sounds are not what I expected. Just thought I'd share. :)


Youtube sounds != realistic sounds. That's an assumption made by many a sound modder.

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Youtube sounds != realistic sounds. That's an assumption made by many a sound modder.

Yet LJ has used quite a few in recent versions, obviously not a straight swap, after adjustment they work out nicely. Youtube sounds == Realistic sounds since what is in the video is real life no?

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The combined experience of the sound & feel of an effect may be wholly different to how it is recorded by a microphone -that the camera on the tripod was shaking says a lot about what you might've felt if you were standing where that camera was -that pressure wave will have made the dynamic of the explosion feel a lot more sudden and dramatic than the 'whoomphyness' of those explosions

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...which is exactly why many prefer Jarhead's method of making sounds to his own taste and not striving to be purely "realistic". I'd much rather have a mod that sounds good (punchy, dynamic, loud), even if a bit of realism is sacrificed. It has to feel right, regardless of whether the sound was an actual recording of a weapon or explosion or whatever.

My $0.02

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You also have to take into account the sound is "contaminated" with engine sound of vehicle all over it, so that would put it to bed straight away. Wouldn't want to drop a J-DAM and suddenly hear a car engine ticking over and suddenly disappearing through the duration, then times that per trigger and overlay as multiples got dropped.

I dont think any filtering or EQ would sweep that out of the main sound, although Jarhead could use it as a low end sub mix for a different general sound to "beef things up as a layer".

But not much else could be done with it, unless you were just linking as a reference as opposed to actually using its sound. I would also agree that they must have been bored and wanted to get rid of some payload for that video, was a bit of a hammer to kill an ant moment.

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Most of those thick mud walls can withstand hits from AT-4s, small arms simply chip away the exterior. Taliban often times will make small holes in the walls to shoot from, which at range are difficult to spot, and basically impossible to put rounds through during combat situations. If Taliban were using each of the buildings in that compound in such a manner, it would be a pretty formidable fortress, and take a large number of ground forces to assault it and take it, no doubt with a large number of casualties. Though there may have been as few as 10-15 Taliban in the compound (or as many as 50), they could have inflicted a large number of casualties on NATO forces. The fact that those buildings and walls can remain standing if more than ~70m from a JDAM impact, and the complexity of the compound makes 7 JDAMs the right call in my mind. you can add up the cost of the bombs and say is it worth it all you want... but add up the cost of one NATO soldier and see if it balances out.

OT: I love JSRS sounds, and of all the other soundmods out there only one other i felt was decent enough to use. I've tried all of them out there, and other than ACE SM, I couldn't stand any of them. I can't imagine playing the game without JSRS now, the sounds are that good.

Edited by franklin

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I found a video which shows very clearly the big difference between Supersonic ammunition and Subsonic ammunition.

Its not a good quality, but maybe its give you an impression ;D

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... you can add up the cost of the bombs and say is it worth it all you want... but add up the cost of one NATO soldier and see if it balances out...

True words!


Wow, thats really interesting indeed. I always thought it have something to do with the surpressor and the ammo only controlls if its flying super- or subsonic. But this is really interesting.


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Supersonic ammo creates a sound bang no matter how silent the weapon is, subsonic doesnt.

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But if you're downrange of a suppressed weapon, you will hear the loud supersonic crack when the bullet passes by. So you won't be able to use that loud sound to estimate the shooter's position.

Hence, 'a silencer doesn't make a shooter quiet, it makes him invisible.'

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when i use beta patch.ace 2 without ACEX_SM ,acre and JSRS mods on this mods do not work acre plugin on teamspeak can anyone help

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when i use beta patch.ace 2 without ACEX_SM ,acre and JSRS mods on this mods do not work acre plugin on teamspeak can anyone help

Yes, this question is better to be asked in the ACRE thread. However, I will say that I use the latest beta, ACE2, ACRE, Jayarmalib, and JSRS (as well as tons of other things) together and use ACRE just fine.

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LJ, I was playing an old chernarus domination last night and noticed some sound bugs, not sure if they are known so I'll list them anyway.

When inside the Knighthawk MH60-S in 1st person, the engine start up sounds are very loud, the same as the 3rd person sound levels, after the engine has started up the sounds get very low in 1st person, when switching to 3rd person they are ok. The bug I think is that the 1st person start up sounds are way too high.

When a friend was in a USMC M1A1, there were no firing sounds on my side, although I could hear and see impacts/impact sounds, this was on both machine gun and cannon, he could hear them on his side but I couldn't on mine, this was all on a dedicated server. Perhaps a broken script?

M203's make a strange hissing/warbling sound when shot close into the ground, HE nades ( Dont ask how we found this, I was surprised that my friend did this aswell :D )

That's the only issues I came across after about 5 hours of playing.

Edited by VIPER[CWW]

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M203's make a strange hissing/warbling sound when shot close into the ground' date=' HE nades ( Dont ask how we found this, I was surprised that my friend did this aswell :D ) [/quote']

Lol, yeah don't worry that would just be the "in-flight" sound of 40mm grenades LJ made. Unfortunately, I guess this is where limitations start coming into play as if it flops to the ground it still sounds as if it's still flying over your head. We both noticed it during some testing/coop'ing awhile ago. Not sure if there is a fix for it or what off hand, but we'll see what happens.

About the M1A1, I'm wondering if it's also the same bit of bug like the 1st/3rd firing sounds with like launchers as well. We've experienced it a few times where he's fired the LAW and I didn't hear it and vice versa. I don't think it happened all the time, but could be wrong. But reading your description, I can't help but wonder if it might be a shared bug... <ponders>

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The replacement UKF_weapons.cfg for JSRS 1.4.3. is no longer available - can someone look into this, or tell me where to find it? Googling has yielded zilch.

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The replacement UKF_weapons.cfg for JSRS 1.4.3. is no longer available - can someone look into this, or tell me where to find it? Googling has yielded zilch.


You won't need this anymore with the latest version of the UKF weapons. ;)

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;2131904']LJ' date=' I was playing an old chernarus domination last night and noticed some sound bugs, not sure if they are known so I'll list them anyway.

When inside the Knighthawk MH60-S in 1st person, the engine start up sounds are very loud, the same as the 3rd person sound levels, after the engine has started up the sounds get very low in 1st person, when switching to 3rd person they are ok. The bug I think is that the 1st person start up sounds are way too high.

When a friend was in a USMC M1A1, there were no firing sounds on my side, although I could hear and see impacts/impact sounds, this was on both machine gun and cannon, he could hear them on his side but I couldn't on mine, this was all on a dedicated server. Perhaps a broken script?

M203's make a strange hissing/warbling sound when shot close into the ground, HE nades ( Dont ask how we found this, I was surprised that my friend did this aswell :D )

That's the only issues I came across after about 5 hours of playing.[/quote']

Thanks for the info mate. The M203 rounds have a flyover sound. Normaly they just explode and "not exist" anymore, so the sound wont be played as well. But as Yokhanan said, if you shooting your grenade too close to an object, it wont explode and you still hear the overfly sound repeatly. I can fix that, no worries. But I never needed to fix it, till Yokhanan and I found that in a coop.

Lol, yeah don't worry that would just be the "in-flight" sound of 40mm grenades LJ made. Unfortunately, I guess this is where limitations start coming into play as if it flops to the ground it still sounds as if it's still flying over your head. We both noticed it during some testing/coop'ing awhile ago. Not sure if there is a fix for it or what off hand, but we'll see what happens.

About the M1A1, I'm wondering if it's also the same bit of bug like the 1st/3rd firing sounds with like launchers as well. We've experienced it a few times where he's fired the LAW and I didn't hear it and vice versa. I don't think it happened all the time, but could be wrong. But reading your description, I can't help but wonder if it might be a shared bug... <ponders>

Hey, thanks for taking care of the thread while I was away for a few days ;)

Yah I pretty sure this is a strange error which has nothing to do with the script. Cause the Shoting sound are just the normal sounds. Even the script sound work better than the normal sounds sometimes. The LAW we shot were also normal sounds. So I guess its one of those netframe errrors. Check the RPT if something like this happens.


You won't need this anymore with the latest version of the UKF weapons. ;)

They implemented it themselfs? Wow, pretty cool.


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